Erebus Enthroned : The Temple Under Hell

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And there beyond the horizon I beheld a brazon star crowning
From the earth's viscera into the vast firmament: shining!
And there a conflagrant sign seers the flesh of Mother Earth
The grey light extending as the divine sword of redemption's death

Masked in chains, natal: adored! Wordless babble in the tongues of the Lord
Backward birth, harlequin soul. Wombs boil in flames; extolled!

For a black tongue murmuring hitherto the horns aloft in flame
For sin hath sewn itself into the ineffable name!
Defiled and defamed! He Vau He Yod.
Dancing scythes of fire
As storms unto the below, so unto the higher
Bereft of movement in the fires of death
Brandishing His old will in each and every breath
For a black sun burns astern to the old world's nameless grave
For sin hath sewn itself into the ineffable name!
Besmirched and enflamed! O, thou whirling hypostasis
Connate to they that yearn beyond the ravenous abyss

So see me now as the scars of acid tears
As fissures in the flesh. See me, hear me now!
As a dragon that speaketh through a lamb
And to thou I do bequeath the light of the sun that burns beneath
To know my heart as a mirage of redemption
Love me now, O foetid child, as the earth is split apart
And skies will open like wounds upon the logos
Trembling before the enraptured visage of Phosphorous!

The harlequin nazerene abject in this throes
Submissively suckling at the bosom of woe
The logos abased and his countenance burned
In the image and likeness of perfection; sour turned
Open the black sun! The gate within the key
By besmirched blood, burned, blessed and held forth to thee
From the chasmal cunt of the abyss, unfettered and absolved
From death into life unto death by the word for all to be dissolved

When the spirits of Lucifer and Ahriman bind within the katechon's maze
Seering in harmony and wed in tumult to beget the ill child of the end days
And when the soul's sight turns from grace and Tiphareth's light will shine no more
There, the chalice of all abomination and filth, held high by the royal whore
And when the sun sets upon the summit of Sinai to shine beneath in unlawful dawn
On this holy day the wings of Michael are feasted upon
The sacred assumption of wisdom and ire, in the grail where the elixir shall boil and swell
Two great horns burning with a white and black fire as the halo of becoming; the grey light of hell!

Ego Sum Lux Domini


As a maddening reflection in a tomb of shattered mirrors
As a silent prayer for the damned, the doomed and the dead
A faint voice echoes in holocaustic tainted winds
A silent cause of itself to become the end of all things

His wings appear behind the ominous black cloud
His countenance felt beneath the funerary shroud
Setting all in thrall, but ye shan't know His kingdom
He might be met for a moment, in the shadow of the bomb

He works in elusive ways, known not always in devastation
In the glimmer of an eye [ He is present ] in an unwilled defloration
Within all violent desires, an emanation in felony
As the burning blood in the veins of the earth and human memory

The bitter taste on the tongue of assailant and victim chosen
Reverberating His praise when the limbs have frozen
When childlike solace is fed to machines of war
No word is said, no tear is shed for the noble man nor the poor

With naught to gain, He conquers all!

The raw beauty and terror of nature standing immovable
Yet also the napalm raining down upon it all
The truth within all lies! You may hear His grievous cry
Laughing in the silence when a comet tears the sky


From the smoke of blood in the crucible of vitriol
A simpering, eyeless countenance, a ghostly intimation
Of the hallowed and harrowing one of derision and awe
Whose tongue speaks solely of katabasis

'Neath eminent Luna exsanguinated
Illuming the dark grail: moated with tears
'Neath radiant Sol: begrimed to black
As flame upon the feeble flesh scorches and sears

Blood smoke billows... 'neath flesh carved pillars

Now drink of the dense waters of transubstantiation
The crimson ocean surging from a widened eye
Devour the immense corpus of breathing tomes unwritten
The circle, sealed and smashed, the beginning is nigh!

The crucible floweth over with the ruby elixir
The taunting, interrogative mirror of the shadowed self
Impaled upon the angles, distorted, dancing violently
Entwining in the thorns of all becoming!

'Neath radiant Lucifer, ever emancipated
One star among stars, crowned in consummate lux
Upon the crest of the heaving earth in the womb of the blood mother
Her heart unfolds forever, perpetually in flux

Blood smoke billows... 'neath flesh carved pillars

Fucked by the dead in my dreams
In distorted clarity, now entangled
Upon the crooked blade tongue of the beast
Assailed from every angle

From the ever flowing blood streams
Pooling as gates, herein and yonder
The bridge between the abyss and the undone seams
On broken limbs do I wander

Along the road paved with smouldering skin
For but a glimpse of the spiralling womb
Illusions of appearances dissolving therein
And writhing in their tombs!

Visita interiora terrae rectificando invenies occultum lapidem


As dark angels descend to deliver
Harshest truths in fissured tongues
I proclaimeth this foul kerygma
Abased, undone as I become

Lost in the lofty logic of mercurial insanity
Of gnosis infernal steeped in sinister surreality
Blessed with the scathing scald of the chaos snake re-awoken
As the eye of Abaddon vengefully opens

Succumb to the whirling fires in this fleeting eternity
Supreme sacrifice at the shrine of divine absurdity

Come! Chaos and discord!
I adjure thee! Pierce me Lord!
May death's fire rain down upon my heart
All destinies forged beneath the Devil's Black Sword

Down! Bring down! The weight of sin by the avenger's claw
Forth! Bear forth! The harshest truth of the lawless law

...For all now is possible in this eternal instant, one and same
Atop the highest pyramid of skulls with the voice of a god do I proclaim...

Atah gibor leolahm ha-Shatan!

May thy fight tear through all flesh profane
I exhort thee! Pierce me again!
May thy blessing run deep through sacrificial art
All words and works enslaved beneath the Devil's Black Sword!


The star of Chaos shines
Within the apex of a pyramid profound
Pylons of gold are tarnished by way of the beast;
Unlocked and unbound!

Illumination! The rotten rose of hell
Blooms within the mad wind of the black star

The key within the gate
The wyrm of the void in wait

Eyes as poison, glares possessed
The sigil of awakening in the heart of the void...
...of dreamless rest! of silent royal!
The emerald jewel in the flux of His coils

A coronation! The crown so luminous
To rule within the world
As the king: Asmodeus!

Sharpening the splinters
To assail the nexus of flowing life

I exhort thee, o perfidious serpent of shadow enshrined
I adjure thee, whose rancorous glare doth lurk and loom
Dwelling within, without, before and behind
I invoke thee in my heart and work.
O grievous arbiter of doom!

Harken the fiery union of God, Devil, Man
The void wyrm winding widdershins toward the Night of Pan

All fades to Void fades to All


Open the path! Open the heart!

For the dreams of evil live and breathe where the roots of life reach ever downward
To the poisoned heart of the hollow graves
Behold the shadow of the holy spirit rising in Necromantic Doom!

Blessed in he union of fire and flesh
A mystery born in the shackles of sin
A pillar of flame for the ageless night
And to a black sun sworn to the glory of death
Beyond the shattered gates below
The serpent lies in blood and light
A secret concealed in the darkness of death
Binding the earth to the temple under hell

As a spark to the brilliant fires of Lucifer
Torn from the heavens in glorious fall
The spirit of vengeance is born under thy wings
O, queen of the blood stained order of swords
And for the ageless destroyer, dreaming in chains
Whose name is infernal and whose sight is as death
Open my heart with claws of fire.
Come! Come!
Xepera xeper xeperu

Rise! From the broken chains of creation
With a spear of death for the virgin earth
Ascending in flames and wreathed in perdition
With the brilliance of the innermost flame in the midst of the storm!

And blood shall stain the temple
Flowing forth like a blinding light
And from the sacred veins of god
Withered and burned in wrathful winds
The holy beast: Satanael
Returns with open eyes
As a shadow of the divine word
Ascending under Hell!

Blood and Fire! Blood and Light!
These are the stones upon which thy temple is raised
Abound in vision and bound to death
And reborn in the flames of funereal night
To reap of the earth with a poisoned tongue
Black shadows bred in the temple under hell
For a newborn sun ascends to a trembling dawn
His horn ablaze with the fires under hell


His horns still burn! Fiercely, magnificently
Beneath the fracturing rent of haunting dark and violent stars
Seen with new eyes torn from the heart of hell
That dancing halo of grey light shatters what was into shards
Yet these eyes were not wrought nor wrested
And through the fires in all places I see
No longer do I strive against the world
For the world now strives with me!

Hunger, War, Death, reborn, Lord, Master, Herald, Executioner...

Upon the ruins of Sinai has the sun risen, reborn
To besmirch with its light the faceless statues of the old order
Life a fruit, host to maggots, rotting deep from within
I stand high, atop the mountains as the newborn star of sin

As a pearl in the shit of creation reflecting no light but its own
The stone walls collapse and the gates thrown open: I now hear the Dark Ones groan
Their appetite has now become mine, though I take not a turn for the worse
Fulfillment bereft of satiety. Hunger for hunger! Thirst for thirst!
Tendrils of beasts in the unknown deep rape these wounds with ardour
As embers spit forth from ardent eyes. O lust to know; O, horrors to harbor
Three swords of death emblazon the temple.
Earth dripping with empirical blood
Pooling now beneath in the cup of becoming, the world to flood!

Quenchless thirst, Blessed, Cursed, Satan, Master, Herald, Executioner!

For a man walking his destiny is said to be carried by the winds of the world
But what then? Should I have carved my own [ in the shifting sands ]
Into Chaos headfirst am I hurled!
To break the chains that anchor me and in no direction, navigate the cosmic rides
The vessel bound nowhere and the waves that threaten death, am I ridden and upon which I ride!
The chasmal cleft of the darkness yearns, birching the star, where illusion erodes
The dazzling fight of death to where all shall return, illuming a thousand new forks in the road
With arms outstretched in exultation, affront to all consuming stillness, dire
Risen beyond fate with true clarion. The lone spark to ignite the coming age of fire...

paroles ajoutées par Loran_XIII - Modifier ces paroles