Crepusculum (PL) : Illuminatus

Black Metal / Poland
(2013 - Odium Records (PL))
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(No Lyrics available)


When the darkness in his majesty stands on guard
And the sun sets drowning in the sea
The chants rise for satyrical gods.

Predatory cult of power and domination brings together
Those who overcome their weakness.

Asylum for murderers and deviants of all manners

All those resigning the antiochian etos,
Barbaric life is appointed to those with master genes
Indifferent to human rights!

The realm of condemnation!
Here you'll learn to kill
The realm of condemnation!
Here you'll drink from the source of truth
The realm of condemnation!
Here you'll burn in the fire of evil ecstasy

To rise back from ashes.

Be a wolf amongst wolves, predacious yet free
God among gods, who walks in eternity

This is the real paradise,
Where the god perversion sits on dragons throne

Temples of seth are filled with sex, blood and debauchery
Thousands of bodies of those unworthy are under the altar
Hundreds of swords raised with pride, held by the army of destroyers

Gather the children of evil!
It's the time to restore
The lands to their original heirs.

In the name of the devil and the lust of hell

With fire and brimstone
I baptize you false prophet.
Blades twist and dance
Among human throats
Golden calf perished,
The world belongs to us!


Nuk setekh ! Nuk anpu ! Hems aber kes, amt urt aat ent pet !!
Nuk setekh ! Nuk anpu ! Hems aber kes, ar heka neb te'tet !!

Tempted by agrat-bat-mahrat's daughters
Sunburned with skin tainted by a thousand scorpions
I wander the deserts of egypt, whipped by the blazing breeze

With every step further from khat
With every step closer to neter-khert
With every step further down the eternity!

And then the pyramids loom,
Raised to praise the mighty apep!
Predatory jackals, those there to guard its secrets,
Howl waiting for the last eclipse

Oh, mighty strength
Of infinite consciousness,
Typhonic fury of untamed wilderness!

Fill me with flaming cold
And let me see the dying world!!!

Master of storm and war
Who's above the law of ma'at
The avenger returning each night
The destroyer on my left side

Oh, mighty strength
Of infinite consciousness,
Typhonic fury of untamed wilderness!

Fill me with flaming cold
And let me see the dying world!!!

Solve et coagula !

The body dies,
Releasing the magic of the black flame
I am the one with kematef
I embrace the power of hell and empyrean sky

I learned thy names
Became thy eyes
I speak thy words

For i am the last one!


I am the lotus that grew from the pre-ocean
The past and the future. the ancient of the hemen dynasty

I extinguished the myriads of stars, antimatter is what i breathe
I was, i am, i will be. Tears of despair are my liquor
I exist in oblivion with my army of khem cemetery ghosts

Amenthes is the kingdom!

Feel the wrath and burning hate flowing from my hands,
While i destroy your weak flesh
And let the blood flows in streams

Feel the fear when i warp your mind
And your dreams die with
The crunch of broken bones

Feel the pain parasite of vegetation.
And die for i can call you back to life!

You open your eyes,
Waking up in a new,
Better world
Reign by conflagration,
Where agony completes orgasm.

Where sobs and cries
Are the only sound
Piercing through
The dead, cold silence.

No place to run.
Thousand of paths,
And all lead to me

Eternal decay,
Rebirth and death
With no end.

This nightmare is reality,
The dream finally came true

May you rot
Human child
And live to rot in pain.


On the red planet dead from the outside,
Guarded by sandstorms
In underground cellars, which are older thant the earth
There rest the enlightened, hibernated in ice sarocphagus
Everything has a purpose, beginning and end
And the time of his rebirth has now come

Here comes apeiron, born of prematter abyss

The one who went on the other side
Of dead horizon
And came back with pulsar flare

The one who traveled to parallel universes,
Discovering the secrets
Of quantum fluctuations

The one who rule the plasma
Creating matter,
The one who kills universes

The big chill embraces the whole universe
Full of dwarfs and neutron stars
Black holes swallow the light...

Still, cold fog floating
In space of elements
And enveloping pleiades of galaxies

The final stroke hit this valley of tears,
The immortal messiah collects
The yield of life
It all comes back to the singularity,
To rise back from
The burning nothingness
Frenzied anger
Changes humanity into dust
Self-proclaimed devil absorbs their souls
It all comes back to the singularity,
To rise back from the burning nothingness.

In whom everything is created and in whom everything die.
In whom everything is created and in whom everything die.


On the ruins of an antlantean temple
Where statues of orthrus and chimairy
Are coming back to life
Fed with human essence
Where the sirens yell
And devour the sailors
And madness and reason
Merge into one

The spell of resurrection is now casted!

Oh, lord of iniquity, astral dragon,
Soul of the universe
Come and fill out the buried corpses
It's time to stop the cosmic harmony
Let the tree of life burn! heart started beating again...
The curse of pantheon is rising...
The chains are break
The chains are break!!!
He is now free!!
It is done!!

You who let me rot
In the deepths of the ocean volcano

I curse you! I hate you!
Chthonic titans
-sleeping in qliphothic eggs

I call you! I invoke you!
The shell breaks bursting with fire

The deepths open so i can surface
I am rebel by nature,
The murderer by choice...

Rotting bodies grow back new flesh,
Broken wings regain former glory
Covering the sky and stars

You who let me rot
In the deepths of the ocean volcano

I curse you! I hate you!
Chthonic titans
-sleeping in qliphothic eggs

I call you! I invoke you! Almighty!
You're not strong enough
To stand against me

Forgotten old man, born of weakness
Merciful to those who despise him

The throat cracks under scaled claws

You die, and so die your believers

...and the creature rise above the piles
Of the dead demiurge worshippers
Sucked dry of life by its tentacles...

The gates of tartarus are now open
Children of adder and snake
Are crawling out of the darkness...


Awake, human,
You've been choosen among the sons of men
Open your mind and listen to the voice that draws energy from the ether.
My name is my name decayeth not
Nuit is my wings and hadit my eyes.
Im the shining triumpathor

The key of time and the master of space
Give me your hand and drop the shackles of worldliness.

Let's become united, open your heart
And absorb the crystal that is the essence of everything.

Xepera! Xeper! Xeperu! I come into being
Xepera! Xeper! Xeperu! The power pulse in my veins

I open the gates of the labyrinth hidden deep in the shadowy basements.
Divine atoms fill me from the inside, i enter the corridors of the dead,
The emerald of infinity
I dive into tiphareth
And release my inner flame!

Xepera! Xeper! Xeperu! I come into being
Xepera! Xeper! Xeperu! The power pulse in my veins

And i saw the invisible.
I learned the mysteries of daath and transmutated my ego
I am the chaos, and chaos is my name.

My soul is god, my soul is eternal.

Who are you weak creatures, reeds waving in the wind
Filthy seed and this world's ulcer!
You've been rotting, you rot and you will rot
All locked in the prisons of their mind.

Me, i'm the next incarnation of the light guard,
And i now lead you in the depths of the night.

I'm the one who became a chepri, lives forever
But not life not linked to death but free from it.

Out of order, of all things human
I'm the one that existed and will exist
When aeons pass and the sun is extinguished
Like a phoenix from the cosmic abyss
I shall emerge in the burning fire.


Winds of dark passion
Lead me by the mad way of heresy
I'm starving for blood,

Et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum.

Cursed forever, archangel of darkness
Sinister and wicked, born of original sin
Kept between life and death
The smoke of burning bodies is what i breath

I looked into the depths of the earth falling apart
There's no other way but through black, fire-heated mirrors

And i dive where dreary master rules,
Where those with tattered skin die
Suffering in the depths of oblivion,
And arachnid beasts thirst
For a menses of the babalon

Babalon !!!

I hear desperate sobs of women
Kneeling on the banks of kokytos,
Their burning tears streams down
On the face of sodomites
Submerged in a swamp rot.

I see warriors wandering aimlessly
Once great in life, but now fallen
Erebus shadows shroud their bodies
Ongoing fratricidal battle hunger

The withered trees hanging suicide
Pecking by ravens, tormented by madness
Shamans perform their sacred rituals
Here where hades reign forever !!!

Let the filthy laugh! Let the tormented cry!

The sun rays will never reach here
Happiness and joy are but mask of appearances,
Nailed to face of the dancing blind.

Fascinated by the splendor of pyriflegeton
In mystical ecstasy and evil glory
I step into the chambers of debauchery. antithesis of paradise!

Antithesis of all-life !


I saw the ruins that used to be a city full of beauty and life
Absorbed by volcanic eruptions, and covered by the sea for centuries
These were the times of tep zepi when netyro came in their fire boats
The judges of the underworld, the demigods
They started human race, they witnessed shaping of the earth
And departed, leaving a dark, hidden heritage

Now i stand in chambers carved in lapis lazuli

Mummified priests deeply hibernated
Are keeping torches burning
The unquenchable flame

I cross their majesty
And reveal the tablets of destination
Hiding secrets of the universe's origin

I breathed pleromy
And rose above the earth highs
To watch the fall of mankind.

The time came full circle
The last period is ending,
The century of kali yuga has come.

Infinum malum comes from the underworld
Earthquakes are the symbol!
Rivers change their course,
All kinds of birds
Fall from sky with raindrops

And i saw's bright comet
Ancients has come again
To punish their sons

By sending plagues
Mutating in a cosmic space
Sea welter absorbs it all

Let the ruins that used to be a city
Full of beauty and life

Become their tomb.

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