Crepusculum (PL) : Pestis Mordet Corpora Eorum

Black Metal / Poland
(2007 - Hail Satan 666 Productions)
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Can you hear this silence which is surrounding you?

Walking through the city of decaying scum,
Follow the shout of ripped children...

Desecrated bodies nailed to trees
Clotted blood on the streets.

The temples of god are on fire,
And Christians drowning in rivers of blood

Impaled heads of fucking priests,
And shattered nuns on inverted crosses!

Little bastards drinking the blood,
From the womb of their dead mothers!!

You will die,because you are nothing.

But live a little longer, go farther...
Among damage and the avenues of slaughter.

Be a witness of Devil’s triumph on the earth,
And of the last church which is glittering in flames.


They are circulating among two-legged pigs clad in bodily coating

Their thoughts are marked by heresy and epiphanies of negativism.

The archonts from the fiery lakes, of infernal homeland.

Their words are the mouths of the one, the scarlet wild beast called thousand names.

It's time to set free the disgust and suffering
It's time to worship the filth!

Let darkness triumph over the light.

Witches and sorceresses are devoting themselves to lust with goats.

Making out ointment polluting whirls of a cursed mind.

Legions of everyone from demonic dukes are subordinated to the passionate thought,
Embalmed in the body of an asleep one...

The sound of trumpets is resounding!!

Where with silent voice souls of the dead are starting to speak,
Enchanted in stone forms.

On the wings of griffon an angel of the debauchery is rising.

Her face is as black as a deep shade of forest,
Devas are under her command leading into the loss and doom,
Appointed in order to kill the newborn.

Her name is Lilith.
She ascends the throne with the one who will triumph over the dying mankind.

His voice - a hurricane
His mouth - the fire
Breath - DEATH

He speaks in my body, with my mouth as my ego,
Because I am him and he lives in me...


Niepewność w ciemności postaci,
Osłania ziemię swym licem.

Niczym ghoul piekłem natchniony,
Przyzywam jedyną esencje najczystszego zła.

W narkotycznym transie,ekstazie potępienia,
Z przegniłych najstarszych sumeryjskich grobów,
Zaklinam cię zemsto tkwiąca w moim wnętrzu.

Wirując w kręgu przestrzeni chaosu,
Plugawej esencji cierpienia..

Piekielny sztylet przeszywa mnie,
Nadchodzi ziemskiego życia kres.

Łańcuchy świdrują gnijące ciało
Pompując płonąca krew..

Jako nieśmiertelny przebudzam się
Ciemnością karmiąc jaźn!!!!!

Gdy kokon zwany ciałem zostaje porzucony,
A ognisty podmuch śmierci bestialsko wyzwolony..

Chcę wgryzać się w wasze zgniłe serca,
Poczuć drapieżną rządze krwi!

Chce niczym jad zatruwać miękkie mózgi,
Az po kres waszych dni!

Pradawna magia sprzed wieków początków ziemi,
Piętrzy się I kłębi,
W demonicznym wirze czarnych chmur,

Czerpiąc siły z koszmarów umysłu,
Wrzasków proroczych snów...

Lecz teraz one stają się prawdziwe,

Morza krwi,ścięgna z bladych ludzkich ciał,
Owinięte wokół tronu z kości.

Legiony konających,zgliszcza płonących miast,
Koniec ziemi nastanie wraz z ostatnia pełnią księżyca...


I bring disease, I rip your soul,
I am demon which comes into your body.

Demonic magic causes rotting of the organism inside.

From your ears leak blood,
From your nose…eyes-thick mucus.

You feel the press on throat,
Head pulsates in infernal vice!

You lie on the altar of the ancient faith,
Faith which curses against your thoughts!

It is the end, I am the beginning
I tear away your heart, and then I eat it!!

Thousand children's heads grows from my body,
Slithering in crying ecstasy,

They throw up with vermin on your weak corpse
Which completes its life!

In convulsions epilepsy rips your brain,
Bloody foam drips from your muzzle.

This is already the end,
It is completed,my hands hold a knife,
They cut your body into pieces
On altar of the ancient faith,

The devilish ego and my glory!!!



5. A.M.S.G

Oh my forsaken god! Chained in deeps of oblivion!
He is born in me,possess each part of my flesh.
Each of my scars is one of His eyes.

He sees through me!!! Controls my pierced limbs.

From my mouth crawl the serpent, and each single word I have spoken give birth to new one.

He can be named rider of Armageddon.
He can't be seen, touched, even heard.

He lives above,below, here and beyond.
He is one with all realms!
Oh. Touch me now! Controll and bless me, let me flly on your wings.

Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam. Crimson moon is His eye
Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam. He lives and dies

Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam. Control my pierced limbs.

I offer to you See through my blind eyes.
Speak through my bleeding mouth! See...

Call me now! Speak through my bleeding mouth!!!

Let me be one with your sin - let me touch your bless, I shall die!

Hear me now, hear my call - cut my veins now.
I shall perish...

And eternal adversary - JHW dies on white sheet,
But before that - crown of the horns won't be enough!

Let us slit our arms and bleed. Sacrifice for Him.

Let us delight in upcoming horns..
Oh see me now master of sin.

Serpent with seven heads!

Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam.
Crimson-stainted moon is His eye.
Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam. He lives and dies.

Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam.


Zniszcz pieczęć wojny - jego armia nadchodzi.


Wszyscy ci, którzy nie ujrzeli
Ziemskiego brzemienia Diabła zostaną ukarani.

Twój gniew mój Panie, spadł na ten padół,
Gdzie EVA - zdradziecki owoc jahwe
Przytula węża do swej nagiej piersi.

Czas zniszczenia. Jego głos.

Droga śmierci. Nowa era nadciąga.

Gdy spłoną nieba - gdy pojawią się plagi.
Gdy chrystus zdechnie. Gdy słońce zgaśnie.

Czas ciemności! Rok węża.

Jego głos - martwe stulecie.
Spójrz na świt - popioły!

Anno Serpenti, czas zniszczenia, szaleństwo rytuału.
7 czarnych świec..

Twój krzyk o Panie - niczym taran w bramy niebios.

Ostatni cios będzie nowym początkiem.
Twoje słowo, proklamowane moimi ustami.

Twoja potęga przejęła moje ciało.

Jego znak - Ouroboros.

Anno Serpenti - Syn ognia.
Anno Serpenti - Rok węża.
Anno Serpenti - Niewolnicze uwielbienie.

Milion demonów kołuje nad krzyżem,
Milion martwych ślepców.
MILION LARW toczy głowę chrystusa!!!

Nowy prorok - Czarny mesjasz.


Incantations of evil
Spells black of Satan
Satanic power from hell
From dark crystal rooms

Black souls of darkness
Dark ones of evil
Baptized in fire
Mystical death you will die!

Black Arts

Rituals are going
Hexcrafting and cursing
Proclaiming your death
Magick, hate and death

Black Arts

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