Dead To Fall : The Phoenix Throne

Deathcore / Etats-Unis
(2006 - Victory Records)
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Up and out
I never regretted a thing
Take a glance from the inside
It isn't what you think
This is it
This is everything I have
So between you and me
Give up all fucking hope
I've got the answer, so save your fucking explanation
This is the last time I'll suffer through your exploitation
Harvest truth and save it for your revelation
I've lost all trust and I've finally had the realization
All my heroes have failed me
And all your heroes will fail you
Give up hope
I don't care and I'm through hearing you justify
You've given up and I know you've fucking died inside
We've burned it all and everything it signifies
I've reached my breaking point and I finally realize
All my heroes have failed me
And all your heroes will fail you
Give up hope
I'm sick of trying and I'll never put my trust in you
No more heroes no promise of something new
It's over now
There's no more damage you can do
You're dead to me, because me and you are finally through
All my heroes have failed me and I have given up hope
This is the last time I ever place my trust in someone else
And I have given up all fucking hope


Cold hands feed us death
While war breeds in every breath
It seems like we have nothing left and our ways are set
The sacrifices we endure
Perfection we pursue
Darkness, nothing pouring through
Like Harkonen vision
All will fall before us and will will be made to suffer
Born Scream Confusion Pain Insanity
Reborn into this fleshen form
Forced through the portal of the womb
Fear is the mind killer
I'll face my fear and allow it to pass through me
Cold hands feed us death
While war breeds in every breath
It seems like we have nothing left and our ways are set
All will fall before us and all will be made to duffer
A vision of light
A survivor of death
Death Scream Confusion Pain Insanity
Return to the source where it all began
I can't make any sense of it
Not in the way you demand
Fear is the mind killer
I'll face my fear and allow it to pass through me
It is by will alone
I set my mind in motion
A vision of light
A survivor of death
From far away not everything is perfect


Oh, Another face joins the crowd
It's time to impress; time to prove yourself
You don't realize that in a year's time you'll be over this
Moved on to the nexxt trend
Moved on to the next catchy melody
Moved on to the next trend
Here's your next catchy melody
So say what you will
Do what you feel you must
Your words just fuel my rage
And fill my heart with disgust
I know what really matters
I know who will be there
The rest of you could wither away and not a piece of me would care
Tommorrow none of you will mean a goddamn thing
You're spread so thin
We see right through your display
A procession of smoke and mirrors
Tommorrow none of you will mean a goddamn thing to me
In time everything grows stale and old
I'll hold on to what I have and never let go
Tommorow none of you will mean a goddamn thing


The hands of time are frozen in this moment
I can't spit it out for fear
Has overtaken my voice
Waiting seems impossible
Different stages
Waiting seems impossible
Different stages
Waiting seems predictable
Different ideas
It is I that will have to live with this
I, Betrayer of Hearts
I, Servant of Sorrow
Hear I am the worthless king
Join my legions of heartless
Here I am the worthless king
Join my legions of heartless
Here I am the worthless king
Join my legions of useless
Wandering the great depths
Searching the canyons for truth
Discovering every darkness
Bringing its ugliness into new light
It's come down to this
All or nothing
Our Choice
Decide our suffering
It is I that will have to live with this
I, Betrayer of Hearts
I, Servant of Sorrow


Crashing Flowing Swirling
Right from the start
Gnashing Ripping Bleeding
Quickly tears my flesh apart
Through my cloudy vision
Billows of crimson
Signal the feast
One last bite, Coming from all sides
Confusion, pain, mortality
That I cannot live
My last hope believe they let me go
Now which way is home?
Now which way is home?
Here they come again
Here they come again
Quickly tears my flesh apart
Here they come again
My last hope for survival
My last attempt at freedom
My last pointless struggle
Sts me free
They have the right to reclaim whats rightfully theirs
Quickly tear my flesh apart
Crashing Flowing Swirling
Right from the start
Gnashing Ripping Bleeding
Quickly tear my flesh apart
Crashing Flowing Swirling
Right from the start
Gnashing Ripping Bleeding
Quickly tears my flesh apart
Quickly tears my flesh apart


One step in front of the other
The clock wasting minutes away
Slowly counting the hour
That determines my destiny
In this place I wait looking at the stares
Not a kind of face among them and no one cares
They all think I deserve this and I probably do
The blade smiles at me for it knows the truth
I take my place on the throne of
Martyrs and Sinners
Martyrs and sinners
It's falling, fallinf, and slicing through
Removing me from myself
For the final time I see now
That I desrve much, much worse
I am the serpent's head and I must be severed
Nothing for me but their cold hard gaze
My heart welcomes death's warm embrace
I take my place on the throne of
Martyrs and Sinners
Martyrs and Sinners
Give me no last words
Give me no last meal
Just give me sweet, sweet death
Make my worst fears real
I've done all I can
This is out of my hands
Don't ask me to forgive and I won't ask to live
No more steps and no more time
The blade, it falls, and ends this life
As the faves fade And life... It flashes by
Fills with lies and hate
My demise has arrived
Falling downward in time
These walls speak of my hell
His vengeful eyes say to me, "My son, you have served me well."
I am the serpent's head and I have been severed


They met in the dark of the night
For a Final time
For the great showdown
Two dreamers deciding which path to take
One for their future
One for the present
"I was standing strong until you showed your face to ruin and ravage everything we've planned."
"Your dream is empty with its promise of self fulfillment. The future holds so much more for us."
One of us will die before this is over
The sword of vengeance glistens in the moonlight
Her words fall silent as he makes his attack
"Now we will find out who truly holds the power."
"I'm waiting for you to relinquish your hold."
"There is no room for us, so you must be destroyed."
"Then I'm afraid this is unavoidable."
His blade plunges deep
Cutting down to the core
And with her last gasp for breath
All her dreams and aspirations fade
She pleads for him to see
For him to see the truth
And with one final slice she's gone forever
No more dreams
No more tears
She's gone
Bleed for nothing now for no one hears your cries
He stands there victorious and alone
Suffering through what he himself has made
"Without her, there is no point to my fight."
He sees it all as it slowly begins to fade
One of us will die before this is over
He realizes now, without her
Live loses point
Without the battle, without their struggle
Life loses point
He has no purpose now
Life loses point
As everything fades, Everything fades
Life loses point
The struggle was keeping us both alive




Frustration building
Tension rising
Wasting careless moments
Now we are out of time
Frustraion building
Tension rising
Fuck you
We're never coming back
Violence is created and hate is fucking bred
Your every single breath turns life into death
Suffering in this prison
Made of our own design
Betrayed by the lord with venomous eyes
Misread, misquoted, and misguided
I am my own god, yet I've nevere felt this grace
My life won't be the same
And I hope you never see this face
You were right to go
Now the world finally knows
I am the Reptile Lord
Misread, misquoted, and misguided
Gears grinding away
Ripping every piece of my flesh
It's oh so easy
No room for regret
No time for remorse
I just don't care anymore.


In our most painful moments
Lost in the cloak of night
Burned, broken, tired, hopeless
No future is in sight
Where are we even going
And who among you cares?
With no real purpose showing
A cycle of despair
A never ending threat
A constant pushing force
My match is finally met
Let this thing take its course
New blood flows in our veins
Power moves quickly now
None of us will be the same
Giving up we won't allow
Our last sun has set
As we approach our fate
With one last option left
To destroy and recreate
We are the new generation
With purpose, conviction, and dedication
Counting past the final hour
In Flame we've been reborn
A pure stronger power
A new oath we have sworn
These nights mean too much to just let them go
Putting on the final touch
Our true colors show
We are the new generation
With Purpose, conviction, and dedication
On the Phoenix Throne
Death and rebirth
Nothing as far as the eye can see
A straight, clear path moving
Towards our destiny
And now we rise
We rise on the wings of flame
Nothing holding us down
As we rise on wings of flame
Momentum pushing forward
As we rise on wings of flame
We are fireborn
As we rise on wings of flame
We are the Phoenix
As we rise on wings of flame

paroles ajoutées par Apocalypse - Modifier ces paroles