Déhà : Trenches in the Ether

Black Metal / Belgium
(2023 - Self-Released)
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1. Trenches in the Ether

Insane is the violence above my head : trenches created on the ether, ghosts battling against my sanity, taunting, picturing the worst. My hands tried to reach them, send them back to disappear, but their white drapes always stayed, moving like a thousand snakes at once.
Medusa's children, flying as a perfect hive, never reaching me, but their drones resonating like an endless tinnitus, growing until implosion. So I close my eyes, they all disappear. I welcome the noise as a part of me. I made it harmonize with my screams, synchronize with my heartbeat, I let it be. I accepted it. It is me.
I will modulate the darkness it inspires everywhere, and transform it into pure beauty. A light so bright it can only be seen eyes shut. A music so beautiful, you need to be asleep to cry.
Endless. Eternity. The violence gone, the soul rested. Floating, the ghosts are now one with the light. Their anger is gone. I was them. My anger is gone. I'm floating.

It's a dream within a dream. a temple within the temple. A force so unknown it has yet to be used for evil. The golden city of Atlantis the undiscovered or the lost. Floating. not in the high skies, nor above the clouds. Always linked to the flesh that keeps us grounded. We need to understand. We need to lose control. We need to let go. We need to close our eyes when they are already closed. We need to go deeper. Deeper and deeper.Deeper in the understanding of what overcomes the cage of flesh we bear every day. This imperfect prison of strength, of forces, of our dark magic that can never be outed. We need to escape. Float away. Project ourselves away

And in an inner dance of hidden movements, I will defy the world of the living, shut my eyes with a smile, facing the awakened demons as myself, undone, broken beyond recognition, but as myself. I will end this existence with a spasm of light and fury that the erynies will shiver from their dark cave. I will dance until twilight, until I break myself even more, until I cannot take anything anymore. With that unscarred smile, with these closed eyes, I will be.

lyrics added by czeski21 - Modify this lyrics