Frank's Enemy : Illumination

Death Grind / USA
(1998 - Cling Recordings)
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Two thousand years of oppression
Is the view that's held today
He's the cause of all wars
He's the author of all pain
No one will hear him out
He's the last minority
No one has a problem with Jesus Christ
Only those who invoke His name

All others have instant forgiveness
But he will have to pay
For the intolerant claims of salvation
Only attained in his one way
Two or three catchphrases will be
Enough to close most doors
Muted whispers of concern
For those who walk into his doors

Forever outside of the fashion culture
Around which the world revolves
Increasingly quaint and inscrutable
Are how his standards will be regarded
The cyanide laden Kool-Aid cup
Will be thrust into his hand
Amidst the laughter and the mockery
The time to make the stand


I'm so sorry I hurt you
And I must do it again
And it hurts me too
But I must do it
Half the time just want to crawl
And apologize
The other half feeling worse
From knowing I'm right

One misstep away
Every day on my game
I try too hard
To survive each day

I have lost touch with what I was
With the lie that it was
They say the pottery must break again
I'm not mad but I wonder when
And if it's never then this is it
Til the day of my grave's deliverance
The line remains there to be toed
Rejoice in the patience that will surely grow

I owe you so very much
That I cannot repay
I wish you'd see it
And let me have my one more way
You owe me that much
Owe me to let me pay
You always let me go
But I wanted to stay


Endless parade of gross perversions
Like pins pushed into my brain
However short-lived it may be
I remember the sweeteness of the pain
Is the greater sin the act I commited
Or the lie later expressing disgust
That doesn't exist most of the time
A lack of morals or a lack of trust?

No more blood in my heart
Just concrete pouring in
Protection from conviction
Mortared by my sin
My face slowly turns to stone
No one gets inside
Now I have my secret place
Now I can hide

The white I wore in my dreams
Irrevocably blackened
Anger settling over my eyes
At finding myself lacking
I let them into my darkest halls
And I hate myself for it
They never knew as they overturned things
What was being destroyed

Replaying and reliving
The dark passages of my life
Smiling as I wreak the vengeance
I can never realize
My hands and eyes stay on me
I have made my choice
The big man I am inside
Will never use my voice

I make the lame excuses I heard before
And didn't tolerate
I look into the mirror
And what I see I surely hate
Wretch that I am
Who'll free me from the body of death
The answer's written in my stone
Waiting for my breath


Everybody wants to make
Friends in the skies
Trying to ascend to
Planes of existence on high
Falling into trances
And trying to float away
Given up on earth and people
Headed for the astral plane

Certain of their help
To past civilizations
Ancient earth scattered with
Earth base stations
The angels aren't so far
They're in the mothership
Theirs is the power
They've been given lordship

And if there's life on other planets
Then we're sure that we must know
And they've been here here once already
And will come back to save our souls

Friends in the skies
Kidnap me today
Friends in the skies
See you in my dreams
Friends in the skies
My ears are open
Friends in the skies
I'll spread your prophecies

Everybody wants to make
Friends in the skies
With radar dish beams
And interplanetary satellites
Before the planet collapses
Under the weight of man
In search of saviors
For an ultimate weapons ban

Ecstatic in the explanations
For the existence of God
And the sophisticated advancements
Rendering Him obsolete as Lord
The gods aren't so far
They're in the mothership
Theirs is the power
They'll be given worship

And if there's life on other planets
Then we're sure that we must know
And they've been here here once already
And will come back to save our souls

Friends in the skies
Kidnap me today
Friends in the skies
See you in my dreams
Friends in the skies
My ears are open
Friends in the skies
I'll spread your prophecies

Everybody wants to make
Friends in the skies
Do they know they seek after
Something already familiarized
Sugar coated manifestations
Designed to achieve control
Of minds unsure and hungry
In their unacknowledged souls

A vibrant alternative
To the drab oppressive Church
Obtainig maximum experiences
With just a little work
The gods aren't so far
They're in the air all around
Theirs is the power
Since they were brought down

And if there's life on other planets
Then we're sure that we must know
And they've been here here once already
And will come back to save our souls

Friends in the skies
Kidnap me today
Friends in the skies
See you in my dreams
Friends in the skies
My ears are open
Friends in the skies
I'll spread your prophecies


Stone the liars with our words
Faith is dead without good works
You must repent, you must change
You can't get to Heaven the easy way
A few will pass, maybe one or two
Too much sin and your salvation's not true
No blood can cover up a lie
Better be ready the day you die

If you doubt repent and be saved once again
And after the next rash of sins
Before you help your neighbor in need
And say "Lord, Lord, see my deed"
Be sure, be sure, remember last night
Can you say your soul is pure and white?
Does your life negate your supposed salvation?
Too much sin repeals its validation

A blade of no return suspended somewhere over your head
Go beyond and you were always dead
Re-crucify yourself again and again
And come back again next week for your confession
May all these words burn upon you well
I hope I pleased God trying to keep you from hell
Hope I see you in Heaven, you know what to do
Got to go now and make sure my salvation's true


That night there was no solution
And even now looking from so far away
I still can see no real solution
Like we're still living on that day
For me no day defined before and after
Like that one did so decisively
And every new day instead of healing
Makes me look back more painfully

On my night alone
I threw my life down the toilet
I tore my medals off my chest
I swore that this would be death
On my night alone

Did my tongue wag too much before?
Could a few words have sealed our fate?
No forgiveness allowed or forgiveness given
I said no to love and yes to hate
Some attempted praises I subtly botched
Outstretched hands did I ignore
Wrapped in a self-made coccoon of sorrows
Thinking of all that went on before

On my night alone
I threw my life down the toilet
I tore my medals off my chest
I swore that this would be death
On my night alone
Satan stood by my side
Took me for a hellish ride
I lit candles to my pride

That day stayed with me for months
Guided my every word and move
Laughed inside at all the wreckage
And I knew that we were doomed
With washed hands I watched
The events that sealed our fate
Til I saw what I'd really done
And then it was too late

On my night alone
I threw my life down the toilet
I tore my medals off my chest
I swore that this would be death
On my night alone
Satan stood by my side
Took me for a hellish ride
I lit candles to my pride


It's hard to admit I'm wrong sometimes
But even harder to admit I'm right
Compromise as the sun rises and falls
Just trying to avoid the fight
Thinking I'm upholding my purpose from God
While my soul and spirit fall apart
I smile and play along with everything
As I lie to my own heart

The things I think Satan wants torn apart
Maybe it's him holding them together
His hand not behind the malfunctions
But the tensions that ensue with others
It's all a game I play along with
Close your eyes and bow your head
I get home and I ponder my lies
And I know that I am dead

Each Christian life in the balance
More important than any charade
Who's purpose only delays the inevitable
And ultimately sends it into the flames
With foundation in place I must stand
The compromise must end
Or God will walk me through the ashes
Of my noble accomplishments


He aqui
Mi lamento
He aqui
Lo que yo siento

Me siento que mi cabeza se me va a explotar
Por las cosas que yo veo y que no puedo explicar

He aqui
Mi lamento
He aqui
Lo que yo siento

La Verdad de eternidad que esta delante de nuestros ojos
Sumamente ignorada por la mayoría de nosotros

He aqui
Mi lamento
He aqui
Lo que yo siento

Me siento que mi cabeza se me va a explotar
Por las cosas que yo veo y que no puedo explicar
La Verdad de eternidad que esta delante de nuestros ojos
Sumamente ignorada por la mayoría de nosotros

O Senor
Ven pronto
Tu justicia
Sobre nosotros
Igual a mi
Aunque yo teme
Porque asi
Yo te vere

La solucion no es facil
En nuestras manos esta
Para ponerla en manos de Jesus
La fe que El no fallara

Yo prefiero los lamentos
Y las lagrimas del dia final
Que se derramen en los cielos
Que Dios las va a secar


(Industrial mix)


I told you about the work and all that it means
God came down as Jesus and fulfilled the the ultimate dream
A gift wrapped in His blood and it's ours to take
You will hear that the just shall live by faith

But I sing a song sung so many times before
A familiar message with familiar holes
You should have questions and they should be answered
It will not happen while I stand up here and you sit down there

Straight up/down
The time will come

There's more to the Gospel than this
But everybody seems to want the Reader's Digest
I too am guilty of encapsulation
To a concise five-step plan of salvation

But can you blame me when we're on the Titanic
On this sinking system of things satanic
Like Paul walking down the gallery of the gods
In a battle where it gets hard to like the odds

Straight up/down

I could be hit and run and shove it down your throat
To win the argument would be my highest hope
And maybe make you say the words and pray they're true
Just like how everybody taught me to do

But you could grab the Book and start to read for yourself
Not decide on your afterlife from the words of my mouth
Matthew Mark Luke John could probably tell the story best
And you can always call us: [email protected]


And so I lashed out outside and in
Vented my anger at every whim
I kicked the dog after poisoning his food
I couldn't think of anything else to do

And I was scared
Oh Lord so scared
And I couldn't dare
To really think about it all

And today
Nothing has changed
Nothing changed
Nothing has changed at all

And so I sink and sink and withdraw in
Looking up numbers of suicide hotlines
I almost cry no specific reason why
I fantasize about the day I die

And I am scared
Oh Lord so scared
And when will I dare
To really think about it all

Because this way
Nothing will change
Nothing will change
Nothing will change at all


I could never be them
Though my blood is just as red
And we all grieve our beloved
That end up just as dead

I can feel the anger
At the old atrocities
But I know it's not the same
Knowing it wouldn't have happened to me

And I'm no good with cheap sloganeering
About making dreams come true
The answer is somewhere at the foot of the cross
However hard we've tried to make it untrue

I remember McDuffie and how I had to stay home
Not understanding why because I also thought those cops were wrong
Until later I caught myself laughing at my friends' racist jokes
Me the adult white male, I finally grew up

And so the drugs enslave with the laws that imprison
State sponsored plantations disguised and hidden
And I don't want to fear a man anymore
But then when one of them knocks at my door


Up front I say nothing is owed to me
And there's no doubt about God's power and love that be
I don't blame Satan if I make a wrong choice
I've got the Bible if I need God's voice

To be deserving of retribution
Is not religious persecution
If God has to do a job that He has for me
It's not a miracle it's His mercy

Would you say
I'm anti-God these days?

Things I took for blessings turned out to be thorns
Things I took for fiery darts turned out to bless me more
I found I had to watch my prayers-they might come true
To make me grow I need to be broken too
Will I be happy to rejoice in His day?
Regardless of whatever comes my way?
After so many have run away?
In the face of all the doubt and pain?

Would you say
I'm anti-God these days?

Up front I say nothing is owed to me
No magic prayer carpets to prosperity
My highest hope is the martyr's death
God in His wisdom probably won't put me to that test

Would you say
I'm anti-God these days?


He's freed me once again
From the mess I got myself in
How could I have ever thought
That He could ever give me up?
When He invested His life in me
When He looked ahead to me
Satan fought hard to bring me down
Jesus effortlessly brings me round

I was in the pit of my own thoughts
Heard the hellhounds, started feeling hot
I was crawling on the floor, I couldn't pray
Saw dark clouds over the rest of my days

Don't ask me how it happened, I did nothing
Don't know how I got above, I have no wings
When you hear "greater is He..." you'd best believe it
A power greater than me and the one who oppressed me

The one who oppressed me
It's another liberation
Once again

Will I fall again in days or weeks?
Will I fail again to run from the deceit?
If I do I hope I remember this day
When Jesus came and grabbed me as I ran away

Though I'm lukewarm, He'll stay the same
He's stuck with me I have nothing to say
Falling over and over and over again
Look up from the floor and I'm pulled up again

I'm pulled up again
It's another liberation
One more time

He's freed me once again
From the mess I got myself in
How could I have ever thought
That He could ever give me up?

Though I'm lukewarm, He'll stay the same
He's stuck with me I have nothing to say
Falling over and over and over again
Look up from the floor and I'm pulled up again


No mother ever loved her child like mine
And what I realize now makes for a difficult time
We try our best with good intents but it's trial and error
Now we're left digging into ourselves for our terrors

I was not the most picked on kid
But I sure hate a lot of people for a lot of things they did
Sometimes I think I'm still controlling the damage
That could drive me into realms of thought so savage

I must decide on my serenity

Some I love have now died
I won't regain those moments replace the times I didn't try
To be to them what I feel I should have been
Sometimes dreams just turn out to be dreams

And some things that were done to me
I know I turned around and I did to someone else
Who might now be hating or forgiving me
I have a Lord to follow I begin by forgiving myself

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