Crimson Dawn : It Came from the Stars

Doom Atmosphérique / Italie
(2023 - Punishment 18 Records)
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The pestilence has devastated all the outside world
It’s so fatal and has made more victims than a war
Scarlet stains upon the body and upon the face
Bleeding at the pores and redness, heralds of the pain

Behind the mask I have seen your face and I’ve seen my end
Masque of Red Death will find you everywhere
I’ve heard the clock
In the silence, the countdown of my end
Masque of Red Death will be everywhere

The prince took refuge in the castle with a thousand friends
Six months locked up in the fortress to defend themselves
He went all the way to pamper, entertain his guests
Within the walls they could be safe, outside was the Red Death

Behind the mask I have seen your face and I’ve seen my end
Masque of Red Death will find you everywhere
I’ve heard the clock
In the silence, the countdown of my end
Masque of Red Death will be everywhere

The dance just started, masks are on the floor
There are jokers, music, wine and more
What will you find walking through the corridors?
Seven coloured rooms behind strange doors

When a bloodstained mask appeared then
Terror glared inside their eyes
It looks real but you can't kill it
And now Red Death reached their minds!

Behind the mask I have seen your face and I’ve seen my end
Masque of Red Death will find you everywhere
I’ve heard the clock
In the silence, the countdown of my end
Masque of Red Death will be everywhere


Underground lies a secret
The remains of an ancient world
Catacombs full of wonders
Our thirst for knowledge burns!

There’s a drop of the Old Blood
No one knows where it’s coming from
But the Church will discover
The power it holds!

The Old Gods wait for us
Communion cannot be too far
Awake the Ones!
The chalice will reveal
A future stemming from the past
Spawned in the dark
No feelings left in our hearts

In the invisible village
There’s a ritual going on
In the school of the nightmare
The cosmic prince is born

Then the Choirs are singing
For the daughter of outer space
In the hope of unlocking
The knowledge celestial

The beasts are roaming free
Night of the hunt it has begun
Beware the dark
Disfigured and tormented
These things were men, now are they what?
The Hunters' prey
No feelings left in their hearts

Welcome to my dream
A place to rest your weary hand
It’s your turn
Worship the moon painted in red
An eternal night
You will re-live until you find
The secret behind the paleblood sky

Have you heard of the spider
Of the powers he kept at bay
With him gone all the nightmares
Come crawling
Your way

It’s time to make a choice
Forge your own path
Now hear my voice
Good hunter, come
No feelings left in your heart

Welcome to my dream
A place to rest your weary hand
It’s your turn
Worship the moon painted in red
An eternal night
You will re-live until you find
The secret behind the paleblood sky

In the waking world
Good hunter you will find your worth
Dawn is coming soon
This dream will end, and so will you
Time to be reborn
As something new, as so much more
Just look to the stars
From where they come


This is a neverending quest that you are on
To understand the meaning of life and death and all
And every time you draw the blood of other men
You feel the noose is getting tighter around your neck

Find the light
Open up your heart tonight
Who could frame your fearful symmetry?
What immortal hand or eye?
Eyes of coal
Will reflect your very soul
And the lies you tell about yourself
Fade away forevermore

The eyes of fire from the dark are looking back
There’s not a single night alone in your weary head
You hear them calling out your name to drive you mad
To find the inner peace you seek you must fight again

Hunt them down
The undead
There is nothing else to do
Give them rest, Scourge of the Dead
You’re the only one who can

This is a neverending quest that you are on
This is a burden you must carry until you die
A life of solitude to serve the will of God
And in the end you know that death will be your reward

Find the light
Open up your heart tonight
Who could frame your fearful symmetry?
What immortal hand or eye?
Eyes of coal
Will reflect your very soul
And the lies you tell about yourself
Fade away forevermore


Trema la mia mano, rigida
Sulla carta sembra muoversi da sé
Geroglifici impossibili
Non mi arrendo, ma una logica non c’è

Spire di follia mi avvolgono
Troppo lucide per la mia sanità
La scoperta inaccettabile
La visione di una cruda verità

Su questa isola
I resti di una civiltà
Che presto si risveglierà

Sognano tra rovine antiche
Un’oscura profezia
Sorgerà dalle profondità
Una nera sinfonia

Dagli spazi siderali giunsero
Dopo un lungo viaggio nell’oscurità
Dominarono la Terra eoni fa
Prima dell’avvento dell’umanità

Su questa isola la gloria di una civiltà
Che presto ci rimpiazzerà

Sognano tra rovine antiche
Un’oscura profezia
Sorgerà dalle profondità
Una nera sinfonia

Non ho più scopi razionali
Non mi resta che pazzia
Piegherò ogni mia volontà
A una nera sinfonia


In the catacombs they come alive
It’s the final fight!
It’s the end of the road for their kind

When the armies of dead will arise
You will stand and fight!
It’s your doom and there’s no end in sight

No tomorrow
Peace in death
Find the solace
You’ve been looking for all of your life

Light your lantern to keep them in sight
Then prepare to strike
End their unholy, blasphemous life

No tomorrow
Peace in death
Find the solace
You’ve been looking for all of your life

The broken seal has led them this way
Once again
The undead hunter cuts through their ranks
Like a blade
The lantern’s light will soon be no more
That, he knows
Only his death the portal will close

No tomorrow
Peace in death
Find the solace
You’ve been looking for all of your life


Hurry up my friend the show has come to town
We’re waiting just for you
Prepare yourself for many wonders to behold
You’ll see, it’s something new!

Don’t be afraid, just enter straight into the tent
It’d be a shame to lose this single time event

You’ll see deformities way beyond belief
A twisted evil breed
But it’s important that you come inside alone
Just place your trust in me

The curtain hides the things you’ve always feared
And they’ll haunt you for many years
But there’s another choice that you can make
To become part of something great

Lie down, soon you’ll be in this family
Don’t move, or I’ll make you scream
I know, everyone is afraid of clowns
But you, you just stand down!

The curtain hides the things you’ve always feared
And they’ll haunt you for many years
But there’s another choice that you can make
To become part of something great

Don’t be afraid, don’t mind at all this awful scent
Oh what a shame, you know we’re not what we pretend!

The dawn is coming fast, the circus leaves the town
Just litter on the ground
But still remains the echo of an eerie sound
It’s like an evil laugh

The curtain hides the things you’ve always feared
And they’ll haunt you for many years
But there’s another choice that you can make
To become part of something great

The curtain hides the things you’ve always feared
And they’ll haunt you for many years
But there’s another choice I’ll make for you
To become part of something new


Since the dawn of man, we looked for clues
To our existence
In a multiverse of make believe
Created by thoughts and dreams
Made of our thoughts and dreams

Come sit around the fire
Listen to stories told
These tales of gods and mortals
Where new realities unfold

Since the dawn of man, we’ve been denied
A reason to be here
So we made our own and shaped the gods
To guide our path in life
Like a light in the dark

Come sit around the fire
Listen to stories told
These tales of gods and mortals
Where new realities unfold

Everyone believes in something, has a tale they want to be
As real as it can be
In the eternal fight of good and bad
What about humanity?

Zeus, Hades and Poseidon the Titans killed to take revenge
Sekhmet, freed from Ra, burned the traitors with her fiery breath
When Ragnarok’s upon us it’s the end of everything
But we’ll be reborn, fate rolls on just like a wheel

Aliens came to Earth and soon they were worshipped as gods
When men stop believing, their wrath will fall on us all
Evil will always be there, in the corner of your eye
When Death comes to take you, you will know if you’ll live or you’ll die

Come sit around the fire
Listen to stories told
These tales of gods and mortals
Where new realities unfold

I’m but a humble servant
My King is Fantasy
There’s power in our stories
Dreamers will shape reality


There are dark places in these woods
Full of secrets that no one knows
Where the sun cannot pierce the gloom
I’ll tell you a story

Near the place of the Gardners’ farm
Something strange fell down from the sky
It looked like a weird shooting star
But no, it was not!

All the nature around the place
Started morphing to something new
And the family had to face
The horror incoming

From the field where the colour fell
The pollution was on its way
To the water deep in the well
Oh no! It seemed to grow!

Whatever that was it was simply wrong
(not something part of this world)
And no one knows where it came from
I say it was a colour out of space
(it came here from another world)
And to the Earth doesn’t belong

It was spreading like a disease
Like a cancer the horror grew
A reality hard to believe
Hideous and sprawling

For the Gardners there was no hope
And the farm was a livin’ hell
But there was nowhere to go
No! No, no, no!

Whatever that was it was simply wrong
(not something part of this world)
And no one knows where it came from
I say it was a colour out of space
(it came here from another world)
And to the Earth doesn’t belong

While the trees are learning how to talk
Miskatonic slowly flows
Flowers bloom of colours you don’t know
Shapes way different than before
I don’t know the reason why
It came down here from the sky

paroles ajoutées par Reikjavik - Modifier ces paroles