Funeral Winds (NL) : Promo 2002

Black Metal / Netherlands
(2002 - Self-Released)
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Raised By The Fury Of The Ancient Ones
From times of ancient glory
We summon the spirit of our ancestors
Breed of the darkest kind
Raised by the fury of the ancient ones

From those ancient times
We summon the powers of our ancestors
For we are their mighty descendants
We will rise to claim what's ours
To rule our mighty empire again

For the glory of the ancient ones
We will destroy the light and its servants
Grotesque powers will be unleashed
When we open the gate

Raised by the fury of the ancient ones
Raised by the fury of the ancient ones

Raging chaos will conquer all
Servants of the light will die in agony
Our hatred feeded by immense evil
Is the key to the gate of our mighty empire
We shall rule the earth once more


Soul Harvest
On moonless nights we rise
From tombs of ancient death
Old souls of magic
Spirits of forgotten knowledge
Warlords of the old world ( and )
The abyssic beasts of hell

On starless nights we gather
In mystical crypts and secret shelter
Sometimes in the open
Or in endless woods of might
Mostly untrodden by mortal man
( Certainly ) never in their presence

In the absence of the plague called humanity
The warlords raise their swords
And the beasts of hell raise their claws
Towards the deep dark sky

Waiting for the infernal master to come
Waiting for the unholy blessing to receive
Waiting for the harvest to come

On moonless nights we raise our swords
Hungering for the blood to come
On starless nights we raise our claws
Grasping for the flesh to rip and tear
Under the deep dark sky
We praise the lord of darkness
And prepare ourselves...
For the harvest of human souls


From The Depth Of The Earth
From the depth of the earth
A dark shadow rose
Darkening day into night
Out of the abyss he rose
Behold the dark majesty
The mighty emperor
Of the Kingdom Dolorous

Underneath the grim face
Of the shadow lord
Came forth two mighty wings
Fashioned like a bat's,
Agitating them...
A majestic wind
Made its way out from him

All froze before those winds

Out of the frozen landscapes
The dark majesty
Towered from the ice,
Breathing a heavy fog

Embracing his earthly legions

All kneel down
For the lord of lords
Warriors of the fallen one,
Knights of the Morningstar
"Go with the fiery winds of death...

Take back what is mine
And therefore yours"


The Beast Within
Burning desire awakens the beast within
Feel the diabolical blood raging through my veins

Cold sharpened blade cuts my skin
Pure blood flows under the full moon light

My last sacrifice on earth...

Carried by the winds of funeral
The ravens call my name
Eyes turn black as night
As the soul enters the world below

The void opens before me
I enter the land of sin
Reborn in full glory
Blessed with the powers from below
The beast within unleashed...

The beast within

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