Christicide (FRA) : Christicide

Black Metal / France
(2007 - Of Crawling Shadows Records)
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n a dark isolated room , with dampness in the air ,
lay a pregnant nymph frightened
by the lack of hope broadcasted by this place .
A place seems to be out of the plan of god ,
with only the coldness and silence … The silence of misfortune . ( léger écho sur “ silent “ )
She’s about to give birth to her most important fear .
Not spawned from a rape but by love .
A dream suddenly obscured by claws so strong …
The claws were from hell and were grinding her subconscious with an unknown pain .

Completely withdrawn into herself with rolled back eyes
and afraid to confront the critical moment ,
she’s crying , she’s suffering
and from a womb blue with pain begins to appear life …
A life representing the pupil of the Master .
From a fertile temple , god has spawned its own death . ( écho sur la fin de “death“ )
Like a tired father subconsciously leaving his reign
via parricide to a thirsty son …

All was done in secrets ,
all was done in filth ,
all was done in fear ,
all was done in beauty ,
all was done with sweat ,
all was done with blood ,
all was done in spite of us ,
and in incomprehension .

Not the son of man but one of his sons
Amongst …

Any of those beings are a gift to greet with all our heart .
And through us , sons of man , pure hatred towards our fellow men
isn’t selective but absolute .

When her eyes were re-opened ,
it was tears of joy that falling on the cheek of the woman ;
Tracing in the dirt the fate already written of this son .
A son who will contemplate grace and perfection
with bliss …


Reborn a thousand times at the face of the divine ,
and never controlled through the ages .
Originator of the stillborn universe ,
Who has written the chants of human’s omen .
Present in each of us , faceless creatures
and raping our beauty from inside .
Reaching the highest point of mind corruption
when we set free the way to our hearts .
With all his force , within our souls
changing our flesh , carving our thoughts …
Open your being to the grand host !
Gloria in excelsis Déo !!!

Refuse to greet the gleam inside you ,
And let enter the dark .
Babylon still lives inside you
and she’ll be the womb of the world infection .
Built upon shame , built upon remains ;
with prostitution as blood .
Spread the semen of unity in Evil
and spawn a child named destruction !
Thus thee are the incarnation of the poisoned life ,
bringing the wine of wrath to mankind ,
turning nations against nations , fathers against sons !

To behold the stars as fallen angels ,
and to behold darkness as the serpent’s sun ;
I have experienced the blood of millions ,
worn the mark of the Devil and feared the truth ,
veiled my vision with things totally out of time ,
accepted events which never happened before .
I have let my reason be infected and my self lived his existence
for enter an unknown realm of a thousand malignancy .


Thank you Men for let your gates opened
and let the pernicious light enter .
Thank you for greet the Dominion phallus
who will spawn the truth in your child .
And now laugh ! Laugh for you have find joy !
And smile ! Smile for to abandon the I is the path to redemption !
Opened doors are the keys to the closed ones
which will increase suffering .

Malum qui nescit occasum
Say welcome to Satan and let him save you .
Let him save you and let the Death touch you .
Let him save you and let iniquities bless you .
Say welcome to life for it bring Death !

Malum qui nescit occasum
In your house shall I find a fire
and a daughter who will proudly bear the shame
as the divine fruit , as a blessing .

Thank you Men for let your home opened ,
and let your wife to the malicious prowler .
Thank you for teach your childs to spread their thighs
and to accept for only feeling joy at the sight of Evil .
Joy at the sight of Evil !!!
And be in peace when the war is in you !
And laugh when your life is ruined !

Malum qui nescit occasum
Make love to Death !
and make Death to love !
and make Death to life !
and give life to death !

In your house shall I find my place ,
a temple where I shall fill our grail with
the blood of your blood .
Thank you from the depth of my heart .
Thank you brother of mine
and rejoice when you'll kill me ,
while I'll give you a kiss .

Malum qui nescit occasum


They are here , crying to return to the fundaments of hate ,
and raped by the sound of the mayhemic truth .
They are here , praying to return to the purity of birth ,
where Christ wasn’t able to save us from hell .

A birth which had taken place in filth ,
and which was drenched in the blackest of blood ;
In an unhealthy moment of pain and fear …
Thus they were born , chosen amongst Satan’s seeds .

Lifeless body smiling in blood , necrotic redemption in the sake of Evil .
A smell of utter devotion rise , ultimate sin . Mockery in the face of god .
If our sins have been washed away in Jesus’ blood , they will reborn through us .

The blade run fast tonight , wrists by wrists …
They all answer to the call of death .
As the shape of Christ disappears from their life ,
they return to their creator’s hands .
And all those bleeding corpses on the ground are just an offering to the majestic one .

Lifeless body smiling in blood , necrotic redemption in the sake of Evil .
A smell of utter devotion rise , ultimate sin . Mockery in the face of god .
If our sins have been washed away in Jesus’ blood , they will reborn through us .

And all those bleeding corpses on the ground
are just an offering to the Majesty .
For god there are only carbonised corporal husk remaining ,
while their soul make now a travel towards an higher level .
Reaching the point of no return …
And helping the blade to run faster on earth …


A march through the truth ,
when everything is black ,
when everything is pure ...
Swallow the venom and crush blasphemies .

Sacrifice the soul ,
let the flesh be used as a tool .
Pull up some limbs of your mind ;
For the wound will be healed with time .

Behold the quintessence
in the eyes of the children .
Behold in their deserted look
the altar of inverted life .

I'm cursed for I can’t imagine the greatness .
I'm cursed for I can’t take part enough in the whole process .
But the will is in me forever ,
and my eyes are washed and see .

Those sights are a gift
and the proof of the truth .
No other way than bend myself
when shine the sword of perfection .

Reflect on the past time ...
Distant visions of past life ...
With a malicious smile to the mouth I laugh
and just slay the works of goodness !

I will never deserve those sights .
I will never bear thy light .
But I have no doubt in faith .
And my being is but a mirror lighting the world .


I have burnt this body which was mine ,
discovering the forces
who rule this place with an obvious logic .
Only the mind is needed
on the path I will walk .
Because this path is made of an ancient knowledge .

An accomplishment of the soul
gained by the completion in dark .
After an inner fight where the pernicious gleam has floored the light .
As life disappears in the mist ,
my soul enters in trance
and my destiny is now sealed .

I listen to those old walls who are talking to me :
“ Through Satan you will reach infinity .”
After some years of blindness now I see .
I am now a part of the entity .

A rebuilt temple in black stone ,
where something is lurking in the dark ,
where the nuisance sweats by all its pore …
This place is pure , without kindness
and leaves nothing to god but its tears
which will fill its empty realm .

From her rampart emanate some whispers
who teach us the suffering
and circling us with demoniac forces .
They broadcast something dark
indescribable by human words .
Something that brings us to another realm .

When I come to your doors with my thirst of doom
Andematunnum , feed my soul …
After uncertainty now I see .
I am now a part of the Evil city .

I have burnt this body which was mine ,
discovering the forces
who are bringing me to another domain
Only the mind was needed
on the path I had walked .
And this path was my last journey .


Like the sun lighting the putrefied earth each damned day ;
As sure as his harmful ray will blind us eternally ,
shinning through our skin and bringing life in our hearts …
Mankind is naturally born with a gleam which ,
like a parasite , will eat each of his cells .

Is it through this gleam that the secret will be spread ?
Such a prism broadcasting your god ?
Is it this despicable absence of grandeur which will get the better of me ?

For divine wisdom is immense ,
we should at first discover the Evil in the reason .
The barrier of earth and human life contains
a millions wonders , available at our hands .

To go past the initial level of the temptation ,
Cain’s path can suckle the earth .
Here the first step becomes reality …
Key to a timeless sphere , key to the portal of hate …

By recognizing body as real and vulnerable in the flesh of god .
As tears fall from his empty eyes , the burning one of the Reason will rise .
Evil is , and is not pure negation .
Evil is , and is not pure negation .

To go past the essential level of the Christicide ,
delighting us in a perfect world by beginning to contemplate .
A caress to a gift coming from our beliefs
and the exploration of all possibilities which was spawned in us .

Useless are the things that you can touch and see ,
useless are the things that you can smell and hear
for the ascension of the soul
through the dark hall of knowledge .
( A hall with immense walls . )

For in the dark there is the unknown , the mysterious …
And from the unknown is born the grandeur .

lyrics added by lutinofchaos - Modify this lyrics