FearOfHatred : If Sleep Were Forever

Metal / United-Kingdom
(2015 - лейбл неизвестен)
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To sleep
Please leave me here for all eternity
This precious time means so much to me
To sleep, and dream, a time in peace
This rage I've been given shall never cease

Do not wake me, it's not safe
Keep me here deep in this place
If on this ground you set me free
Mankind will regret disturbing me

Never Wake
Fallen, they are alone, and rest in silent anger
Bred by abuse, they lay in peace
A silence in shadows cries to be set free
To never wake, a curse upon you all

The master wakens to your cries
Pushing the souls down again
No terror from the deepest dwell
A moment in your own hell

Despair, and solitude, await thee for your sin
Thy bloodied hands together in anguished prayer
Mothers are greeted by the wreath upon thy bed
And the lie you served to rid you of your guilt

The master wakens to your cries
Pushing the souls down again
No terror from the deepest dwell
A moment in your own hell

Brother, help the starving creature, and break the bond
Release the dormant pain and take to fly
Embrace the inner torment and celebrate
Erase the savage beast from this land

The master wakens to your cries
Pushing the souls down again
No terror from the deepest dwell
A moment in your own hell


The gallows welcome me this morning
I tie the noose in a knowing way
To end it now is the strangest thing
And so, I'll see another day

Tomorrow is the day I settle debts
Among the hues of the dying day
My fortune falls, I lay bereft
And so, I'll find another way

The world will have to wait along
Among the trees they wish away
The angels gathered for my song
And so, the time has come today

Tomorrow is the day I settle debts
Among the hues of the dying day
My fortune falls, I lay bereft
And so, I'll find another way

This way out is nothing but sanctuary
A place I can be free from pain
Please leave me to distance myself from suffering
Soon I will be a burden no longer

Tomorrow is the day I settle debts
Among the hues of the dying day
My fortune falls, I lay bereft
And so, I'll find another way


Wisdom and Spirit of the universe
The Soul, that brings eternity
Giving form and life to nature
In motion to the pulse of beauty
From the very first dawn I have found
Intertwined with the breath of life
Such passion within my soul
No feeling for material anger

I look to the sky
To find an answer for life
And I'm greeted by the signs
Too varied to decifer

A mist in the valley of my mind
Obscuring the views of wonder
Like clouds gathered to secrecy
Raining confusion down on me
To climb the highest mountain
Alone in just my thoughts
Night and day, did both give way
To the Summer of these words

I look to the sky
To find an answer for life
And I'm greeted by the signs
Too varied to decifer

Now and then, the Winter sun
Shines truth on the coldness of dreams
A ghost in the heart of me
Leaving nothing for the chase
Through woodland pastures, I left my care
To the thieves that lie in wait
Would steal my heart and throw it out
No longer to be warmed by me
The leafless trees lie still in sleep
Melancholic towards the stars

I look to the sky
To find an answer for life
And I'm greeted by the signs
Too varied to decifer
The orange sky of evening died away
To greet me with light and warmth
When we gave our bodies to the wind
And all the shadows lie still


These fires burn the past to erase the truth
Re-written history taught in schools
Be the quenching rain for the atmosphere
Pour the savage lands into the (lake of fear)

Could you live a life obtained through your hate?
These are the towers of spite that you create
The kingdom of lies is your to keep
They will bury you gently (while you sleep)

Rising hands follow to the promised land
Seize it all from your enemies just as you planned
The river of fire spreads its way into your heart
This circle of hell for you is (just the start)


Suffer for your soul, or be afraid
Of every life that you betrayed
Your epitaph will be read by liars
Ignorant aims, (cleansing fires)

Breathe in the shadow of life
Fallen angels show no light
Darkness comes to us all in here
Be the beauty, (and not the fear)

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