Legend's Ghost : Gatekeepers

Symphonic Metal / USA
(2014 - Self-Released)
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Motionless on a cold stone floor
Fragments of a dream drift around me
Trying to define the undefinable
Trying to comprehend the incomprehensible

A hand reaches out of me
Groping in the darkness for me
For what I lost
For what I never found
Grasping for a heart to beat with mine
Grasping for a soul to sing with mine

The song from my dream slowly fades
As I try to make out what it was trying to say
All I know is it was beautiful

A soft breeze blows on my cheek
Like a gentle kiss of peace
And yet still I reach, feeling nothing
Yet feeling warm and safe
As the walls around me crumble and shake

Slowly I rise and join the dance around me
The dance of all who've felt like me
A million hearts beating as one
A million souls singing as one

Each their own special part of this intricate dance
Entranced with this life-giving romance

But then the dream abruptly stops
I awaken once again on the floor
Still motionless
Still alone
Still reaching
Staring at the walls
Hoping one day they'll crumble again

I rise to my feet
Until that day, I'll dance


A thousand lips unkissed
No hope of love shall bring me
A thousand words unspoken
Can never unveil untold secrets of my heart
A thousand clues undiscovered
The enigma never demystifies
Yet in a thousand songs unsung,
My only hope of beauty

Beauty surreal
Feeding my soul
Haunting my mind
In this ancient, sacred grove
Accept my gift tonight
Gatekeeper, Songweaver
Bring my song to life

A thousand lips unkissed
No hope of love shall bring me
A thousand words unspoken
Can never unveil untold secrets of my heart
A thousand clues undiscovered
The enigma never demystifies
Yet in a thousand songs unsung,
My only hope of beauty




Take this key
Unlock my lonely ocean
Swim with me
Through the shimmering waves

Take my hand
And take my heart
Dance with me
Beneath the stars

Come swim with me
Through the shimmering waves
Let moonlight glimmer
On our naked bodies

Bare I stand before you
You refuse to get undressed
I whisper your name
You turn and walk away
Leaving me to drown

I have become ugly
You know too much
And care too little

Take this key
Unlock my lonely ocean
Swim with me...

You know too much and care too little


Long, graceful fingers on a guitar
His body was pure rhythm
Pure soul
Pure vibe
And in his eyes
A beautiful, gentle, ecstatic paradise
I watched him spellbound
He was passion personified

Next thing I knew
I was singing
I was singing like I'd never sung before
It felt so natural
Yet so surreal
So ethereal
So sublime
So sublime!

And then his heart began to beat with mine
And his soul began to sing with mine
And as I watched those long, graceful fingers
I could feel them
Feel them running through my hair
Caressing my breasts, my thighs, my belly
Touching every inch of my body
His rhythm, his vibe, his pulse flowing through me
As I was singing

Long, graceful fingers on a guitar
Long, graceful fingers all over my body
And in our souls, a beautiful, gentle, ecstatic paradise

We found paradise that night
We created life that night


Once I heard the Whisper
When music asked to embrace me
Beauty to caress me

I tried to understand
Too many theories voiced
Their thoughts buried mine
Buried the Whisper

Naked I lie in the moonlight
Come to me, my love
I remember your touch
Join with me
Take me out of myself
Become flesh once more

I murdered you
That I might survive
Withered what you touched
The pain you caused
Brought me to life
Joy in sorrow
Sorrow in joy
Alive in my mortality

I tried to understand
Too many theories voiced
Their thoughts buried mine
Buried the Whisper

Let me birth your child, the Whisper
She'll float away
I'll smile a sad smile

Deepest joy and deepest sorrow fused
In harmony and strife together passionate
I'll understand without words


The Mysterious Voice:
Kapinin otesinde yasayan
Pek cogunun aradigi
Pek azinca bulunan

The Artist:
In my darkest fantasies,
I am priestess and sacrifice for you, Songweaver!


Somewhere on a distant star
At the edge of the universe
There's a portal to a world of wonders
Unseen, unknown, unimagined
Guarded by the soul of one old and wise
The ghost of a legend long forgotten
If ye will enter, she bids thee speak
The answer to a riddle long forgotten
A song once sung
Now an echo's residue
No one understands,
Not even she who birthed it

At the Edge of Enigma
The Gatekeeper waits
Mysterious guardian
Of ghosts of stories never told
In the stillness
Of the edge of time and space
She weaves the sleepers' dreams
Through tapestries of songs unsung
Silently she floats above the nebulae
Some days she'd rather solve the mystery
Some days, she'd rather be it
Could she do both?

One will come someday
A seeker, a dreamer of dreams
One will know the answer
Without being told
Together they shall vanish
Never to return!

Away to the ecstasy
Of horror and wonder
Bliss and terror
Alive for the first time unsuppressed
They meld as one in passion

Wistful yet satisfied
Weeping and laughing
Beauty never beheld
They understand
Yet it matters no longer


[Part 1]


We are the seekers
Entrusted with the gift
Of weaving tears and laughter
Through a glimmering tapestry
Of sleeper's dreams, mythical fantasies, sirens' songs

Crone: Pain painted enchanting
Maiden: Joy, pure paradise's light
Crone+Maiden: Mystery, like the mystical fingers of leafless trees pointing skyward
(Mother ad-libs)

Crone: We know the words to the sirens' songs
Maiden: We see through the mists to the Isle of Avalon
Crone: We see Atlantis in its glory
Maiden: We hear the Sphynx's silent story

Mother: Ordinary becomes enigma and enigma, ordinary

Maiden: We touch the edge of the universe with our finger tips
Crone: We hear the ancient poetry dead on silent lips
Maiden: Fantastic flights through space and time
Crone: Seeing mundane become sublime

Mother: Ordinary becomes enigma and enigma ordinary

[Part 2]

Crone: Silently, she floats above the nebulae
Some days, she'd rather solve the mystery,
Some days she'd rather be it
Could she do both?

Mother: I tried to understand too many theories voiced

Maiden: You know too much but care too little

Mother: Their thoughts buried mine, buried the whisper

Maiden: You know too much

[Part 3]

Maiden: We are the poets, the music makers, the artists
Gatekeepers, weavers of dreams, seekers of beauty
Guardians of legends lost, keepers of the mystery

Mother: We are the poets, the music makers, the artists
Gatekeepers, weavers of dreams, seekers of beauty
Guardians of legends lost, keepers of the mystery

Crone: The long unspoken riddle, we finally understand
Mother: The whisper child returns to me, takes me by the hand
Crone: The ghosts of long lost legends, throughout the air resound
Mother: As the ancient magic explodes all around

Maiden: Beauty at last personified, we'll join in love!

[Part 4]

All: Our hidden world, you cannot comprehend
We show you
You see, yet you do not see


The Artist:
Vanished and gone!
They've all disappeared
Without a trace!

Who'll guard the secrets of the universe
And ghosts of stories never told
And weave the sleepers' dreams
Through tapestries of songs unsung?

So, what happens now?
Where do I go?
Where do I belong
Now that they're gone?

They showed me their world,
Their love
Their lives
A world so surreal, ethereal, sublime
It's what I've longed for all my life
I saw it
Now it's gone!

This gift of song's been given you
It's hidden power behold
A force as strong as life itself
Its passion's force
Within your mind unfold

As Gaia birthed this world
So you will birth your song
The Whisper child you thought was dead
Breathes life and magic
Through your soul
With passion ever strong!

Chorus of Gatekeeper Spirits:

This gift of song's been given you
It's hidden power behold
A force as strong as life itself
Its passion's force
Within your mind unfold

As Gaia birthed this world
So you will birth your song
The Whisper child you thought was dead
Breathes life and magic
Through your soul
With passion ever strong!

lyrics added by ericb4 - Modify this lyrics