Dark Legion (PL) : Eternity of Nothing

Death Metal / Pologne
(2003 - Deadsun Records)
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Prize awaits! Have you ever lost your belief?

Failed love... in perversion and lust!
The new life form arises, the bastard!
Unwanted human, unwanted child
Cursed by church will never erase his primal sin
Born like a dog devoid of peaceful existence
Would the gates of heaven welcome his soul?

Visions of fight for only God, for Christianity
For purity of mankind...
A long time ago crusaders of the holy cross
Soldiers of the holy war...
Mass execution! Conquering in the name of God
Raping wives, murdering, bloodshed!

Hate on their faces, words of psalms
Blood on the swords of murderers
They lead the young witch...
Her wisdom was too vast for their stupidity
Tortured, raped and unblessed...
The witch was buried unconscious and condemned

Everlasting peace of souls in heaven
Everlasting angels' paradise under God's feet...


Red blood! Like yours?
Be sure...
Who dares to chain my soul?
Who steals the key to eternal life?
Who has given me away without
Cross sign between the brows?
Who calls me Godless bastard?
Christless! Oh God!
No chance to escape - its spawn
Cursed by human stupidity - my mom and dad
Incest lovers release evil spawn
Forever dependent on evil origin
I never look at the future... frightening me to death
Satan's inheritance devastates my mind
Christless! Son!
They won't lay me at the graveyard
There is no place for the damned spawn
They'll never bury me with others
My body can't stand under the blessed ground


Justified murders' legal carnage
"Love my God or die, you sinner"
My holy aim is to convert, so?
I piss on your savage dance
Throw your deity and I'll spare you
Then you become just like me? The missionary of mercy
Justice, full of judges, that are...
Raping young witch...
On the eyes of her children


Commandments of love
Verses of crime
Guarded by the priests of love
Raging crowd
Burning stake
On which his child is dying
Fire lit by sisters and brothers
Wisdom of your worshippers
Free from the sin
Those who have chosen a different way of knowledge
Religious ecstasy
They lead young woman
The flames caress her face
Condemned during her life
She'll follow her death


(No lyrics available)


Sickly strange existence in oblivious palace
Without matter of time healing and rotting in sanitarium
From here to six feet under
From here to another dead world
Where in blissful ignorance will go astray among brothers
Those who knew him, those who think of him normal

Another conqueror of self conscience, his own psycho
He found the enemy in himself that lives in his head
Ecstasy by self dealt pain? Feeding of the beast
Ever controlling him inner beast which leads to happiness

Inhuman behavior in the shape of serial murders
Cast away from God's ray of mercy pushing him further
By throwing the death in living targets he lost the soul
Pathological fears will find the place. The shelter
The burning abyss


Liars in garments try to teach
Don't be like beasts, put your instincts
Into a monk's cell, cut your limbs, close your eyes for wealth
Forged eagerness, memento mori hurry along grave
The truth is you love this life
Cause you get used to loving, not to living
Dance of insanity and wisdom, dance of Gods
Can you recognize yourself in that?
Bravery, solicitude for nothing
Scoffing and violent that's the way
Truth is female so go for her
She's your bride with her haven
Eternity of the wedding night
Sensuality's human only law
Human's falter in the terrestrial mess
I'm my only priest, only judge
My creation is the horizon of essence
Shadow of reality's face
Alone in Platon's cave
Scaring to the bones, blood in bowl of my mind
Waiting for thirsty bride
Only from you she can get something
She wants
Only from you, you can get what you want


Body possessed by the mind of the madman
Freedom exists in the violence
The taste of blood
Its smell
The senses experience something new
The power which horrifies
The dance of death
My body is in the ecstasy
My mind explodes
This taste
This smell
Gives me freedom
The gates of heaven are closed for me
But God is within me
And gives me the power over human life


I am among the winds
God's dark flame
Son of brightness in the gutter of life
Vault of my church made from
Cain's hands. Blindness of Goliat,
Hiob complaints, moans of Fillistians
Egyptian women devoured by locust
They drown in their own tears
Cathedral of human unchastity
Children of brightness digest in Gods pouch
Whose inheritance is it?
Who closed this gloomy cage
By key of ten commandments?
All of these constructions
Made from words
Symbols and myths
Signs and attempts
How do they capture the abstracts?
Deplorable human child plays with fire
Philosophy and religion

Artificial for cripples
Blind man's stick
Tales which make sleep possible
Black does not exist
White is nothing
Only the light
Only this fire
How do you know
What you are looking at?
Reality, sea of crystal flames
Which you can't even describe
Eyes can delude you
Ears don't understand
Why out of mind's border demons dance
In the desert of human understanding?
Maybe all things are someone else's dream
And are you dying when he wakes up?


Eat, drink and rest descendants of Joseph and Mary
God's well wishing you
You live in abundance
Death from starvation is not your problem
You have your own well
Supplication for water, it never relates to you
Believed in Jesus - believed in redemption of sacrificial lord
Resting under a tree of plenty
Descendants of Lucifer, under his commands are
The legions of disloyal
Never redempted die from disease
They never believe
Never redempted from sins of the past
Bastards existence perpetual debauchery
Stupid are those who think 'bout the strength of own belief
How far your loyalty reaches your lord
What kinds of thoughts rule humans?
From darkest skies like your fate
What kinds of thoughts flow down to the head?
Into your Godless heart
I feel desire that is stronger than love
I'm getting afraid of my mind perversion
Sick thoughts have mastery over clarity
And the Devil still closer to me
Surrounds me like the air
I breathe him unconscious
Desire and lust are growing still
Till armageddon

paroles ajoutées par czeski21 - Modifier ces paroles