Elderblood : Son of the Morning

Symphonic Black / Ukraine
(2013 - Paragon Records / Werewolf Promotion)
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Dies irae, dies illa, solvet cosmos in favilla!
Vocamus te aeshma-diva

Human being, look on the death of this world
Chaos stretches hands to you
Pervert principles of entity and times
Spreads the laws of lawlessness

As the phoenix from ashes
The new world will be born

Opening a gate of the unconscious
Deeping into an abyss of the dark essence
Putting off fear in the face of darkness of the strange

Black flame is burning in me
Will lead me behind the scope of the reality

Little by little you become a sheep
While losing your honor you losing yourself
Wait, take my hand, follow me
And you'll get real freedom

There is no heaven, there is no hell
There is no fucking moral of despisable men
Wait, take my hand, follow me
And you'll get real freedom, now

Dies irae - the day, when the gates will open
Dies irae - time of retribution
The dark sky and the burning earth as are mourning flag
The new aeon without illusions

Opening a gate of the unconscious
Deeping into an abyss of the dark essence
Putting off fear in the face of darkness of the strange

As the phoenix from ashes
The new world will be born

Silent screams of sewed mouths
Are heared from all sides of damned earth
Every human being
Will sacrifice own soul and feel hellish pain

Little by little you become a sheep
While losing your honor you losing yourself
Wait, take my hand, follow me
And you'll get real freedom

There is no heaven, there is no hell
There is no fucking moral of despisable men
Wait, take my hand, follow me
And you'll get real freedom, now


The day, that winds know
The hour, that spirits roam
I will rise from the exile
Getting in the trouble word parable

Under the banners of my armys
Drown by strength of darkness
In the grey steel shrouds
I look through by the eyes of hundreds...

I will lead the legions
(and nothing will baffle)
I will burn the icons utterly
Crucify the youth on ganchs
And to burn the aged in fires

From the clouds of crimson smoke
From the stench of rotten (putrefied) flesh
I will rise the first one
I am the child of insane night

Instinct with the dark energy
I'm the father of midnight armys
I am mad man and creator
Renegate of heaven palace

I will be with every flesh
That will fall into the glorify gehenna
To my father of the dark flame
To the arrogant dragon of the grief

Let it be satisfied with victim
It will quench the thirst with scarlet blood

And when time will come
He will rise his centuries
Thousands centuries of abyss' beasts
Black abyss legions


I'm anticosmic storm, manifestation of the chaos
I make stars die away, destroyer of the universe

I reveled in the blood of ravins that was dripping on the steps of ancient ziggurats
In the Baal's furnace I enjoyed the smell of burnt offerings

Might of Destruction, that is not for the Human's comprehension
I am inspiration and passion in the soul of poets
I am Minotaur in the labyrinth of human fears,
The Beast of Lust, Eternal Darkness, the block of truth on shambles

Set free from power of the Madness Demiurge Spirit
I'm breaking thread of the illusion of creation

I am the embodiment of lust, that ignites yearning of sensuality in maidens...
My Face is on the murals of the pyramids and on the Icons of the mighty Darkness

Might of Destruction, that is not for the Human's comprehension
I am inspiration and passion in the poet's soul
I am Minotaur in the labyrinth of human fears,
The Beast of Lust, Eternal Darkness, the Truth on shambles

I have thousands images and the same amount of names
I'm ever alive, but neverborn
I'm the incarnation of destruction and death
I am the host of deamons. Legion

The eternal friend of the church of christ,
Scarlet whore, that the mother of abominations , the spouse...

For all negated and rebelled is consolation
The Incarnation of Will, Pride and Freedom
I am the guiding star for lost, Lucifer.
I am the dream that came true and the curse of Heaven

I'm anticosmic storm, manifestation of the chaos
I make stars die away , destroyer of the universe

I reveled in the blood of ravins that was dripping on the steps of ancient ziggurats
In the Baal's furnace
I enjoyed the smell of burntofferings

Might of Destruction, that is not for the Human's comprehension
I am inspiration and passion in the soul of poets
I am Minotaur in the labyrinth of human fears,
The Beast of Lust, Eternal Darkness, the block of truth on shambles


традания стон - вечная песня
Боль променять бы, на холод безмолвия
Три капли горя - напиться до смерти,
Забвения рай - пуля в голову

Растворится во времени и с тьмою слиться,
Путями пройти иными, не ведаными,
Ядом сквозь вены в сердце пролиться,
В небо с моста освободиться...

Ветром шуметь в кронах деревьев,
Духом уставшим в навь опуститься,
Прахом насытить чёрную землю,
Кровью впитаться, навеки проститься

Пеплом рассыпаться в хлопья чёрного снега,
Взором стеклянным из ямы на небо взирая.
Кровью из вен дать земле обагриться
Духом свободным воспрять в бессмертия тайны...


When the last god was dying
Being his death agony rending the illusion of creation on shreds
Abandoned, lonely....

His wounds were bleeding by mercy to man
Through the veil of bloody tears there is only desperation
He was looking ... defeated, feeble

Rising black sun was shine on the agony
The dying illusion of the world created by the Demiurge
Triumph of madness broke all the tablets

Released the eternal chthonic mights
That were imprisoned outside the cosmic gates
The pillars of the old faith are overthrown

The cycle is broken. Restitution doesn't exist.
The Rebel Spirit had broken the chains.


Triumph of the Beast and the Whore of Babylon on his back
Reveling blood of the saints proclaiming the new cult of beauty, strength and life

Sheep on the slaughter again
Falcon clawed the face and pecked his eyes
Skin hangs loose from his bones...

Flesh is devoured by curling black mass of worms
Flowing down the cross blood is rotting on the sun....
All of this is named Faith....

Those who are worshiping to the holy corps are prostrated.
Despicable creatures that rebelled against the life,
Were Poisoning life itself by its existence.....
Your soul is empty. You have never been alive...

Look prayer - this is the symbol of passing Aeon
To be free and godless - is a new Virtue...


Dead stars will illuminate the tree
With rotten roots by pale flicker
Dying Love is changing into the Grief
We are consoled by the mortal remains

Black moon had illuminated past lifes in the memory
We are strangers in eternal timelessness

After Stripping off the bandage from the blind eyes
Will illuminate the way by dark flame
Escaping from the cage of decay flesh
Will wake up the blood of the dead God

Passing through the death and suffering
Read the words inscribed by pain

Through the Darkness Labyrinths of Unconscious
Faced with the demons of the own fears
Tablets of the dead doctrenes are broken
Strenght and passion are the fire of Lust

After Stripping off the bandage from the blind eyes
Will illuminate the way by dark flame
Escaping from the cage of decay flesh
Gone into the aeon tracing the Lucifer

When the eyes are glowing by the sleepless Passion to infinity
And the Lust ascend about the life

Casehardened the heart into the steel
Cast down the charity into the oblivion
I have determined my will as the supreme low
In the flame of new truth has burned all hominal

While immersing into the pit of dark misteries
The Senses have become sharp
The Stars faded away, There is no more time
There is no more life, there is no more fear

Everything is decided for us....

After Stripping off the bandage from the blind eyes
Will illuminate the way by dark flame
Escaping from the cage of decay flesh
Meeting the dawn with glaze over eyes


The Cruel Fate is imminence of the disaster
The Grave is full of curling worms
Flying over the sea and cutting the Waves
The Ship of dead which is made of human nails

In the depth of gray fear
At the bottom is insane and pain
Nidhogg has coiled
And poisons our souls by venom

The stars had faded
In the cold thick darkness
There was the hope inearthed

And there is only imminence
The roots have dried and fruit have rotten

all will turn into ashes and return into void

So lie
Which bears blossom will wither
Will burn and will return into ashes

Will fall Colossus with legs of clay
Which is broken by the stone of truth

all will turn into ashes and return into void

Smoking torch of vain hopes
then fades, then burn
It unsights, it besots
It lures into the abyss

Light of illusions will fade in the darkness
Be-all will turn into the nightmare
Where instead of Asgard's shining
will be the dead's ship - Naglfar....


Боль бытия с рожденья до смерти
Кровь застывает от крика безмолвия
Мёртвое время тянется вечность
Пустоту отчуждения ядом заполнить

Глаза закрываются - боль нарастает
Звёзды холодные гаснут во мраке
Кровь застывает красными каплями
Рубиновым светом лик отражая время ушедшего...

Пламя застыло - в миг разорвав нити судьбы
Черви клубятся, сердце моё пожирая
Опустошён... И выход один -
Смрадным дымом уйти
Пепел земле лишь оставив

Невозвратимое время с тайн срывает завесы
Память бессмертная душу сжигает и оставляет раны на сердце

Равнодушное небо молча взирает
На тело моё объятое пламенем
Слёз не подарит
Лишь жадно вдыхает дым смрадный
Как вечную жертву
И на закланье к алтарю возложив
Нож - мой палач - землю кровью одарит

Сердца стук отсчитает последние мгновенья
Кровь уходя холод оставит
Движенья сковав
В статуи мрамор меня превращая
С сердцем тяжёлым мир покидая...
Дымом в небо подняться
Земле лишь пепел оставив

Боль бытия с рожденья до смерти
Кровь застывает от крика безмолвия
Мёртвое время тянется вечность
Пустоту отчуждения ядом заполнить

Глаза закрываются - боль нарастает
Звёзды холодные гаснут во мраке
Кровь застывает красными каплями
Рубиновым светом лик отражая время ушедшего...


The Echo of distant voices that call me
To the dark waters till the beginning of times
Had woke up sleeping memory and
Inexpressible melancholy for the past.

The Signs traced by blood of the dragon
Merging in a bloody veil
Had opened the truth of antecedents
Inflaming in my soul dark fire of eternity

I breaking off the terrestrial fetters
which were connected me with my insane
Redemption through death
Transformation in the demigod after crossing the edge...



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