Carbonized Gnawing Mandible : Anointed by the Elders

Death Brutal / Etats-Unis
(2013 - Auto-Production)
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Seated in unison
An exhale echoed
Darkness builds and surrounds the silent hall
Cloaks lowered
Chants begin

The elite show their faces
Light wholly envelops “Arrival”
Arrays of sensors flash, holograms rotate
Remaining conscious during visceral overload

A single beam emerges and severs away
The mandible drops into a circular dish, acquired by a machine
Deafening dissonance erupts and comes to an abrupt end

Cycling back to the chamber, mechanical needles restore
Complete (Carbonization complete)
Shine of jaw reflects into a ray of light
Concentrated, centered on the new arrival
Glistening throughout an assembly
Immortal anointed ones
A voice starts to ring, clicking in deep echoed pitch

Relinquish control for never ending cognizance an elder proclaims
Conserve all energy for preservation of Utopia
The reality is here, a seal is etched inside

Living and raised to enter the arc
Slashing and cuts
Enter the line, system is stabilized

Nothing in this world a challenger

Centered on the new arrival
Glistening throughout an assembly
Immortal anointed ones
A voice starts to ring, clicking in deep echoed pitch
“The reality is now here”


Clashing, shouting, erupting like gunfire
Plasma disturbing the silent sky
Acidic downpours flooding, ingesting what has grown
Uninhabitable lands decimated


Slowly, no mercy, eating away into the mantles
Down below the fortress intact, shielding the inevitable
Systematic pulses driving toward carbonization
As one process ends the other remains continuous
Seasonal modification giving way to respite of scorching
Inquisitive humans lured by their imperial nature
Eating away into the mantles


Coincidental timing fueling communication
A brief window of opportunity
Facilitate reconnaissance
Teams gathered to investigate
Braced for enemy resistance
Scientists escorted by flanking squads
Touching down conspicuously in a single cruiser
No threat of resistance, corroded landscapes
Navigating barren earth on a planet
Uncharted, unknown to any who exist
A single translucent archway the only sight
Immaculate opening for ambush
Standing around while samples were extracted
All units converged to examine
Forming a tight circle, invisible guardians pounce
Stealth brutality
Cut into pieces, dismembering
Forming a tight circle, invisible guardians pounce
Stealth brutality
Cut into pieces, dismembering
The downpour has ended
Purging has begun


Muffled comm lines declining upon terrified Intelligence
Hearing only agonizing screams before detachment
Introduction phase – first steps in retrieval complete without a hitch
Leaving behind their first taste of, of mutilation
Knights kick aside severed chunks of flesh and stand beneath the radiant arch
Coordinates dialed in, activated for launch, set for departure to return to Core
One’s life, from host, line to growth
From creation, born to become
Emerge, lead a path, step aside from clones
Break away from the rest, stand alone
Plunging into the void of antimatter
Gathered superiors to assess and promote
After years of dedication one combatant is worthy
One’s life, from host, line to growth
From creation, born to become
Lead a path, step aside from clones
Break away from the rest, stand alone


Carving up the oblivious, slashing limbs, spearing flesh
Soldiers entering mounted chain guns
Before pulling triggers a disconnect of skull and spine
The rest of their motionless bodies still standing
Others firing bursts of ammo at thin air in desperation are clawed and ripped apart
The unarmored lasting seconds longer
Simple swipes, their mortal lives


The highest echelon
A behemoth standing above
Crushing those who dare defy, watching as they swiftly die
Blood and entrails stained on the surface are left behind
Possessing every insignia except the one
Contacted by the elders
A slip space portal opened
Approving carbonization
Origination to transfer
Strings of code rolling steadily through the honoree’s wrist device
Stepping now - closer and closer ear-splitting signals increase
A final flash before exiting
Now all synced, teleportation now set
Arch and holographic wrist device rupture blinding shades of indigo


Vision disabled by intense shine
Staggering, blinking rapidly – in attempt to regain
Feeling weightless, hovering in the air
An unknown dominion
An ecliptic path, a glimpse of light
A flicker, a burst of molten radiance
Vision returns
Homeworld, utopia
Forgetting all that is imaginary
Exalt the missionary
All now in sanctuary
Surroundings secure
Initiation underway
Entering the chamber, harnessed inside, intertwined
Vision disabled by intense shine
Staggering, blinking rapidly – in attempt to regain


Dream sequence seemingly endless
An instant of time
An eternity tortured inside, paralyzed
Sounds of scrapes fade in
Metal on metal screeches pierce
Slow release of tightened eyelids – carbonized, gnawing the mandible
At first not realizing the vivid observant state
Arrival jolts awake from deep unconsciousness
The follower, the mental ghost an extraneous illusion
Slow release of tightened eyelids – carbonized, gnawing the mandible



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