Hyban Draco : Frozen Whispers

Black Death / Espagne
(2010 - Copro Records)
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When some old men are able to know
They are considered insane

The wise ones live disturbed, isolated into the hills
Where forest can protect them

Some strange beings will come
And will rule the world

People turned a deaf ear when they heard it
They looked for shelter in their own ignorance

The wise ones live disturbed, isolated into the hills
Where forest can protect them

They ask for they way
We have seen it in our dreams
A new world, where chaos reigns
A prophecy which will be fulfilled

You won’t wait more than a year to see in the sky
The first effects of their power

In the prophecy the red blood storm is heralded

Look at the sky look at the stars
Because they will soon disappear

Think in blood think in dead
It is a prophecy of insane


In the sky of a day
No light could be seen
It was wholly overcast
And then red clouds froze the horizon

This is the sky
Of the death
That prophecy
Was being fulfilled
This is the frozen, sky
A sky!

It was then when it began raining
It was the storm of blood
So many feared the worst
Demons will come very soon

They were the angels
Of darkness
Who with their power
Will devastate…

This is the storm of the death
The fight for life begins
It was the demonized blood
That froze the sky

In the glory of a night
All just believed in the prophecy
The blood had dirtied their houses
And fear took possession of them all

They were the angels
Of darkness
Who with their power
Will devastate…


Like thunder they ride
Bearing steel in their hand
We are worms for the natural law
They are the kingdom come of this era

When demons call you all shall kneel
Praying for your lives but none shall live
Convert to the law or all hopes will be gone
Beware of the sky through thunder they will come

Gaia give us strength
Raise our soul to the world
To you we give our lives
We are yours as we die

When demons call you all shall kneel
Praying for your lives but none shall live
Convert to the law or all hopes will be gone
Beware of the sky through thunder they will come

Through thunder I’ll come
When nature calls
Convert to the law
Or sure you will die

Like thunder they crash
Spreading justice over we all
Give me your blood or we shall drink
Drown deeper into the flood

When demons call you all shall kneel
Praying for your lives but none shall live
Convert to the law or all hopes will be gone
Beware of the sky through thunder they will come

A deep silence has taken the surroundings
They are everywhere
When they attack we die we die


A deep silence has taken the surroundings
They are everywhere
When they attack we die we die

Only the wise ones are protected thanks to their wisdom
They hide into the woods
And say our time is ending

Mothers take their children they don’t want them to die
In this fury hands many suicide
And other deicide to hide or run

These beings aren’t mortal their looks are inexpressive
They haven’t expression their eyes never alter
When they attack we die we die

We have come to kill you
We will spread chaos
Our sound
Will penetrate inside your ears

Then you will die


The powerful sounds have entered in the third angle
The winged winds can hear your surprised voices
The power of evil will fall over the earth

Fight, fight until your last breath
To demonstrate then our power
This is the sound of ancestral demons

We have come to stay
You are in a place you don't deserve
We are devil's blood bringers

We shall search in the darkest nook
We shall finish the last breath off
Nothing will stop the demoniac fury

We enjoy watching your suffering
We enjoy cutting your heads
This is the sound of ancestral demons

We shall destroy your houses with fire
We shall spill your blood
You don't know what the suffering is

Power power power power power
Death death death death death
The sound of ancestral


In the dawn when we sleep
A new hunt starts for them

Their scythes are mortal
They posses a celestial force

We must fight
To keep our honour safe
Those demons won’t forbear
Until all will be devastated

From thunder they arrive
But the storm is not ended

They drink our blood
Soon we must think to escape

We must fight
To keep our honour safe
Those demons won’t forbear
Until all will be devastated


Since the bloody storm
The horizon is changing
The thunders of wrath sleep in the sky
If they awake everything will end

Those who still stand look for protection
They mourn theirs death
demons have´nt compassion
Their faces don’t show pity
Only destruction

Far away a crash is heard
It is the sound of ancestral demons
That means they come
And all must run to the hills

Escaping is useless
For sooner or later it will fall over us
The demons have not compassion
Their faces don’t show pity
Only destruction

We invoke the evil to make you suffer
We wait between your laments
To see tear of suffering

Gaia will not help you
The gods are on our side
They want to see tears
Of suffering

They have ended their path yet
We have nothing to do
We can only wait for our turn
Their power is unbeatable
Damned prophecy!
We should had to believe in it

Escaping is useless
For sooner or later it will fall over us
The demons have not compassion
Their faces don’t show pity
Only destruction


Suffering, dead, this is what we have brought to the world
Now gaia is ours and none of your gods will never help you

Dead dead the sun isn’t here to light them
Looking our relatives we found our death
Thunders more thunders in each one a demon travels

This world is different, all is ending
Nobody will survive, this storm will never end
Every thunder brings the death

This world is different, all is ending
Nobody will survive, this storm will never end
Every thunder brings the death

From the realms of the death we watched you
It was known by the wise ones

If you exterminate us we will do the same as you,
we will wait the necessary

We can’t do anything

You can’t do anything

Dead dead the sun isn’t here to light them
Looking our relative we found our death
Thunders more thunders in each one a demon travels


This world is different, all is ending
Nobody will survive, this storm will never end
Every thunder brings the death

Thank you for this place, we like it very much
Your corpses don’t scream yet
Good bye



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