Iron Reagan : Worse Than Dead

Crossover / Etats-Unis
(2013 - A389 Recordings)
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How could you just stand there and not take their side
And witness your own people fight
How could you just sit there while all this goes on
Knowing the side you stand for is so wrong

You're just being used as you already know
How far can you let this thing go
Will you feel betrayed once the crisis is gone
And you're standing there with no one

You just played the game
While your peers look on
You should be ashamed
You should drop the gun

I guess you're just working and doing your job
Oppressing those who help your rights
But some day that guilt's going to catch up real soon
And then it will eat you alive


I'm never going back to sleep
Here's the reason why
I feel the next time I do
I'm surely going to die

I really can't tell for sure but I bet it's over there
Slightly out of focus floating somewhere in the air

It's always going to show up, it's never going to go
Does someone have some pointers because I probably need to know

I'm never going there's no reason why


Have you any idea what you are
Con artist, unbalanced
To be predicting the end of days
Preaching myths to the masses

Oh God, if you do exist
Muzzle this harebrained, audacious prick
The world will sing
Go to hell, Harold Camping!

Think for yourself, don't be devoured by his fictitious assumptions
He's a dispatcher of fantasy
Delivering myths to the masses

I know exactly what you are
God speaks to me too, from afar
Yes, I predict
the death of one Harold Camping


Mandating slaughter of public views
Dictatorship prevails, rioting ensues
Just don't ask questions, censor the news
These are all the attributes in the

Cycle of violence

Our peoples' voices protest our rights
Deteriorating promise truth burns in the fight
Don't try to stop us, it's in our sights
And this just fuels the hate and spite in the

Cycle of violence

It's a cycle of violence
The cycle will never end


What the fuck happened
We're barely awake
Someone just made a terrible mistake

It's our time to exit
It better be fast
or the repercussions are going to be bad

Eyes, piss, tears

It's just a shame
You might want to call it a day
She's scared for life and I want to erase this from my mind
For years
Burnt in our brains now all we see is

Eyes, piss, tears

Head for the door
Don't look back
You should have took cover
But who'd expect that

It got on the books and everything else

The police are coming let's head for the hills
A horrible way to being a week
When all we just wanted was a place to sleep
Eyes, piss, tears

It's such a shame
They're not going to forget that day
We're scared for years
Burnt in our brains now all we see is

Eyes, piss, tears


They'll all think I'm crazy
I'll tell them I got brainwashed
They'll just try to help me
And forget all this death I caused

Like John from Flint
A business man
I slit his neck and watched his end

That's just one example
There's plenty more where that's from
But I just found a loophole
The system's finest outcome


I've known some selfish fucks but your face points its blame
An egotistical, know-it-all self-proclaimed
Head held high like you're God's gift to man
But you're crammed with ridiculous thoughts
Simple minded spam

Spent too much time defending your halo
Burning bridge after bridge is all you know

You refuse to believe it, but we're all laughing in your face
because your self constructed genius is a joke, a fraud, a fake

You're a joke, a fraud, a fake
Suck it up, you're a joke, a fraud, a fake


I hear what you're saying
but think you're faking
Remorse for the violence
I need more time to finally be convinced

Like rats in a cage
Pumped full of drugs then squashed out like bugs
The end of an age
Just shut your mouth and watch as we're all wiped out

Our new mission is
Find a reason why we're all dying
While their profits keep on multiplying


Patiently waiting day after day
For next time you can strike
With words as your weapons waging a war
For your own meaningless fight

You've shown no compassion to things in this world
Laughed at the pain others felt
You can't wrap your brain around anything real
Since you've never lived it yourself

We know you're hiding
So what's there to laugh at?
No one's smiling now
Your time is running out

When you realize your life's filled with the hate
You helped create all yourself
The attention you craved has now caused you to rot alone in your own private hell


Here I sit with wounds and bruised
Head's pounding, I'm so confused
How did I get signed up for this
I'm sure the point is something I have missed

Fighting for my life, I remain loyal
It makes the blood inside me boil
It's getting harder, but I pull through

But that's not an excuse

They'll have to bring it on, I know that I'm going strong
I've been learning from the best, now I'm ready for the test

Loyal to the code, it's not my first rodeo
Another face to wreck for another motherfucking paycheck


Metal and mean rolling machine, if you see me get the fuck off the scene
3-tone wreck wreaks hell on the street, thunderous danger if ever we meet
9 in the gallon, ten in the tank, no friends on the road
Nobody to thank
Scars and scrapes, rusted intake, I always get the right of the way

Take notes, take heed
Rule of the road, you must obey

Don't care, don't need
This is my way

Rubbed in filth on the door of the car
Law of the road, open for war

Take notes, take heed
Rule of the road, you must obey

Don't care, don't need
This is my way

The Murder Mile, all of them, run down

A ballet of footwork in a floor full of trash
The hood, the doors, crushed and bashed
Brake pad screams like the angel of death
The beast, the horror, dead black breath

This is my way


My arm's broken in two, go to the waiting room
(Everything's going to be alright!)
And then you'll call my name? Please sit and don't complain
(Everything's going to be alright!)
It's been two hours man! We'll do the best we can
(Everything's going to be alright!)
Just help me numb the pain, try and relax, ok?

Everything's going to be alright!
Going to be alright!

You covered or self pay? Not a penny to my name
(They're going to bill me for life!)
The total that you owe, is that seven zeroes?
(They're going to bill me for life!)
And here's the interest rate, I'm ruined, fucked, a waste
(They're going to bill me for life!)
We care about your health, misfortune is their wealth

They're going to bill me for life!
Bill me for life!
I'll never be all right

Debt! Collections!
Your life is no exception, human needs are compromised
Debt! Collections!
Affordable health is the deception, pay up front or fucking die




You don't know what's best for their bodies
Stop slandering victims, forcing motherhood

It's because it's their choice entirely
Who are we to brandish the innocent forced to live with this wound

Not you, not you
Stop! This wound!
Not you, not you

I'll never know what's best for their bodies
But I don't believe this choice is made by fascist laws
You'll never know their hurt so stop trying
And you'll never understand the obstacles, the anguish involved

Not you, not you



Each time that I hear a shrill word out your mouth
There's just one thing I'd like to do
But I must confess before we move on
There's something I must say to you

Eat shit! And live, you'll never be the same
Or go die! But I feel you're much more fun in pain
Eat shit! And live, I'd rather see you squirm
So feast now, or soon be food for all the worms

I know that my methods are twisted and sick
I'm sure you didn't have a clue
Of all of these fucked up things that I planned the second I got a hold of you

Eat shit! And live, you'll never be the same
Or go die! But I feel you're much more fun in pain


33 dead, must of got up on the wrong side of the bed
23 years old, bought his weapons from home
with just one simple click

Families cry, "Why did our children die?"
Is the killer all to blame?
The innocent pay when the USA sends gun reform to the grave

In America, why is it so simple?
With their agenda, now a devious bastard can carry out his wrath

Two examples, two examples, two examples

Are you next?!

12 people dead, a lunatic killer with his hair dyed orange red
24 years old, armed head to toe, thanks so much Mr. Heston
How many have died, society's blind, is this madman all to blame?
Such a disgrace, now they have a place, in the asshole hall of fame

In America, why is it so simple?
With this agenda, now these devious bastards can carry out their wrath


Mid day
Dead end road
One mission
To dispose
The snakes who cross this property
That dare to slither in my reach
Will have to face the consequence of judge and jury
Death sentence

He's got the perfect tools for the job
For all parties involved

Snake chopper
Young and bored
Blood and gore
Extermination, self defense
A product of my own violence
A perfect weapon has evolved
To kill all snaked with just one chop

He's got the perfect tools for the job
For all parties involved

Snake chopper


I guess I'll take this lying down
Unexpected intruder
When no ones around
It crawls into my brain and stirs

Cold sweat delusions
Panic filled illusions
Temperature gets hotter
Realistic horror
Brace yourself
This hell of a time
Fever dreams will warp your mind

I guess i"ll take this lying down
No way to defend myself
All thoughts are unwound
Trapped in my own living hell


Up since 4, not a thing done
Can't get a break of a quarter past one
No days off, impatiently wait
While all I hear all day is your complaints

I'm gonna walk out
I've had enough
I'm gonna walk out
This place is fucked

What's going to happen? Will your brain melt?
When you have to do all this shit yourself
Because soon it's coming and when it starts
Your whole worlds going to fall apart

I'm gonna walk out
I've had enough
I'm gonna walk out
This place sucks!

paroles ajoutées par Extrematomik - Modifier ces paroles