Exit 13 : Gout d'Belgium - Black Weakeners

Grind Death / USA
(1996 - Visceral Productions)
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Orval, Duvel, Corsendonk
Scaldis, Chimay, Rodenbach
Westmalle Triple, Golden Carolus
Belgian Alcoholocaust!!!

Get startin' with Hoegaarden!
I'm flash whacked on Pauwel Kwak!

I've raised many a glass with St. Sixtus
And deviled my brain with Duvel
My mind is as high as the heavens,
But my liver is burning in Hell!!!

Bellvue, Boon Gueuze, Timmermans
DeTroch, Leifmans, Lindemans
Rose de Gambrinus by Cantillion
Belgian Alcoholocaust!!!

Go get say, geuze or peche!
On framboise or kreik, get lambiclly geeked!

Sixtus, Leffe, Affligem
Witkap Pater, Grimbergen
Tunic frocked and drunk again!
Belgian Alcoholocaust!!!

The Abbey ales just don't fail!
Several tripples will leave you crippled!!!

Belgium is literally heaven on Earth for the beer afficionado!
No other country can boast of more distinct, individualistic styles,
So rich and complex in character. Whether it's the unique lambics
Or the top fermenting, bottle conditioned strong ales,
Belgium's beers deserve the most sincere reverence!
"This is drink most sensuous"

Brigand, Steendonk, Mort Subite
Saison Dupont, Oerbier
Petrus Triple, De Verboden Vrucht
Belgian Alcoholocaust!!!

Chimay Blue will slay you!
Liquid grail... Satan Ale!!!

Orvel, Duvel, Corsendonk
Scaldis, Chimay, Rodenbach
tunic frocked and drunk again
Belgian Alcoholocaust!!!

I'm the Stille Nacht snowman
And I'm drowning in Scaldis Noel!
My mind is as high as the heavens,
But my liver is burning in Hell!!!


In the name of the Devil you play in the woods
You rely on your image because your music's no good
Nailbats and corpsepaint - the tricks of your trade
So much of black metal is so fucking lame

Wake up black weakeners
Get a clue black weakeners
Piss off black weakeners
Fuck you black weakeners

Church burning and murder then waves of pure hype
As washed up death metallers found a new life
The "evil" you spew is just a flip of the hoax
The only thing true is that your all just sad jokes

Racist black weakeners
Fascist black weakeners
Homophobic black weakeners
Fuck off black weakeners

Unholy black weakeners
Ignorant black weakeners
Talentless black weakeners
Fuck off black weakeners

You claim your a "count" or a "lord" from Hell's pit
From my vantage point your just piles of shit!
Your shock value bigotry is so fucking weak
so go jump a new trend you black metal geeks!

Rot in Hell black weakeners!!!


Morning, noon and at night
Temptations I can't fight
Hoist pints, imbibe, delight...

So sly, that guy, he's dried... Dry hopped! That sly Hopduvel
He plys in guise so wise... Cannabis?!? Evil Hopduvel!
Today mugs raised in praise... Hopped up! For the Hopduvel
Bongs blazed, eyes glazed, way dazed... Propped up! confound the Hopduvel

Nick's brews, a few, your stewed... Hop sucked! by the Hopduvel
With shrooms, you vroom, mind blooms... Drop out! Leary as Hopduvel
More trays, mugs raised, your saved! Hopped up! by the Hopduvel
Bowls blazed, eyes hazed, mind phased... Propped up! stonehead Hopduvel

Revived for a bout of wicked liquid clouts form lambics, weizens, stouts
Ein stein in my grip, nectar raised to lips, a joyous sin each sip!
Malted incantations fortell my vexation, fiendish inebriation

Some more? of course, we pour... Pour more! says the Hopduvel
Adore and soar, hit the floor! Knocked out! by the Hopduvel
bongs blazed, amazed, half crazed... Hopped up! for the Hopduvel
Four days a haze of praise! Hopped up! my God Duvel!!!

Get hopped up!


Can't escape all your worries
Endless sorrow, pain and suffer
Can't escape your emotions
Enslavement be the world you choose

You work so hard, all for nothing
Your dreams are shattered
Your goals destroyed
No-one listens to what we stand for
So why even try do you really care

The struggle continues as the cries of pain
Peace can no longer rest in your mind
The world you choose is fucked already
So stop dreaming and face reality


This whole world is fucking sick!!!
Human stupidity has made me crazed!
Insanity frees my mind to wander....
I gleefully ponder humanity's murder!

Thoughts of slaughter fill my head.
I want to make all humans dead.
To free the world of the ills
That manifest from diseased wills.
My remedy for Earth's situation
Is total human being negation!!!
Radical global extermination
The venting of my crazed frustration
Plants and animals would rejoice
Freed from evil human ploys
I've been dismissed as being sick...
"Environmentally romantic",
But I will have the final laugh
As my own species feels my wrath!!!

No more factories polluting the air I breath!
No more authority blatantly surppressing me!
No more politics, mere games for the ethically sick!
No more fighting wars, human beings will destroy no more!!!

No I'm alone, in solitude I freely roam...
But I'm going mad contemplating the good
Times past...so I enact a frazzled,
But calmimng new plan,
Splattering my brains across this now free land!


A myriad of literature aimed to educated,
Lack of much definitive progress surly frustrates,
The end of man is coming fast but few seem to care,
Understanding, but no way to change facilitates despair.

Terminal habitation

Humanity deserved a punishment of gargantuan serverity.
Crimes against each committed out of greed, egoism, and triviality.
We are being, but few of us can be called truly human,
Humanity will overpopulate until the earth is ruined!

Terminal habitation

Am I just fanatical to be in love with nature?
And invalid in judging man with nausea and hatred?
Inauthentic zombies caught up in trivial lies,
Egotistic habitation that causes earth to die.

Terminal habitation


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(No lyrics available)


At the time of birth
Minds free from suspicion
Senses raped
Induced with superstition

A pre-set mode
To benefit description
Language, colour
Race definition

Inner strength must detect
The love we each possess
Before we may reach
Appreciating it in anyone else

External distinctions
Used as scapegoats to problems
Channeling our aggression
In the wrong direction

Break down the barriers
That enforce superstition
Learn to trust
Overcome suspicion

Acceptance, the weapon
Active against our freedom
Our love and compassion
Held at treason

Rise above induced superstitio


(No lyrics available)


Bodies rotting
Faces dark
sent in forever fear
All your flesh will rot

Rotten corpse,
Dead in cruelty and pain
To end up in this special way
Extremely rotten flesh

Trapped in a wooden case
Slaughtered at birth you died
The fault of a deformed face
You have to die

Bodies rotting
Faces dark
sent in forever fear
All your flesh will rot

Rotten corpse,
Dead in cruelty and pain
To end up in this special way
Extremely rotten flesh

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