L'Âme Immortelle : Fallen Angel

Gothic Electro / Austria
(2005 - GUN Records)
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I found you broken on the ground
And from your mouth a bitter sound
That became sweeter as I approached
You in your deepest agony

I put you up and raised you well
And more than stories ever tell
I feel in love with you those days
And hoped that you would too

You've been a fallen angel
Ripped out of the sky
But as your wings grew strong enough
You left me - behind to die

We built up a own world together
For our future I assumed
I believed in what you said that day
But was already doomed

The more you've learned and grown
The less you cared for me
But I was too blinded by my feelings
To see the dawning agony

"I love you more than I can say
And we will never part"
You told me nearly every day
But still you broke my heart

As soon as you could fly again
Into the open sky
You left me without any reason
Back on this world to die


Für dieses Welt da scheint mein Leben
Von Schmerz und Leiden stets verschont
Und niemand wagt es zu erahnen,
Dass hier ein finst`rer Schatten wohnt

Dass in der Hülle, die da scheint
Als ob nur Freude ihr entspringt
Ein schwarzes Loch stets um sich greift
Eine Seel' um`s überleben ringt

Doch irgendwo in finst`rer Nacht
Scheint ein Stern für mich in seiner Pracht
Er scheint für mich, für all mein Leid
Und träumt wie ich von Geborgenheit

Was ist es was mich dazu bringt
Sobald Menschen mich umringen
Und Wörter wie aus Strömen fließen
In eine Rolle mich zu zwingen

Das ist mein Leben und mein Fluch
Ein Auge lacht, das andere weint
Und mein Mund in Deinem Auge
Immerfort zu lächeln scheint

Doch irgendwo in finst`rer Nacht
Scheint ein Stern für mich in seiner Pracht
Er weint für mich, für all mein Leid
Und träumt wie ich von Zärtlichkeit




What has happened to you?
What has changed you in this way?
I cannot get through to you
Doesn't matter what I say

What happened to the child in you?
To the darkness you disbanded?
I try to listen to your voice
But cannot understand it

Can you hear me calling?
Are you listening to me?
Can you see me falling?
Or are you too blind to see?

Have you spoken to me?
Have I felt a breath of you?
Did I catch a glimpse of light
Of the person that I knew

Just to understand the reasons
I would go, where you've gone to
But please give me just one sign
So I know it's still you


(See track # 1)

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