Extinction Of Ba'al : Entering Ancient Ages of Idolatry

Death Metal / USA
(2024 - Vision Of God Records)
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For ye shall not walk as the kings of Israel
For you shall not burn incense in Ben Hinnom
For you shall not pass your children through the fire
For you shall not provoke the Lord God unto anger

For thee doth exalted abomination
For thee doth lusteth fornication
Veils have torn in your divination
And the lake of fire is your destination

You beat up on drums to drown out their screams
When you're in hell who will drown out your screaming
When your soul will be burned into ash
Where life truly ends from our sins past
The truth of hell makes so many aghast
Without Christ in these fires you just will not last
For thou art are the one of curses hath cast
For I warned you keep your children from the golden calf

You pave the way for the Anti-Christ
With your innocent shedding bloodbath
Again my brothers, I hath warned you
Keep your children away from the golden calf

You are exalting abomination

For thou art are foolish in all your thinking
For thou art are rotting and stinking
Your rivers stop flowing due to all its kinking
You cannot withstand the storm and now you're sinking
You are going under because your boat is leaking
Now Christ is the one you should be seeking

For thee doth exalt abomination
For thee doth lust fornication
Veils have torn in your divination
The lake of fire is your destination

For thee doth lusteth the bloodshed of the innocent
Judgement shall come upon thine nation

For thee bow down and put your children into the fire
You place them alive in your funeral pyres
Huffing the smoke of the dead so you can get higher
I warn you, stop feeding their evil desires
Throwing your children into the fires
Give the psychos a laugh, again I hath warned you
My brothers and sisters, keep your children away from the golden calf

You are exalting abomination

For thou art are foolish in all your thinking
For thou art are rotting and stinking
Your rivers stop flowing due to all its kinking
You cannot withstand the storm and now you're sinking
You are going under because your boat is leaking
Now Christ is the one you should be seeking

For thee doth exalt abomination
For thee doth lust fornication
Veils have torn in your divination
And the lake of fire is your destination

Exalting abomination is a business and business is good
Exalting abomination

You are paving the way for the Anti-Christ

Desensitized society
Life and death now mean nothing

You're not just foolish, but sick in all your thinking
Your depraved mind is rotting and stinking
You reap what you have sown with all your killing
No more of God's protection
As you invoke their suffering on his children
Shedding their blood
As you laugh with your brethren
Don't you know, you're just a blasphemous heathen

For thee doth exalt abomination
For thee doth lust fornication
Veils have torn in your divination
And the lake of fire is your destination

You are paving the way for the Anti-Christ on innocent bloodshed


Rebuke your mother, rebuke her
For she is not my wife and I'm not her husband
Let her remove the adulterous look from her face
And unfaithfulness from between her breasts
Otherwise I will strip her naked and make her as bare as on the day she was born
I will make her like a desert, turn her into a parched land and slay her with thirst
I will not show my love to her children because they are children of adultery
Their mother has been unfaithful and conceived them in disgrace
She says "I'll go back to my lovers
Who give me my food and my water
My wool, my linen, my oil, and my drink"
Therefore I will block her path with thornbushes
I will wall her in so she cannot find her way...

She will chase after her lovers but not catch them, she will look for them and not find them
She will say "I'll go back to my husband at first, for I was better off then than I am now"
She has not acknowledged I was the one who gave her the grain
The new wine, the new oil
Who lavished on her with silver and gold
In which they used for Ba'al

Therefore I'll take away my grain when it ripens
And my new wine when it is ready
I will take back my wool and my linen
That was intended to cover her nakedness

So now I will expose her lewdness
Before the eyes of her lovers
No one will take her out of my hands
I will stop all her celebrations
Her yearly festivals, her new moons, her sabbath days
All her appointed feasts
I will ruin her vines and her fig trees
In which she said was paid from her lovers

I will make them a thicket and wild animals will devour them
I will punish her for the days
That she burned incense to Ba'al
She decked herself with rings and jewelry
And went after her lovers
But me she forgot--declares the Lord

Therefore I will now allure her
I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her
And there I will give back to her her vineyards
Make a valley of anchor
A door of hope

And then she will respond as in the days of her youth
As in the days she came out of Egypt
And on that day, declares the Lord
You will call me "my husband"

You will no longer call me "my master"
I will remove the names of the Ba'als from her lips
No longer will their names be invoked

In that day I will make a covenant for them
With the beasts of the field
The birds in the sky and the creatures that move along the ground
Bow and sword and battle
I will abolish them from the land
So all that may lie down in safety
I'll betroth you to me forever

I'll betroth you in righteousness and justice in love and compassion
I'll betroth you in faithfulness
And you will acknowledge the Lord


Satan your kingdoms may be manifesting
But warriors of Christ, they are arising
To bring forth your kingdom here on earth
To bring forth your will and your way

GOD bring forth your kingdoms
Redeem us sinners
Enlightened in eternal glory
GOD let your light shine forth
shine thru this darkness
Let your kingdoms commence here on earth

I now shall ask of thee
Please bestow your power unto me
Not for thine will
But for your will to be done

And then falls the fire
Allow me to call down fire from heaven
And then falls the fire
Holy Spirit I need your refreshing
And then falls the fire
Holy Spirit please come and refresh me
And then falls the fire
Holy Spirit please bestow your power unto me

From on high he sent fire into my bones
And it prevailed over them
He has spread a net for my feet
He has turned me back
He has made me desolate, faint all the day long
For if I am a man of GOD, let fire come down

Then fire came down from heaven
And consumed him and his fifty
And them and they were gone

And then falls the fire
The Holy Spirit came into me
And then falls the fire
It is your will within me commencing
And then falls the fire
Holy Spirit, oh I need your refreshening
And then falls the fire
Holy Spirit please bestow your power unto me

He is calling all warriors to rise
For the sin of this world he hath despised
He overcame, Lucifer and pride
And he came to save us from hell's fire

GOD bring forth your kingdoms
Redeem us sinners
Enlightened in eternal glory
GOD let your light shine forth
Shine thru this darkness
Let your kingdoms commence here on earth

I now shall ask of thee
Please bestow your power unto me
Not for thine will
But for your will to be done

And then falls the fire
And then falls the fire
And then falls the fire
And then falls the fire
And then falls the fire

Lord, I thank you for your fire
Lord, I thank you for your fire
Lord, I thank you for your fire
Lord, I thank you for your fire


You will soon drown in the darkness that surrounds you
You will soon smell the foul hellhounds snapping at your heels
You will soon be all consumed with sorrows
For it is the widest path that you follow

As you continue day by day to be hollow
As you continue drowning in shallow waters
You are now fading like a beautiful flower
Because it is the widest path that you follow
As you continue day by day to be hollow
As you continue drowning in shallow waters
You are now fading like a beautiful flower
Because it is the widest path that you follow

Be consumed with repentant sorrow
For we are not promised life tomorrow

You're finding out that your heart is hollow
For it is the wide path that you follow
Into the mouth of hell you will be swallowed
Still drowning in shallow waters

You now see your milk turn sour
And you thought it was your finest hour
Stand up for your faith you coward
Or the hellhounds will soon devour

On the path, unto death
On the way, we shall ride

For he has sent a strong delusion
For he alloweth a depressive illusion
For you shall see utter destruction
For allowing this mental abduction

The great whore standing on every corner
The great whore drunk from the blood of the saints
For you shall harken his name
For you shall run and run
You shall not faint

Be consumed with repentant sorrow
For we are not promised life tomorrow

For pride comes before the fall
For death comes to take it all
You now see your milk turn sour
And you thought it was your finest hour
Stand up for your faith you coward
Or the hellhounds will soon devour
Into the mouth of hell you will be swallowed
Still drowning in shallow waters

Still drowning in shallow waters

On the path, unto death
On the way, we shall ride

You will soon drown in the darkness that surrounds you
You will soon smell the foul hellhounds
Snapping at your heels


Babylon is set for complete destruction
And in her ashes
She will see herself in ruins
Shall her ashes become pressed within a new winepress
New wine shall flow from thee
A remnant risen for glory

Babylon has risen and shall fall again
A shame to all other nations drenched in sin
How the mighty has risen faithful
But now the world shall see her fall
For she turned her back on the one
Who provided her with her oil

Mystery Babylon of this generation has revealed itself
Oh so proud, oh so boastful, oh how against what is right
Always loving darkness and hating light
You call good evil, you call evil good
You work for Satan's delight

Babylon, Babylon

Babylon has risen and shall fall again
A shame to all other nations drenched in sin
Babylon's become a dwelling place for demons
For ages have shifted
It's time to be sifted
Now thee shall drown in all your sin

Babylon, oh Babylon, you kill your own kin
Babylon, oh Babylon, you live loving sin
Oh Babylon, oh Babylon, you shall fall again

You reap what you sow
You sow what you reap
You get what you do
A rot for your keep
You reap what you sow
You sow what you reap
You get what you do
A rot for your keep

A rot for your keep

Don't you know that you're part of the fall
Shedding innocent blood for Ba'al
Don't you know that you're part of the fall
Shedding innocent blood for Ba'al
You will end up burning in hell
Shedding innocent blood for Ba'al


Certain men, the children of Belial
Have gone out from among you
And have withdrawn the inhabitants of the city
Saying "Let us go and serve other gods which we have not known"

Thou shall not hearken to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams
For the Lord your God proveth to you
To know whether ye love the Lord God
With all your heart and all your soul

And then that prophet or dreamer of dreams shall be put to death
Because he hath spoken to turn you away from the Lord your God
Which brought you out of Egypt and hath redeemed you

The children of Belial

Out of the house of bondage to thrust thee
Out of the way which the Lord thy God
Commanded thee to walk in, so shalt thou
Put the evil away from the midst of thee

(2 Samuel 23:6-8)
But the sons of Belial shall be all of them
As thorns thrust away
Because they cannot be taken with hands
But the man that will touch them
Then they must be fenced with iron and staff and spear

And they shall be utterly burned with fire
In the same place
He will lift up his spear against 800
Whom he slew one at a time

When thou shalt hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God
To keep all of his commandments
Which I commanded thee to this day
To do that which is right in the eyes
Of the Lord thy God

(2 Corinthians 6:15)
And what concord hath Christ with Belial?
Or what part hath he believeth with an infidel?
What concord does Christ have Belial?
What concord does Christ have Belial?

And then that prophet or dreamer of dreams shall be put to death
Because he hath spoken to turn you away from the Lord your God
Which brought you out of Egypt and hath redeemed you

The children of Belial

Children of Belial I beseech thee
Children of Belial repent and be saved
Children of Belial I beseech thee
Children of Belial repent
Or burn in Hell!


Praise be to the eternal one, Yeshua
For his warriors are rising once again
To destroy all the prophets of Ba'al
Who are rising again in mystery Babylon

For Satan is set to destroy us
No weapons formed against me shall prosper
Even through hell around me is forming
My heart is still set on revival

We are entering ancient ages of idolatry
We must turn back to Yeshua
Of like in Old Testament times
We've afixed our eyes
On other gods, not on Yahovah

We must direct all our praise to the creator
And not bow down to his creation
Ba'al your prophets will bow down
In all your abortion and your divination

We are entering ancient ages of idolatry
Entering ancient ages of idolatry

Worshipping mammon, worshipping wickedness
You worship destruction
You've invoked the bloodshed of the innocent
And pave the way for the Anti-Christ

Elisha called on the spirit of Elijah
And Elisha received a double portion
That he took the mantle of Elijah
That fell from him
And he smote the waters

Entering ancient ages of idolatry

For Satan is set to destroy us
No weapons formed against me shall prosper
Even through hell around me is forming
My heart is still set on revival

We are entering ancient ages of idolatry
We must turn back to Yeshua
Of like in Old Testament times
We've afixed our eyes
On other gods, not on Yahovah

We must direct all our praise to the creator
And not bow down to his creation
Ba'al your prophets will bow down
In all your abortion and your divination

Re-entering ancient ages of idolatry
You are re-entering ancient ages of idolatry

In Babylon on and on
In Babylon on and on
In Babylon on and on
In Babylon on and on

Caressing sin on and on
In Babylon on and on
Adultering other gods
In Babylon on and on


Is it true that we are living in the last day
Or is everyone just living out a chronic haze
Are you living by another's deceptive ways
Your leaders brought you lambs to the wrong place to graze

How did things become this way
We've listened to corrupted leaders day by day
Leaving us with nothing to say
As we would rather play than pray

Self-indulgence, me me me
I am living my best life now you see
Living life in a blinded state
I look into the mirror and see that I am great

I need your praise just to be
Everything is all about
Me me me

Do you believe the life that I perpetuate
You only see one side on my social media page
We've become truly hollow, shallow and fake
That's why you're depressed and full of angst and disdain

We can turn back to him and he will reign
Open our hearts to him and live again

We are set on a course ripe for destruction
And of course that only brings hell and pain
Repentance will bring forth change
Things do not have to stay this way

So is it true that we are living in the last day
Or is everyone just living out a chronic haze
Are you living by another's deceptive ways
Your leaders brought you lambs to the wrong place to graze

And for this the false prophets will pay
When God is met on judgement day
They will answer for what they say
For they have lead the flock astray

Chasing the doctrines of demons
Turning the flock into heathens

I am the center of my universe
Everything revolves around me
I gotta make sure I'm always first
Ignoring anyone who disagrees

Self-idolatry is what I crave
I can't help it, but I want all the praise
I'll never let anyone take the spotlight away
My self-idolatry is here to stay
And you will listen to every single word I say
You are never at peace
You run around in a mouse wheel every day

Listening to exactly what I say
Give to me what I crave
I deserve the praise
Give to me what I need
I deserve the praise

Chasing the doctrines of demons
Turning the flock into heathens
Don't you know he can redeem them
And he will count you as part of the leaven

False prophet you shall bow down for leading them astray
It's God's mercy that you live another day
It seems you always walk away unscathed
But not on judgement day

You'll answer for everyone you've led astray!

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