Coágulo : Coagulation Times

Ambiant Black / Argentina
(2018 - Self-Released)
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Waiting in a clearing of the wet forest
Looking at the infinite black of the night sky
Dreaming under the freezing vault of insane suns
Glimpsing a constellation that no one else can see

What does my life mean into the age of this universe?
What does my death mean into the age of this universe?
What does your god mean into the age of this universe?
What do 2018 ages mean into the age of this universe?

Ruled by the constellation of the morbid coffin
I get drunk with the futile essence of my existence
Ruled by the constellation of the morbid coffin
The fetid forest merges with me into one

My soul is so empty and cold as the cosmos
My mind is a lifeless planetary system
My eyes turns white and my hollows black
My blood coagulates and my heart freezes

The frogs croak in an ever more sinister way
The dew moistens my skin ever more pale
The fireflies guide me through of perdition
The moonlight presages my unholy funeral

Ruled by the constellation of the morbid coffin
I walk through the clearing in which I never was born
Ruled by the constellation of the morbid coffin
I know that those stars have died long ago

Ruled by the constellation of the morbid coffin
From tomorrow and forever , the sun won't rise again
Ruled by the constellation of the morbid coffin
I understood in this clearing the trees don't grow for me


I walk down the path that crosses the hatred forest
Where my only company is the incandescent adrenaline
The flora burns in flames that touches the scarlet skies
The air becomes cloudy and all human life is annihilated

I walk down the path through the ghostly blame's fog
The myopia produced by his veil leads to my accusation
There are illusion traps hidden under snow and putrid Leaves
That stepping on them inhibit my will of reasoning

I walk down the path that surrounds to the dissapointment's lake
The fatuous fires warn me the danger from the other shore
Crouched over the water, I throw out the poison of hope
And I laugh at those pathetic loves overrated by illusion

I walk down the path that leads to the obsession's volcano
Where the continuous magma of sick reflections flows
The cold whisper of death torments my mind day and night
The toxic smoke is killing me slowly and in silence

I swim on the path that traces the misanthropy river
On it, I am a monstrous fish that has never been caught
The fishermen have told legends to their children about Me,
Of the lonely fish that even the oldest fisherman has Feared

I walk down the path that leads to the melancholy sea
The waves break in violently in the center of my soul
My daily dying motivations jump down from the cliff
Dying in the black sand are devoured by black birds

The symposium of mental health has been defeated by my insanity
A new wound opens in my infinite expansion of nothing
I try to look for a false solace in the signs of the Firmament
As if a flash of fleeting breath had the power of a Thousand disappointments

I crawl in the path of the forsaken depression's cavern
I sleep naked on my comfortable glass splinters bed
If there is something the pain has taught me is to be Selfish
To be the biggest selfish scavenger in the entire world

In here is no compassion for the fucking human race
On the roof the stalactites are shaped like gallows
With the red blood of my cuts I write your fucking name
On the stone walls with thirst for vengeance!!!


The process of unconscious fruition is altered by an Abstract factor
The enjoyment imposed by obligation determines the Coagulation
My psychic convalescence has been lost in the ether of Infinite space
My capacity to perform a job has been wrapped in friction Tape

Anticipatory thinking is potentiated by generalized Anxiety disorder
The obsession to a pernicious idea inhibits all Resolutive ideas

The trunk of my indolence has been uprooted forever
Pleasure anxiety opens the portal to these abstract Isolations
The immaterial failure of the brain is the result of Painful calvaries
One more time, my feelings have been left without Interpretation

The train that was in charge of bring peace to my empty Life has been derailed
The neurosis shines in the darkness like a quasar through Thousands of light years

I have been marked for life by an excessive exigency from Others
I have been influenced by fear, by the loss and horror of Life

I have been rejected by the coldest and frosty hearts of Existence
I have been tortured by physical and psychological Violence

I am an icy wasteland of insipid agonizing emotions
I am an artificial pool of pestilent wastewater

In my back, I charge in tons the neutral weight of an Objective life
These abstract isolations will go with me to my miserable Grave

Lyrics geaddet von Antonin_Martin - Bearbeite die Lyrics