Dorsal Atlântica : Cheap Tapes from Divide and Conquer

Thrash Metal / Brazil
(1988 - Heavy)
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Personal ambitions are powerful arms
Blinded, they let themselves go
Every one has his truth
History very old, it already happened other tines
I Know I'll see it again, I’m sure, about you I don't know

Desunited Metal

Both sides of the coin equal
Everybody fights each other
They do the same, distort the truth
Lie to others, lie to thehselmes
I follow no rules, I follow nobody
Live just your life
Owner of the truth, let me live alone

Can't see you're raising your own system
You're hanging with your own rope without perceiving

Digging your tomb, you're burying yourselves
Like servantes you follow the master of the weak
Lying and deceiving, false convictions
Absolute certainity supported by nothing
Foundations sustained by sand

Desunited Metal

You’ll kill yourself, you'll destroy yourself


Used to try to understand why things had to be like that and couldn't be different seeing coincidences happening everything served as examples

I almost give up
But when I look behind
I see what I've constructed
An unshakable sentiment
Like in history, I'm sure of the victory

I felt like a discharged gun to face the animals
I need no bullets, the dogs bark because they are dead

We were born with the mission to let a dream live
Even with people and stones blocking our way
They make us have no peace
Cause the rested soul never shines
Unshakable, sure of the victory


Boozing whithout stopping, hours don't go by
And breathing the thin air among prostitutes
Qeers, bums, the smell of the lust and beer get me numb

The rain drops hard on hot ground
The smell of asphalt between you and I
There's just the night and the desire of meeting
This strange feeling of being alone becoming free in the air

Appointment without appointed time
The insistent noise of silence's tied by the same final sentiment

Dumb, corners, streets
Peeking in silence
Listened to us, walking and paiting
Dweller of the streets

He must be free and not feel tied to anything
And stay just the world without duties
The dweller of the streets' own reign
Just, live, free, now

If the streets could be mine I could embrace them
And feel them alive, beating, sucking the lives of those who pass by then
Or if I wanted to destroy everything as a passional crime
What's it for ? Why not go away and forget it
I'm here and I know I remain cause I'll always come back


Filha de um Papa, nasceu para fazer parte de um jogo
Teve que pagar um preço muito caro por tudo isso

Educada como toda mulher para obedecer
E casou com quem fosse conveniente

Alianças políticas para fortalecer o poder dos Bórgia

Comentavam pelas ruas sobre incestos com os irmãos e o pai, o Papa
Assassinos e corruptos impunes sob a sombra de Deus e o Vaticano

Lucrécia queria amar e viver
Invejosos difamaram seu nome
Como se não bastasse o sofrimento
De ver o marido estrangulado pelo irmão César
Ela era apenas uma peça sendo usada até o final

Visões da morte

O rio Tibre se banhou de sangue de um Bórgia
Morto por outro Bórgia, os dois irmãos
Todos sabiam que César era culpado, mas ele tinha o poder
O povo dizia que os motivos eram ciúmes da irmã
Da própria irmã

Visões da morte

Uma rede de intrigas fortalecia o poder, os Bórgia
Traíam quem quer que fosse, não havia limites
Para alcançar todos os objetivos
Lucrécia teve o poder de Roma nas suas mãos
Teve todos os homens aos seus pés
Todos os artistas a sua volta
Todo o poder do mundo ao seu redo


Things start without knowing the reason why
Today you pass by and don't see
Tomorrow you'll be the next victim
Without guilt of this situation

Travelling the highway, a hard dry noise
In the bus an innocent was shot for mere ignorance
Nobody expected to feel how life is so fleeting
And that death rounds all bloodshed's snell

First day of the new year
First day of our old life
Reality can be worse than our worst fantasy
You feel that doesn't reach you
You feel safe in a silk cocoon

The passengers were organized and helped the wounded
Even never meeting before they were in fear for one another
You discover what solidarity means in difficult noments
At least that time i had hope and it was pleasant to believe in that

How long will it last ?
Wait to die for acting ?
Fighting is our obligation to chance
It's no joke, violence is real

Those instances of the present must change the course of the future
To end well lightened our souls but left a ouestion in the air
If we leave it like it is, our time will come there's no escape
Cause what devastates the human race is the misunderstanding of being human

lyrics added by JeanRaoulDucable - Modify this lyrics