Entropia (PL-1) : Vesper

Avantgardiste Black / Poland
(2013 - Self-Released / Hellthrasher Productions)
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A castaway on a distant shore. Never meant to find a source
Of pain once distant and internal.
Of loss at the core of being.
The void that teases me,
That lurks over my shoulder,
The deafening silence,
Radiating to the steady signal of the beacon.

Specks of sand,
Sparks of reason,
Hollow splendour.

A soul lost in limbo,
Tenfold euphoria.
In this moment of clarity,
I am giving birth to the other side.

Witness chastity of the paradise once lost.


What you feel can't be put into words,
It just hovers over you with the stars,
And under right one everything seems so effortless.
With the birth of your firstborn child,
Our lives are gaining speed,
And there is an ending waiting out there
For us all.


One single wager and victor’s mask fell to her grace.
Black rose, wearing a crown of thorns.
Her scarlet gown brought a glow
That i believed to be my saviours mark.
Black rose, a prodigal loss.

Life became at once,
As muddy water
Slowly running
Through our fingers.

But if we could walk along,
Your hand in mine,
We would burn in pascal’s fire
A beautiful demise.




My eyes are the paddlewheels of steamers
And my heartbeat turns the tide that
Feeds propulsion,
Tension growing, tubes glowing, copper wires become nerves

Rampant tempest will incinerate those fossilized minds
But my dreams will take a thousand seasons to grow
Remember all nights I’ve wept electric tears
The second coming shall reveal the light


This void, this permafrost,
Is more than you could ever lost.
Endure the sound of words:
Heartbreaking, heartbreaking.

Its well worth the lies
It's worth all the pain

Bleak envoys of spring,
Days divided in quarters,
There is no cold in fading,
There is no solace in longing.

Don't fail me.

lyrics added by czeski21 - Modify this lyrics