Last Rites (USA-1) : Renatus

Technical Thrash / USA
(2016 - Self-Released)
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2. PSALM 1

Blessed is the man who hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly,
Nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in the chair of pestilence.

But his will is in the law of the Lord,
And on his law he shall meditate day and night.

And he shall be like a tree which is planted near the running waters,
Which shall bring forth its fruit, in due season.

And his leaf shall not fall off:
And all whatsoever he shall do shall prosper.

Not so the wicked, not so: but like the dust, which the wind driveth from the face of the earth.

Therefore the wicked shall not rise again in judgment: nor sinners in the council of the just.

For the Lord knoweth the way of the just:
And the way of the wicked shall perish.


Prostrate I adore Thee, Deity unseen,
Who Thy glory hidest 'neath these shadows mean;
Lo, to Thee surrendered, my whole heart is bowed,
Tranced as it beholds Thee, shrined within the cloud.


Can I ever
Attain to be near God's throne
A sinner never
Can never make it on his own
But I fight against every reason
That worthless vermin can still hope
To rise above our treason
And traverse perils safely home
But how can it be so?
How can God take me back?
A faithless worm, damned below
Sin has stained this soul black!

Mary take my hand
Pull me up to my feet again
To the promised land
Loving mistress without sin

Mary take my hand
Lead me to your Holy Son
To the promised land
With you by me, I'm not alone

All the earth
Boasts its evil as a good
What's it worth
The little that I wish I could
But every good that I will ever do
And every good that I've ever done
I give it all to you
Perfect it in grace for your Holy Son
You're the safest way
To conform to God's Holy Christ
You're the surest way
To make demons take to flight

Mary take my hand
Pull me up to my feet again
To the promised land
Loving mistress without sin

Mary take my hand
Lead me to your Holy Son
To the promised land
With you by me, I'm not alone

As I ready
To meet eternity
Keep me safe
From sins gravity as I die...

Mary's hand to hold
What consolation to be not alone
Please plead my soul
Before God's majestic throne

I pass the gate
To the glory of the Trinity
It's not left to fate
She leads us to Jesus in eternity


Taste, and touch, and vision, to discern Thee fail;
Faith, that comes by hearing, pierces through the veil.
I believe whate'er the Son of God hath told;
What the Truth hath spoken, that for truth I hold.

6. PSALM 2

Why have the Gentiles raged,
And the people devised vain things?

The kings of the earth stood up,
And the princes met together,
Against the Lord and against his Christ.

Let us break their bonds asunder:
And let us cast away their yoke from us.

He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh at them:
And the Lord shall deride them.
Then shall he speak to them in his anger,
And trouble them in his rage.

But I am appointed king by him
Over Sion his holy mountain,
Preaching his commandment.

The Lord hath said to me:
Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee.
Ask of me, and I will give thee
The Gentiles for thy inheritance,
And the utmost parts of the earth
For thy possession.
Thou shalt rule them with a rod of iron,
And shalt break them in pieces like a potter's vessel.

And now, O ye kings, understand:
Receive instruction, you that judge the earth.
Serve ye the Lord with fear:
And rejoice unto him with trembling.

Embrace discipline, lest at any time the Lord be angry,
And you perish from the just way.
When his wrath shall be kindled in a short time,
Blessed are all they that trust in him.


On the Cross lay hidden but thy Deity,
Here is hidden also Thy Humanity:
But in both believing and confessing, Lord,
Ask I what the dying thief of Thee implored.

8. PSALM 3

The psalm of David when he fled from the face of his son Absalom.

Why, O Lord, are they multiplied that afflict me?
Many are they who rise up against me.
Many say to my soul:
There is no salvation for him in his God.

But thou, O Lord art my protector,
My glory, and the lifter up of my head.
I have cried to the Lord with my voice:
And he hath heard me from his holy hill.

I have slept and taken my rest:
And I have risen up, because the Lord hath protected me.

I will not fear thousands of the people,
Surrounding me: arise, O Lord; save me, O my God.

For thou hast struck all them
Who are my adversaries without cause:
Thou hast broken the teeth of sinners.

Salvation is of the Lord:
And thy blessing is upon thy people.


Thy dread wounds, like Thomas, though I cannot see,
His be my confession, Lord and God, of Thee,
Make my faith unfeigned ever-more increase,
Give me hope unfading, love that cannot cease.


He was more of a man than I will ever be
A handyman who provided for his family
Every day he was committed to this task
I'm not sure but I think if you'd ask
He'd give you his jacket in the rain
Or listen to you scream through your pain
But I really don't know what he would say
I think that he would rather pray

A quiet man was he
A pinnacle of charity
An example of humility

There really isn't much that we know
About this man, this holy Joe
No one alive has ever heard him speak
Actions are louder for a man this meek
But he did what God made him to be
To make a home for just three
Take a pregnant virgin girl as a wife
And protect God's only Son's life

A quiet man was he
The height of purity
An example of chastity

Teach me Joe
What you know
Of this woe
Called life

To be a man
Of God's plan
And to stand
For right

Give me your humility
Your chastity
Your charity
Your purity

More man than I'll ever be
I hope one day, we could meet


O memorial wondrous of the Lord's own death;
Living Bread, that giveth all Thy creatures breath,
Grant my spirit ever by Thy life may live,
To my taste Thy sweetness never-failing give.

12. PSALM 4

Unto the end, in verses. A psalm for David.

When I called upon him,
The God of my justice heard me:
When I was in distress, thou hast enlarged me.
Have mercy on me: and hear my prayer.

O ye sons of men,
How long will you be dull of heart?
Why do you love vanity,
And seek after lying?

Know ye also that the Lord
Hath made his holy one wonderful:
The Lord will hear me
When I shall cry unto him.

Be angry, and sin not:
The things you say in your hearts,
Be sorry for them
Upon your beds.

Offer up the sacrifice of justice,
And trust in the Lord:
Many say,
Who sheweth us good things?

The light of thy countenance O Lord,
Is signed upon us:
Thou hast given gladness
In my heart.
By the fruit of their corn,
Their wine and oil, they are multiplied.
In peace in the selfsame I will sleep,
And I will rest:

For thou, O Lord, singularly hast settled me in hope.


Pelican of mercy, Jesus, Lord and God,
Cleanse me, wretched sinner, in Thy Precious Blood:
Blood where one drop for human-kind outpoured
Might from all transgression have the world restored.

14. PSALM 5

Unto the end, for her that obtaineth the inheritance. A psalm of David.

Give ear, O Lord, to my words,
Understand my cry.
Hearken to the voice of my prayer
O my King and my God.
For to thee will I pray:

O Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear my voice.
In the morning I will stand before thee, and will see:
Because thou art not a God that willest iniquity.
Neither shall the wicked dwell near thee:
Nor shall the unjust abide before thy eyes.
Thou hatest all the workers of iniquity:
Thou wilt destroy all that speak a lie.
The bloody and the deceitful man
The Lord will abhor.

But as for me
In the multitude of thy mercy,
I will come into thy house;
I will worship towards thy holy temple,
In thy fear.

Conduct me, O Lord, in thy justice:
Because of my enemies, direct my way in thy sight.
For there is no truth in their mouth; their heart is vain.
Their throat is an open sepulchre:
They dealt deceitfully with their tongues:
Judge them, O God. Let them fall from their devices:
According to the multitude of their wickedness
Cast them out: for they have provoked thee,
O Lord.

But let all them be glad that hope in thee:
They shall rejoice for ever,
And thou shalt dwell in them.
And all they that love thy name
Shall glory in thee:

For thou wilt bless the just.
O Lord, thou hast crowned us,
As with a shield of thy good will.


Jesus, whom now veiled, I by faith descry,
What my soul doth thirst for, do not, Lord, deny,
That thy face unveiled, I at last may see,
With the blissful vision blest, my God, of Thee.

16. PSALM 6

O Lord, rebuke me not in thy indignation,
Nor chastise me in thy wrath.
Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am weak:
Heal me, O Lord, for my bones are troubled.
And my soul is troubled exceedingly:
But thou, O Lord, how long?

Turn to me, O Lord, and deliver my soul:
O save me for thy mercy's sake.
For there is no one in death, that is mindful of thee:
And who shall confess to thee in hell?
I have laboured in my groanings, every night I will wash my bed:
I will water my couch with my tears.
My eye is troubled through indignation:
I have grown old amongst all my enemies.

Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity:
For the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping.
The Lord hath heard my supplication:
The Lord hath received my prayer.

Let all my enemies be ashamed,
And be very much troubled:
Let them be turned back,
And be ashamed very speedily.


Can you truly sip of His Cup
And Hand your life over to sinners
To be tortured, Disfigured, and maimed
Pain gifted you in the worst way
Can you truly drink deep of this cup?
And not be consumed with seething hate
As they destroy everything that is you
Because you dared to speak the truth?

Look deep into those sinners eyes
As they lead you up the gallow stairs
As your cities burn to ash behind
As they do what they know not, completely blind
Look deep into your killer's eyes
As they vomit their venom in your ears
In different skin, the same lies of old
But refuse from your flesh not a single blow

See the crowd around you gathered
And not see a single familiar face
In a strange land as hope begins to wane
And question whether you are even sane
See all of humanity gathered around
And know that you suffer for the Christ
Do those doubts begin to take hold?
Do you see yourself abandoned from His fold?

Can you hold fast to your tongue?
As your body falls through the trapdoor
And not curse a single living soul
But rather take the higher road
Your neck cracks as your vision blacks out
The roar of the crowd fades away
Before you shines without a sound
The Celestial Queen with the martyr's crown

Will you not shed a veil of tears
As one by one these souls fall away
Not moved by your loving sacrifice
Not turning away from the sin and vice
Until the very last witness
Of your unjust execution
Gives his all to God before his death
Before his last kin, with his dying breath

A thousand years have since passed
Since you gave your last breath
To the creator of the universe
At the hands of wicked sinners
Only one was saved on that day
But many more came to Christ
All it takes is one act of love
And that was all you were asked of

One act of Love

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