Devil's Emissary : Malignant Invocation



The whispers guide you to a secret place filled with the stench of evil itself
Going down the stairs of thousand lies, at the end you see the secret doors
The key lays deep in your heart, to open it sacrifice your soul
Dark Lord is watching at your efforts, it pleases Him and he let you in

Run through the abyss of yours
Light your soul to find the path
Hear His call, He guide you here
Drown in darkness to see the void
Endless power gained by my MASTER

Take your ritual knife in your hands, cut your veins and praise Him now, et spiritus Sathanas!
Master of darkness, Lucifer, The light bringer, purify now my blood, et spiritus Sathanas!
Take your ritual knife in your hands, cut your veins and praise Him now, et spiritus Sathanas!
Master of darkness, Lucifer, The light bringer, purify now my blood, et spiritus Sathanas!

Immolate yourself to see the beauty
Become one with flames, embrace the secrets
To reign in terror for endless aeon

Take your ritual knife in your hands, cut your veins and praise Him now, et spiritus Sathanas!
Master of darkness, Lucifer, The light bringer, purify now my blood, et spiritus Sathanas!


Hail! To the arrival, a morbid creature, he is the hell's ambassador!
Hail! To the messanger of infernal lands, he brings the prophecy of doom!
Hail! To his master, who reign over hell that will be soon our new realm!
Hail! To a new age of glory and pride, for we are the victorious race!

Let the inferno embrace the world!
Ashes of bodies melt in soil!
The virus is cleansed by Satan's will!
Redeem your soul to our master!

Rise and fall, fall to rise, witness the end of god!
Rise and fall, fall to rise, become the hell's ambassador!

Opus Diaboli - Lex Belluae


Darkness clouds the world of your god
Spheres of astral power connect this day
To bring us...

The black flames of the Antichrist will destroy the world as you know it
A new sphere without Adonaii, we are the legions of the Infernal
The black flames of the Antichrist will burn all the christians alive
Only we, his legions prevail, for we are the chosen ones!

Essence of your life, the fundamentals build on lies
Enlighten in your mind to feed the hordes of blind
Only the black flames can purify the plague of this world!

Carrying on with the infernal cleansing to prepare the throne and goblet of death
To fill it with the blood of fallen gods and their blind unworthy followers
To begin a new age of freedom and strength, written down by blasphemous deeds!

Darkness clouds the world of your god
Spheres of astral power connect this day
To bring us...


Pain, that surrounds the world, pain!

The plague spreads fast to your head, consumes the flesh of your own misanthropic mind...

Last breath on world that is consumed by pain, made only by human kind that is corrupt to the bone
As once stand in grace, now only a shadow of who we are, shame blown by the words of wind

A cry of pain send by the gods
The torment you feel now runs through my veins
My hunger for power is your destruction
My domain, my hell will arise now
The flesh that I offer belongs now to the cult

Occultic life is what remains
We chose the path of Satan

Kill the light in your own soul
Jewish bastard I cast you aside
For the pain is still
So I call and throw the first stone
To seal the path of Lucifer's legions


March through the corpses of the angels we kill, burn the shining gates of heaven
Summon now the legions, the cosmic star falls, as sun turns in black and rises no more
Sworn and dedicated to Lucifer himself, rise in pride now as I command you all!

Your faith will die as a dying star when we burn your cross to the ground
Echoes of the cosmic reign arrives
The legacy of the dark lord is true
I shall do the first step to thy kingdom

Time of weakness is finally over
Dawn of fire, the age of war
The hunger for your blood

Sacrifice yourself to our horned master, so you do his will
The way is clear, the destiny is near and now we shall tear your crown from your head

There is no preservation, there is only annihilation!

March through the corpses of the angels we kill, burn the shining gates of heaven
Summon now the legions, the cosmic star falls, as sun turns in black and rises no more
Sworn and dedicated to Lucifer himself, rise in pride now as I command you all!

Your faith will die as a dying star when we burn your cross to the ground!


On jest odgłosem tysięcy bożych jęków
Gdy szepcze, trzęsie się ziemia
Podąża z ciemnością za rękę
A groza Jego orężem
Nadchodzi, by zwiastować zagładę
I zatańczyć ze śmiercią na świata gruzach
Ludzkość upadnie do kolan
Chcąc uniknąć Jego gniewu
Lecz litości u Niego nie znajdą
Jak i On nie znalazł jej u nich
Ten który wyszydzanym był
Teraz z ich trupów szydził będzie

Niebiosa zapłoną, a popiół ich na ziemię upadnie
Krew ludzka rzeką popłynie niosąc zarazę
Pośród gruzów i jęków jedynie upadli znajdą radość...

Oto boża wszechmoc
Bezsilnością zastąpiona
Oto boża sprawiedliwość
Z ramienia Diabła wymierzona
Oto jego ład
Nad trupem, którego Chaos śpiewa
Oto życie upadłe
Które wchłania matka ziemia

I Niebiosa zapłoną na twoich własnych oczach
Upadnie popiół aniołów by zasiać zagładę

On jest zwiastunem nadejścia piekła
Gdy zetrą się ze sobą światy
Fundamenty każdego kościoła zapadną się
Od jego kroków
Ze ścierwa na krzyżu życie uleci ponownie
Lecz na darmo
Diabła zbawienia dostąpią jedynie ci...
Których sny wypełnione płomieniami
A wszystko co dobrem zwane
Zwiędnie na wieki


The battlefield you call your life flashing back into your eyes
Five winged stars rise high I hear the chant of the demons
Receiving the demons call I am ready to fulfil my role

Lost in depths of my dark soul
Losing my mind for the lord of hell
Made of flesh and blood, yet still divine
Marked by the gods or just blinded
Demon's call...

The anger that fuels me gives me perfect vision
Killing my enemies will give me true salvation
We are pestilence
We are rage
Ae are against god
We are true demons

Demon's call that grave my power
Now I stand in the holy circle
As they shall witness my offering
To my kind!


Two thousand years of slavery, born in the womb of a filthy whore!
Deceived them all, she was fucked by angel of god
The birth of a bastard son, behold stupid, your god is here!
Your god is here!
Follow me to the fairy tale of the nazarene bastard son
Of the nazarene bastard son!

Following his steps to this days, you are in the middle of my scorn!
History, written down in books and scrolls with the blood of mankind!
Now it's time for the blood of your god, so prepare your christian throats

Spill the blood of christians!
We are the horde whose home is hell!
Crush the bastard son by burning his church!

Let their world tremble under our reign
No mercy for the weak and fools
Christ is nothing but a fucking illusion

Lyrics geaddet von czeski21 - Bearbeite die Lyrics