Goblet Of Ashes : Phlegethon Empire

Gothic Black / Canada
(2014 - Beryllic Records)
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Through fires of blood and bubbling hell
Of souls tormented th'river will run
To Tartarus where demons dwell -
Now sing, my muse, and scorch thy tongue.

Or in Hecate's pit else fall to burn,
Choked in hell-broth, harlot red;
The broiling blood floods here to churn -
There is no mercy, no mercy for the dead.

Love me, love me, as I consume you
Heat thy heart as I flow through you
Deathless Charon guides me home
The Empire stands, behold it's might

Phlegethon rises
Phlegethon rises

Black beaked Furies in caverns deep
Will watch aloft, hearts black as night.
No rest nor peace nor desperate sleep
Will venture here to soothe this plight;

By Hades' eye, ever staring clear,
Like a Titan may break the Earth,
So the power of ruling fear
Will draw hell's womb-blood for the Empire's birth.

Love me, love me, as I consume you
Heat thy heart as I flow through you
Deathless Charon guides me home
The Empire stands, atop the world

Phlegethon rises
Phlegethon rises

As dread Styx once in gated Thebes so bold
Did'st e'er thick the blood of royal home,
And th'incestuous prince under mingled hold
Could only carve out his sight to eternal gloam.
Not seven gates nor seven armies whole
Could prophesy their doom from thence,
Neither seven-eyed Rumour with swiftest soul
From seven embraces can make defense.

Our crest is formed from twisted bones;
Out from the blood river the soldiers rise
They lead with Gorgons, Harpies, crones,
To fill the world with tormenting cries.
Resist me, child, I implore you -
Pray to a void for an angel shower,
Watch me paint the world anew
Then fall in vain, entertain me; still the Empire swells with brimming power.

Love me, love me, as I consume you
Heat Thy heart as I flow through you
Deathless Charon guides me home
The Empire stands, now kneel and bow

Phlegethon rises
Phlegethon rises

Love me, love me, as I destroy you
Exalt my name as I do rule you
Deathless Charon guides you home
The Empire stands, in glory's light eternal

Phlegethon is here
Phlegethon is here

lyrics added by AndreAshes - Modify this lyrics