Deathinition (PL) : Art of Manipulation

Thrash Metal / Poland
(2013 - Self-Released)
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Do not look ahead
there's nothing you can find
That voice in my head
is telling me all the time
You're my marionette
you'll dance to my tune
I'm your personal maniac fear
I will kill you

The demon in my head
makes me believe I am already dead
The demon hunts me down
Now all my sanity I get left behind

My personal maniac fear
is controlling me, I'm too weak to resist

We all die twice
You can reborn
calm down our lives
Fight with our heart
You the chance
Get rid of fears
Do not give up
You must believe
You must believe
that you are your fear

Hatred I full of this shit
Now I know why I cannot fall asleep
Hatred makes me sick
That's not any demon
That's only me.

My personal maniac fear
is controlling me, I'm too weak to resist


So here's the paradox of misunderstanding
We damn it, we love it, we can't even live
without it. We are sick
Without it we are weak.

Lost in a maze of questions
we cannot find the sense
Something is still around us
We cannot understand

This is one of the laws
Is it your bless or curse?

We talk shit about the unification
we act like a stranger we want to be
misunderstood. If this is wrong,
why we are not good?

Thoughts are blowing up your mind
Primal instinct is taking control
You can't get away
You are forced to accept it

Art of misunderstanding
defines our existence
Nature's manipulation
evolved toward this state
If you ever doubt
If you lost the faith
look into your soul
and try to start again

This is one of the laws
Is it your bless or curse?


Let's pray

In the name of god
Pay me your fine
In the name of Christ
All I want it's your live

Your religion made out of lies
Only for those who can think straight
We've been stealing for 2000 years
Every day laughing at your face

I am your priest
The man who can save you from your sins
An ultimate salvation
Your mind devastation

The philosophy of extermination
The philosophy of manipulation
The perversion of natural laws
The pathology of ethical norms
Even though intentions were right
The institution burned them to the ground

In the name of god
Pay me your fine
In the name of Christ
All I want it's your live

Your religion made out of lies
Only for those who can think straight
We've been stealing for 2000 years
Every day laughing at your face

I am your god
You must obey me
Hierarchy of souls
Chains of slavery

In the name of god
Pay me your fine
In the name of Christ
All I want it's your live

Your religion made out of lies
Only for those who can think straight
We've been stealing for 2000 years
Every day laughing at your face.


Wszystko co widzisz
Wszystko co znasz
Jest tylko kłamstwem
Kłamstwa dla mas

Wszystko co widzisz
Wszystko co znasz
Jest tylko kłamstwem
Kłamstwa dla mas

Oglądasz telewizję i poznajesz świat
Czytasz mnóstwo gazet już od wielu lat
Napawasz się mądrością z polityków ust
Całą prawdą instytucjonalnych bóstw
Nadejdzie taki dzień gdy zastanowisz się
Dlaczego nam wszystkim jest tak kurwa źle
I w końcu zrozumiesz że przez tyle lat
Byłeś karmiony kłamstwami dla mas

Wszystko co widzisz
Wszystko co znasz
Jest tylko kłamstwem
Kłamstwa dla mas

Wszystko co widzisz
Wszystko co znasz
Jest tylko kłamstwem
Kłamstwa dla mas

Cały czas odwracają twarz
Od twoich problemów od twoich spraw
A Ty wciąż spuszczasz wzrok
Kiedy Cię wprowadzają w błąd
Nadejdzie taki dzień gdy zrozumiesz że
Jesteś tylko pionkiem w ich kurwa grze
Dezinformacja, manipulacja, rządy pieniądza
Czy tego chcesz?

Czy tego chcesz?

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