Catharsis (USA-1) : Arsonist's Prayer



The horror that we may not live
We may not live
To see the walls fall from between us
Between us and the world for which these songs cry out

That the desire which still lives to contest,
A mark of shame upon certain foreheads
Will remain an offering unto the dead:
Illegible, irrelevant
And we will be shaped into priestly statues
In poses of defiance before our own masters
To softly, safely sing the praises of a disarmed war,
A lukewarm love
So let's we fall out of lust for life,
Let us risk all we have to risk
For only a fool only a fool would cling
To this world as it is

If I could strike one blow to spite their force,
Though I might bear one hundred more,
I would wear the welts like rubies,
And the shackles for a crown.
And if I had one hundred hearts I would throw them
All before their bullets before I'd sell a single one
To wield their power.
So lest we fall out of love with life,
Let us give all we have to give.
For only, a fool would cling to this world:

Autumn the leaves fell
Then the trees
Became Fences and factories
Now winter is coming
Let's put the heat on

...But no fire or ice, their absences suffice
The nights now will be long and cold,
With a silence like you've never known
And you'll shake in it cry out at it,
But it will wrap you in its spider's thread
Perhaps you'll stare into that blankness
Until it peers back into you
And both of you see nothing
And it will wrap you in its spider's thread:
That blessed are the wombs that are barren.
Blessed are the branches that bear no fruit.
Blessed are the rivers run dry.
For we have come to the end of the world
To die

So die
Die and become perish,
Let go and be done with all the tangled threads
That keep you tied to husks of false hopes, fossilized
If these years still wait for those
Who will be more merciless than history
Tto burn the chaff and make an end,
To make the fields fertile once again
Then break
Break the skin,
Open, and reach in
And draw the nerves out taught to play a song
Upon those tight strings
Such as this world has never heard
Let it be dirge, hymn, or dance, vomit or tears,
Absolving snowfall or acid rain
Summer that sets fire to the harvest,
Or ice age that, thawing,
Blossoms crimson pain pleasure or death,
Splendour or rust,
Flash flood or drought that turns jungles to crust
Those tender caresses for which the skin aches
Or tear gas to breathe and plate glass to break
The uproar of riot, the hush of nightfall,
Or sirens announcing the doom of us all
The triumph of failures who fought at all costs,
Or despair of derelict dreamers who lost
Silence and space
Hungers to be momentary eternities
The furrows of ash left by passion and wrath
The faithless fixed stars over our wandering paths
As the moon moves the sea we could move these mountains
As comets drop to earth, so might empires end
As old suns explode rather than fall to dust
Let us steal fire and pay with our lives if we must
For if all this world is God's,
And man a mere plaything of laws and things
Then why not raze it all,
And in destroying at least set sail on borrowed wing?
Anything other than what we have known
Strike the match, take a breath now: the hour has come
To dance the resistance, teach tied tongues to sing:
This is the end of the calendar, the Last Loosening!
Around and inside you,
The violence you fear for or against it, it's already here
It forged the cord that bound you to the ground it built these walls
Let's Burn Them Down


Between some walls and pieces of plastic we breathe.
And stare amazed at the wheels which open up new ways.
Far from a place called home,
Where lovers whisper our names.
The eulogy of a forgotten youth,
Who refuse to be turned into slaves.
Refuse to be drowned in the sea of their expectations. Never be the cogwheels in their deadly engine.
Fuck running around in circles admist their holy lies.
I'd rather drink from nine to five than work to stay alive. Fuck their expectations, they mean nothing to me.
Fuck you for turning this feeling into a commodity,
With products bought that raise the flag of conformity. Fuck you for trying to sell our independence,
Ideas forsaken for the sake of marketing strategies.
Not to be delivered as another entertaining product,
But a means for creativity, self-realization,
And a forum to meet and share thoughts with beautiful people.
Cause this is what it is meant to be.
And this is what it means to me.
How long will we struggle to become what we despise? Between some walls and pieces of plastic we breathe.


I'm ready to leave,
I'm ready to live.
You don't have that much to offer me.
Creating new dimensions, opening new doors.
That is my style,
And I will not suffer for all the status you have to offer. I'm ready to leave this world which isn't mine,
I'm ready to live with the fact that the more I want,
The less you're willing to give me.
Behind your love, you build up hatred.
With your caressing hands,
You're prepared to strike me down.
May mothers cut the throats of their newborn babies,
May all the believers renounce their fucking gods.
But I will always be ready to leave,
I will always be ready to live.
For those I love, and hold close, I will suffer.
And not for what the rest has to offer.


We will become our own potential enemies,
If we're intent on stealing just a little more time from today.
All those dialogues broke into apathy, with all their
"I did this yesterday"s, and "Oh,
I might do that tomorrow"s.
Inertia makes us dream a dream which we will never be awakened from.
History just haunts us through deserts without oasises,
Through fields without flowers,
Through skies without stars,
In fact it's a massive weight on our shoulders,
To push us into passivity.
We must not let inertia take over our lives.
Fuck being paralyzed,
Fuck being paralyzed,
Fuck being paralyzed.
Against all gods, against all odds I move along.
And this road might be covered by thorns,
And flooded by worms, but just let me bleed,
I'll heal my wounds.
(Fuck these) "I did this yesterday"s
(Fuck these) "Oh, I might do that tomorrow"s.
To reach the sky, to touch the stars,
To live my life at any cost.
Seize the day, seize today.
I scream out these words.
Until the last drop of blood leaves my veins,
Until the last grasp of breath leaves my lungs,
May my blood write down these words,
While exploring all those new worlds.
What lies beyond the horizon of a place
Where everything is fucking bought and sold...
To dance like nobody danced before...
To live like nobody lived before...
To love like nobody loved before...
To go where nobody went before...
To run as far as possible...

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