Grind Zero : Concealed in the Shadow

Death Metal / Italie
(2018 - Punishment 18 Records)
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Concealed in the shadows
Eternal wicked leech
I sense your hateful eyes
Of misery beseech

I will
Devour your soul
Clutch like a blade
Your body as a whole

I will
Devour your soul
Clutch like a blade
Feculent fool

You feed on misgivings
You watch and acknowledge
Greedy profiteer
Overlord of irrelevance

Your doomsday has come
Your plans I defeat
I see your true form
The master of deceit

Spill the blood
Carve the flesh
Rip the eyes
Cut the veins

Spill the blood to end your nourishment
Carve the flesh, get away from me
Rip the eyes, everything turns black
Cut the veins – it’s too late

Soul collected

Between the pages of my book
You are now squashed in


No defenses
I see you’re fleeing
No place to hide
I’ll crush your being

Numberless drops
Of concentrate acid
Reach your body
You are completely burned

Skin removed
Bones exposed
Ulcerated flesh
Blood profuses from the lesions

You beg for grace
For a swift death

A cold embrace
To exhale the last breath

Your terrorized soul
It looks for a shelter
Everything except your body

Down through the epidermis layers


I make you assist
To your own melt
Starting from extremities

Piece by piece
Flesh reduced to a shapeless lump
Drop by drop
Smoke rises from your wracked remains


When did it begin?
A life of lies a life of sway

See you in hell
See you in hell



See you in hell

Poisoned words like a plague
Spit around to pollute the air
Swear and trust come to an end
With endless grief it’s time to amend

And cleanse your soul

Into the flames

And rip your tongue

In a purifying combust

For every falsity you said during this life
Crawling maggots will fill up your mouth
Verminous flesh will flourish into your brain
So many, many enough to break up your skull

Perpetual immense torment
Purification through immolation

Subterranean creatures rise
Will feast upon your infamous demise
No time to pray your saviour

Muffled screams, suppressed breath
Severed flesh will lead to death
The right end for a traitor


Simple minded subjugated
Brutal jobs are needed to be done
Couples in hidden places
Completely unaware of what
Is going to happen


Seek your victims
Random chosen
For your master’s pleasure
Shoot them down
Hide his corpse
Prepare her for the ritual

Crack her limbs
Ready to cut her organs
Unknown pleasure
Genitals collector

Cruel butchers
Mind controlled
Full of insanity


Gruesome seventeen
And seven executions
Masters cryptically covered
By the institutions


Wisdom flows
Consciousness subdued

Mislead behaviours
Secular untruth

Reality secluded

My eyes are grow dim by blackned light
Nefarious knowledge corrupts my mind
My inner nature blindly follows a pathway
Lead by the light-bearers and forever betrayed

To the abyss gate

Born to bring your sun down
I reject your doctrine now
Frostbitten in the longest night
Darkness devour the light

Cult of nothing comes to an end
No more morbid ceremonies
Where individual is lost

My eyes are grow dim by blackned light
Nefarious knowledge corrupts my mind

Born to bring your sun down
I reject your doctrine now
Frostbitten in the longest night
Darkness devoures the light

A gray desolation and solitude
Worm their way
In the depth of my soul

Wisdom flows
Consciousness subdued

Mislead behaviour
Secular untruth

Reality secluded


Who will cry for this death?
Can a shadow end its path?

For endless time this putrid wraith
Feasted on memories of me
With a continuous mind abuse
I have been turned into a shadow

No dark no light awaits for me
No trace of me into this world
Get rid of this curse
Welcome, the cold embrace of death

Death of a shadow

Stuck forever in place with no time
Reminiscences of me covered with grime

I am banished!
Erased forever
From this earth

I am banished!
As restless pale shade
Exist no more


Conjured in a vivid dream,
Your cold pale skin is like a gleam
I am entirely lost within
A caressing sweet stream

Fears are far away now
Unseen power from your crown
I can sense your scented voice
I’m bewitched and there’s no choice

In a flowery meadow
You fade away in a white cold mist
As an endless night
I feel the dark of the winter

The memories in your shrine
Priceless gift from your shine

In a flowery meadow
You fade away in a white cold mist
As an endless night
I feel the dark of the winter

Fears are far away now
Unseen power from your crown

The memories in your shrine
Priceless gift from your shine

In a flowery meadow
You fade away in a white cold mist
As an endless night
I feel the dark of the winter


Under this low sky
The biting reek of death
Crawling hands try to reach me
Under this low sky
The air is hard to breath
Oppressive fog full of pain

Love was just lust for you
A wild beast would put you ashamed
You are vile by nature
Your dust is poison, you’re now unnamed

I lifted up your tomb to mark evil remains
Desecrating it I lastly demonized you

Your wandering soul won’t ever
Find a safe retrieval
No rest no consolation for you

Condamned forever
Lay no more

Putrified thoughts
Buried in the depth
I can reach it now
Deception is revealed

Under this low sky
The biting reek of death
Crawling hands try to reach me
Under this low sky
The air is hard to breath
Oppressive fog full of pain

I lifted up your tomb to mark evil remains
Desecrating it I lastly demonized you

Your wandering soul won’t ever
Find a safe retrieval
No rest no consolation for you

Condamned forever
Lay no more


You piece of shit
I want to rip my eyes off just when I see you
You nazi scum
Sewer of society
You brainless pigs
Rabid brand of incompetence
Full of fascist idiocracy
You pride and joy
Brown-nose of nation
You bastard cowards
Badged scavengers packed together
You pseud-defender
Meaningless vocation

Face to face with inner fears
Inside the horde they sudden clear
Obident herds comply the rules
Drooling ignorants mass of fools

Tear-gas shot, violence unleashed now
Last remains of humanity wiped out

You bastard cowards
Badged scavengers packed together
You pseud-defender
Meaningless vocation
You brainless pigs
Rabid brand of incompetence
Full of fascist idiocracy
You nazi scum
Sewer of society

Face to face with hidden fears
Inside the horde they sudden clear
Obident herds comply the rules
Drooling ignorants mass of fools


Distress and grief
Along my way
The void with me
In my eternal decay

The starless sky upon me
So sweet
To sink into the dark

Through the sea of the unknown
To waver
I feel frightened inside

Insidious earth under me
I walk
Hope collapses with the ground

As an old sailor
I leave my port forever
As an empty boat
At the mercy of endless sea

An endless sorrow
Neglect sin with me
Condamned to wander
No rest on my path
This curse
Engraved on my soul
Wherever I go,
There I am beyond

Beyond the good and evil
It’s my presence in this realm
My own faith
Trascends eternity

paroles ajoutées par Forlornhope - Modifier ces paroles