Crushing The Deceiver : Crushing the Deceiver

Death Thrash / Etats-Unis
(2018 - Roxx Records)
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The battle has begun
Against the wicked
That try to persuade
Hold your ground and when the time is right
March on

There is salvation at the end of this war
A brighter future for your soul

A day of rest
No more pain or sickness
Worry or disease
You won't need to fall to your knees
To see or hear what you need
But instead reach out and hold the hand of your Savior

These plates are made with my iron will
Put together by his only Son
I don't need weapons or vengeance
This battle is already won

Teach me your ways God
Let me be strong

Fighting the battle against evil
Bless me with the armor of angels

Become a soldier for Christ
Stronger than entire armies
With his grace you can't be stopped
Your allegiance can never be bought


You are that passion inside me
The motivation that drives me

You get me through the toughest times
I am yours and you are mine
You are mine

You're the light inside me
Shining brighter than the morning sun
My eyes are focused on you, God
You are the only one

You're always there
To lift me up Lord
No matter the circumstance
I can be the biggest sinner
And still you give me
Another chance

Your future plans are greater than my past failures
You've already seen the roads I haven't gone down yet
You paved the way so that I can bring the people to you
I know that's what I am meant to do

You're the light inside me
Shining brighter than the morning sun
My eyes are focused on you, God
You are the only one

You are the only one
The light inside me


So much darkness it can become consuming
Step out of the shadows and let your light illuminate me

Lost and now found blind but now I see
Dead but now alive because you live in me

Keep me on the righteous path
Open my heart for what's in store
Help guide the way to you God
I know there's so much more

Make sure that when you fight it's for the right things
I've done something wrong
You have to come clean


So many people put their trust in the ones we elect
Destruction by design, an undisputed mess
Molded by hands of neglect and hate
How many more of them can we really take?
Open your mind, look up above, a guidance through life

I was a perfidious man, blighted by the sins of my hands, "thou wilt be out of it soon, and on the side toward the shining light"

Let his words pave your way to understand how to go through the pain and to become a righteous man

I am who I am in God's hands
I am who I am not a pawn of man
I am who I am I am in God's hands
I am who I am a part of His plan

Anything I've come across
My battles
You've helped me over come

My Father
My Creator
King above all kings
You are my Shepherd
I will be your lamb
I will follow you through the veil to the promise land

I am who I am in God's hands
I am who I am not a pawn of man
I am who I am I am in God's hands
I am who I am a part of His plan

I will be strong I will be wise
I will be who I am in God's hands


There is no evil that can take my soul
Unraveled malice was always their goal
The chaos is normal, this is out of control
This hateful world can take its toll

I don't always have to hit the bulls eye
Anything less, considered a sin
Let the holy light shine on your heart now
All you have to do is let it in

You spoke it gave me life
I am darkness You give me light
You broke my chains and set me free
Giving me hope, an eternity

Pushing back hell
I refuse to live in silence
Band together, let His voice be known
Until evil is extinguished
And His love is shown

When the world is exposed to your Great Name
Hell will implode nothing will remain
I am a warrior for God, not a pawn in your game

Pushing back hell
I refuse to live in silence
Band together, let His voice be known
Until evil is extinguished
And His love is shown


You lie, you deceive
You even make the true believers question what they believe

Twist and turn your own words a life
So contradictory
Not sure of anything you can't get me with your trickery
I know when you speak it's all hypocrisy
Propaganda, it's all just blasphemy

Deceitful, you're true evil
Rooted in lies, you've claimed so many lives
As our masses rise you grow weaker
And as one we will crush the deceiver

Try to hide inside your walls
They will all be destroyed and fall
Trapped inside curled up like a ball
You're about to lose it all


Within these darkest pits of pestilential fame
Noxiousness and infliction was my praise
Diluted so much, nothing would remain
I will give myself to be cleansed of these sins
With the light in my heart
I'm finally awake

I remember feeling the water on my face
Washed me clean
I know what it means to be born again, I'm born again
As the Phoenix rises from the ash, of my past
With the flame of my faith, I'm born again, I'm born again

My narrow minded stance was a sight to behold
Greed was my pleasure, corrupt was my soul
No matter how many wrongs I've made in my life
You cleared me of my conscience and my constant strife

Your words and divinity
Has opened my eyes to see

I was close to death
Almost ready to give up


Torn crippled beaten down locked in this cage
Shackled by chains of malevolence enough to go insane
I can't lose hope
I won't play this game
I will pray to God and call his name
Sometime we lose
In order to gain
Life's greatest lessons are taught through pain
I will break out with God's light in me
He gave it all to set me free

This will not continue on
My faith will pull me through
Distraught distraction no more

Living with anger for so many years
Praying for healing embracing my fears
Now that I'm free with God by my side
I can move forward the future is mine

You gave it all to set me free
I am forever free

You gave it all to set me free
I'll never have to suffer because I am forever free
We are forever free



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