Inkubus Sukkubus : Belladonna and Aconite

Metal Gothique / Royaume-Uni
(1993 - Resurrection Records)
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Inkubus Sukkubus - "Beltaine" :
Underneath the neolithic sky
Where the beasts are so proud to die
Across the sea of a million dreams
Where nothing is as it once seemed
I hear the Pan Pipes playing
In what the wind is saying
Here comes the fallen angel
Here comes the long-dead god
Back from the years in exile
Here comes the wild Pagan heart
And the May Queen sings her song
For her consort who is gone
Children mourn the loss of Pan
Whom Death banished from this land
It has been two thousand years
The earth is soaked with blood and tears
The once-great Lord of the Hunt lies slain
His bride's a-burning in the flame
Mother Earth lies raped and poisoned
The final day draws ever closer
To a time of ice and fire
She shall be a funeral pyre

Inkubus Sukkubus - "Belladonna & Aconite" :
Belladonna and aconite
Give to me the gift of flight
Take me up, airborne in the night
In a dream, across the sky
A hundred-million miles high
Take me ever onwards in the night
Dark sisters join my night flight
See how far you can climb
Holt's with us on this bright night
Ride with him ‘cross the sky
As a screaming horde
We cut the scape
The Devil's Apple exacerbates
To the sabbat on a demon steed I ride
Across the astral plane we race
The universe my fingers trace
And I am lost forever in my mind

Inkubus Sukkubus - "Soul Inside" :
Waking in the still of night
Darkness all around
Cold walls whisper to my soul
Of pleasures never found
I scream your name to shrouded ears
You hear what charms you most
And though I know what gifts you hold
I cannot love a ghost
I felt your spirit in me
It thrilled me so
If I ever can touch your skin
My love will surely grow
Wrapped within your lucent arms
There safety with my love
Asylum for a bleeding heart
Though limbs not flesh nor blood
Oh, let me just be close to you
Of what else do I care
And if it means another world
Then that will be my prayer

Inkubus Sukkubus - "Song Of The Siren" :
Draw near, closer now
Into my painted wings
What man can resist
When the Siren sings
Let not your ears be deadened
By the ocean's roar
Just hear my sweet lament
And I'll ask no more
Give up your will to me!
You've travelled far, my love
And the sea's been cruel
Come rest with me awhile
Why act like a fool
For I will guide your ship
To my welcome shore
So give your soul to me
When you hear the call
Upon this crimson rock
Your body lying still
And from your broken veins
I will drink my fill
Your love has given me
Meaning to my song
Within my empty heart
Is where your blood belongs

Inkubus Sukkubus - "Vampyres" :
In the hush of the gloaming
As the young sleep without a care
Dark lovers greet the cool night sky
And drink of the liquid air
The time has come for the eternal young
To leave the still of the earth
And rush through the night
In their nocturnal flight
Wild beneath the midnight sun
Those who have tasted it satiates
It's an experience you won't want to miss
So cast out your fears, they're ever near
So much can change with a single kiss
They come on wings of black kid leather
Anaemia adds haste to the flight
The sky is alive with anticipation
Another soul will join them tonight
With one fatal kiss of exquisite bliss
Your body is left pale in the wake
But the vampyre catalepsy is brief
And pretty soon you'll join the feast of blood

Inkubus Sukkubus - "Eternity" :
Lying ‘neath the trees your arms enfold me
There's some sweet magic
In the way you hold me
I feel the power in your midnight eyes
Let me drink deep from your witches potion
Like the trees we will sway in motion
Watch our souls tumbling from the sky
Wrap me up within your cloak of myst'ry
All nature holds its breath
Whene'er you kiss me
Hear my secrets uttered in my sighs
You know I'll always love you
As the Moon shines far above you
You know I'll always love you
May her light shine on our love
Fall with me into the deepest ocean
And let our bodies drown in pure emotion
I feel that I'm immortal by your side
We'll live this life and then we'll live another
For all of time I hope you'll be my lover
We'll be as one long after we've died

Inkubus Sukkubus - "Incubus" :
I feel you drawing near
And I will show no fear
No pleasure be denied me
A hunger grows inside me
I need your fiery kisses
Thrill me with your icy touch
What mortal lover would
Ever hope to give a woman this much
Dream lover, dream lover
Deceiver, Reliever
Dream lover, dark brother
I'll open my soul just to give you my whole
Man's greed has known no boundaries
His cruelty has no end
I feel desire as you do
So why need it so offend you?
Speak not your words of anger
Carnal acts by the Devil's will
I don't hear your accusations
Someone slipped me a happiness pill!

Inkubus Sukkubus - "All The Devil's Men" :

All the Devil's Men
In Christ's name they do their evil
All the Devil's Men
Still mad and medieval
With their swords and with their guns
And poisoned words upon their tongues
All the Devil's Men
Hear the children scream
For they shall teach them Christian values
Put monsters in their dreams
And subject them to pain and torment
With their straps and with their canes
They shall teach them fear and shame
All the Devil's Men
If they can't burn you at the stake
Then your children they will take
Will the malice of their lies
They are here to defile
To destroy all our lives
What they do, they do for Christ
And we are all the victims
Every man, woman and child
All the Devil's Men
Their twin gods are Christ and Satan
All the Devil's Men
Hide your babes for they shall take them
With the law upon their side
They bring death and genocide
All the Devil's Men
By the sword and by the lash
They will break you, they will take you
In the shadow of their cross
Lie the victims of their tortures
In the churches and the schools
They still take us for their fools
All the Devil's Men
All the Devil's Men
Clutching to their dying empire
All the Devil's Men
Clutching at their blood-stained bibles
Their final days have come at last
And they shall fade into the past
All the Devil's Men!

Inkubus Sukkubus - "I Am The One" :
I am the One
From the dark side of your dreams
I am the One
The one who hears your screams
I am the One, I am the One
I am a vampyre a-calling for your love
I am the fire that burns within your blood
I am the One, I am the One
No bars or chains can keep me from your bed
Nothing on earth can get me from your head
I am the One, I am the One
I'm the angel of your desire
Burning in the night
I'm the pyre, I'm the fire
Come to set you alight
I'm the One
Forget the past, live only for tonight
How many loves have shared such pure delight?
I am the One, I am the One
Rest now, my love, let troubles slip away
I shall return on the darkening of the day
I am the One, I am the One

Inkubus Sukkubus - "Old Hornie" :
A breath of wind has stirred me
From hypnotic lands
The cup falls from my hands
I feel your spirit come
A-rushing through the trees
Your call upon the breeze
Let us sing to Herne tonight
Come join his dance of life
Let us sing to Herne tonight
And join his dance of life
Proud horned one come now
With swiftness and with mirth
Be with us on this earth
We praise the phallus that has
Brought the gift of life
Join with me in this rite

Inkubus Sukkubus - "Vlad" :
How I've loved you
And will always love you
You were the one to light
The stars in my night
Why can't one of such
Beauty live forever
Hear my soul scream its plight
You were the gift of joy
You were my light
You gave so much to life
My angel of the night
Oh hear me call you
I'll always call for you
Though you are no longer here
May my voice be carried
To your spectral ears
I need to know you are near

Inkubus Sukkubus - "Samhain" :
From the west comes old Death
A-riding on the storm
With hungry eyes for funeral fires
To burn till the morrow's dawn
For tis the night, here comes the dead
Unbound from the Underworld
And the children dress as the babes of Hell
All the boys and all the girls
And the fires shall burn
And the wheel of life shall turn
And the dead come back home on Samhain
And in the night sky
On the lunar light they fly
And the dead come back home on Samhain
At the Sabbat high on the funeral hill
Wait the witches at the feast
For the first winter's day
The first winter's sun
A-rising in the east
For Death has come for the summertime
And to take the leaves of spring
Hecate, Nemesis, Dark Mother take us in

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