Baron Rojo : Volumen Brutal

Heavy Metal / Espagne
(1982 - Chapa Discos)
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I don't know the reason
But I seem to be alone
I can't believe It
That it is my fault

If I care for people
They don't care for me
They are always asking
But they never give

*It's like living in an isolation ward
They shut me in and I can't open the door

**I'm so lonely here
Must get out of here (Repeat)

When I try to speak
They don't listen to me
I do my very best
And they laugh in my face

There's no understanding
We've put up a fight
And to be left alone
Is the winning prize

I must get out


There's a rising sound
And a word about town
That we rockers aren't good men
If you don't behave yourself
In a nice and proper way
Then you won't go to heaven

Get your minds free from evil of rock
Or you're gonna be damned that is for sure
You'll never have a good name at all

And so what

My Herat is full of rock!

You go about unshaved
Says the sheriff in a rage
And you've got good looking babes
He says to have a smoke
Is a sin worst of all
And so he tells me go to hell

Do I wanna have my reputation or rock
No choice for me it's rock and roll
Cos I'm right and they are wrong
They are wrong

My heart is full of rock!

Through they make me laugh
I just say l've had enough
Of right-thinkers and their kingdom
What they won't forgive
Is to know that we believe
In another kind or freedom

Do I wanna have my reputation or rock
No choice for me it's rock and roll
Cos I'm right and they are wrong
They are wrong

My heart is full of rock!


Baby please give me the chance
I'll show you the way I am
Open up your heart to me

Cos in your heart I want to be

Trough things may not turn out the same
I am sure they can't get worse
Than the routine of your living

*Baby please give me the chance
And I'll chance your way of life
Baby please give me the chance
To get to the very end

So call me if you want to find
A new and a better world
Look for me if you want to have
Somewhere just for you to go

We won't lack the power of will
To go forward both together
And to a new dimension fly


Eight in the morning
The noise in the street sounding like hell
They're digging the sidewalk
The forth time, the fifth time
Who could tell!
They are like termites
Looking for food without a rest
Tearing the ground up!
Tomorrow their task will be the same

A new day's beginning in my town
I'll have to get up early feeling down
The bus is late as ever I feel worse
The tube is full of people
Let us walk!

Tell me when our leaders
Will act a way that we could understand
They claim to be prepared
To know what's good or bad our lives

And when the council
Sends you a note, it's a bad sign
Citizen, dead
Hear's a new tax if you don't mind

Tomorrow you´ll pay more
At the parking meter
The council cares for you
Like a baby-sitter
And if you have a problem don't you worry
Hear's a good idea just final

*Tell me when our leaders
Will talk about good mews for a change
Tell me it will be never
Cos we are always loosing all the same

And if you stand up
They'll label you a “social disgrace”
You hairy young man
The almighty ones don't like your face
Or you'll be sent to a nasty place


People are trying to ignore the existence
Of flowers or evil
But then it's true they're growing freely
In dreadful metal fields

The world is falling down through a hole
That leads right to hell
And no one seems to realize
We're closer to the end

Why do so many want to destroy
A world they play with life a toy?
Why are they growing all around
Out or control, flowers or evils

*We must destroy
The flowers or evil

No one is fighting to in the future
We just live for today
And egetism is the only banner
We're rising everywhere

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
We make this our law
So I'm afraid it's going to be
A judgement day for all

**What crazy genious will do his worst
To make our own time come to a halt
Why are they growing all around
Out of control, flowers or evil?


Bloody killers in disguise
Being without a will or a heart
I can't find the words to tell you
How I hate the evil you've done

You want money, so you kill
Nothing matters if you win
You aim at power through your lives
So you tell dirty lies

Though you're always watching me
And processing my belief
You will see that I won't keep quiet

*I'll stand up
I'll stand up to the end
You send orders to the prophets
So that they announce a world war
Undertaking our destruction
Is what you've been doing for so long

You proclaim that you do
Is just meant for our own good
But beneath that kind disguise
You hide a deadly gun

You say that we must submit
To your power and good will
But I'm not about to be deceived

I'm aware of all your enimes
And I know that you'll pay
You'll have to pay

So much pressure cannot last
It will end up in a blast
And that bloody count down
Must be stopped tight now

Though you're always watching me
And processing my belief
You will see that I won't keep quiet


If you feel down at home
Waiting for a good time
If your life's so empty
So you think it's the end
If you go to the street
And you can see there
People working so hard
As you couldn´t believe

Someone's loving you
It makes you feel better

Where you're sad
She comes by your side
You're a lucky man
And you don't realize it
Someone's loving you and
It makes you feel good

*If you see the sun
Setting down every day
Don't you know anyway
It will be down again
And if you go back home
At the door you will find
Her awaiting for you
Think it's good to be alive


“Here we are again with your favorite show
Come along with us, so the DJ goes
And the night is bringing heavy rock”

Have a coffee first, later have a smoke
Then ac/dc are gonna toll
Hell's bells forever and ever on

*At every concert of rock and roll
Bells are always tolling for Bon Scott

**For Janis, Lennon, Allman, Hendrix, Bolan, Bonham, Brian and Moon

Can you hear the sound of a rumeling sea
Swelling from below the city asleep
Sirens cry, take good care of yourself
Be sure that you won't be cought!

You don't want to listen to any other songs
Whistesnake or Rainbow, always rock
Guitars gently whisper in our ear


I met you at the station
With a suitcase in the hand
You wanted to escape from here
Just to go anywhere
You felt so sad and down
Like you'd never before
You were a pretty girl
I was only a poor boy
I made you a proposal

You are telling me
I'm telling you
It'll be alright
If you want to

We went to a motel
Just to have another try
I gave you all my heart
Cause you wished a frantic night
On the edge of down
I don't know why you awoke so cross
Then I understood
Why you'd always been alone
I made you a proposal





Se oye comentar a las gentes del lugar:
"Los rockeros no son buenos,
si no te portas bien, te echarás pronto a perder
y caerás en el infierno.
Si has de vivir en el mal y en el Rock,
te alcanzará la maldición
nunca tendrás reputación..."
¿Qué más da?
¡Mi rollo es el Rock!

"Vas sin afeitar -dice el sheriff del lugar-,
y además con tías buenas"
Dicen que fumar es pecado y es mortal
y al infierno me condena
Si he de escoger entre ellos y el Rock,
elegiré mi perdición
sé que al final tendré razón
y ellos no...
¡Mi rollo es el Rock!

Qué risa me da esa falsa humanidad
de los que se dicen "buenos"
no perdonarán mi pecado original
de ser joven y rockero
Si he de escoger entre ellos y el Rock,
elegiré mi perdición
sé que al final tendré razón
y ellos no...
¡Mi rollo es el Rock!


Son ya las ocho
el ruido en mi calle es infernal
perforan la acera
por cuarta vez o por quinta ya
son como hormigas
que buscan comida sin parar
la rompen, la cierran
mañana otra vez, vuelta a empezar

Comienza un nuevo día en mi ciudad
tendré que levantarme sin descansar
el autobús no llega, estoy fatal
el metro viene lleno, tendré que andar

Los gobernantes accionarán de un modo racional
que se pasaron media vida en la universidad

Y cuando el gobierno
te manda una carta, has de temblar
"Señor ciudadano, tiene que pagar un poco más;
mañana pagará por su aparcamiento
pasado pagará por cualquier invento"
No te perdonan ni una, viene la grúa
la fórmula para ellos siempre es multar

Recibiremos alguna buena nueva del poder
Creo que nunca, pues desde siempre nos tocó perder

Y si protestas, te acusarán de "antisocial"
"Joven melenudo, acate usted la autoridad;
pues de lo contrario,
ya sabe muy bien a dónde irá..."

Recibiremos alguna buena nueva del poder
Creo que nunca, pues desde siempre nos tocó perder


"Otra vez aquí, sintonízanos,
ven y enróllate", dice un locutor
y en la noche suena el Heavy Rock

Después de un café, vuelves a fumar
luego AC/DC tocarán
las campanas negras del infierno

En cada concierto de Rock 'n Roll
las campanas doblan por Bon Scott

Por Janis, Lennon, Allman, Hendrix,
Bolan, Bonham, Brian y Moon

Sientes el rumor de un oscuro mar
duerme alrededor la ciudad
las sirenas lloran, cuídate
no te dejes atrapar

Pides escuchar tal o cual canción
Whitesnake o Rainbow, siempre Rock
las guitarras hablan para tí

En cada concierto de Rock 'n Roll
las campanas doblan por Bon Scott

Por Janis, Lennon, Allman, Hendrix,
Bolan, Bonham, Brian y Moon

En cada concierto de Rock 'n Roll
las campanas doblan por Bon Scott

Por Janis, Lennon, Allman, Hendrix,
Bolan, Bonham, Brian y Moon


La gente trata de ignorar que existen
las flores del mal
pero lo cierto es que se multiplican
en campos de metal
Y el mundo cae sin remisión
en un pozo infernal
pus nadie quiere reconocer
que esto es el final

¿Por qué se empeñan en destruir
todo lo bueno que queda aquí?
¿Por qué germinan en cualquier lugar
sin un control
las flores del mal?

Hay que arrancar las flores del mal
Hay que arrancar las flores del mal
Hay que arrancar las flores del mal

Ya nadie lucha por el futuro
todo es provisional
y el egoísmo se hace estandarte
ojo por ojo, diente por diente
es ley fundamental
y así sin duda nos llevarán
al juicio universal

¿Qué genios locos van a impedir
que este siglo llegue a su fin?
¿Por qué germinan en cualquier lugar
sin un control
las flores del mal?

Hay que arrancar las flores del mal
Hay que arrancar las flores del mal
Hay que arrancar las flores del mal

¿Por qué se empeñan en destruir
todo lo bueno que queda aquí?
¿Por qué germinan en cualquier lugar
sin un control
las flores del mal?

Hay que arrancar las flores del mal
Hay que arrancar las flores del mal
Hay que arrancar las flores del mal


Criminales disfrazados,
seres sin razón ni piedad
no hay palabras en el mundo
que definan vuestra maldad

Por dinero asesináis
por placer aniquiláis
por poder nos destruís
suciamente mentís

Y aunque siempre vigiléis
y mis datos proceséis
no es tan fácil hacerme callar

Resistiré, resistiré hasta el fin
Resistiré, resistiré hasta el fin

Ordenáis a los profetas
que hablen de la guerra mundial
lleváis siglos maquinando
el final de la humanidad

Y queréis hacer creer
que os importa nuestro bien
pero ocultan el disfraz
hay un arma mortal

Nos habláis de sumisión
nos pedís resignación
pero no me dejaré engañar

Resistiré, resistiré hasta el fin
Resistiré, resistiré hasta el fin

Hoy maldigo vuestro crimen
sé que lo tendréis que pagar
y no servirá el dinero
para remediar tanto mal

Contra vuestra corrupción
surgirá la reacción
la sangrienta cuenta atrás
se tendrá que parar

Aunque siempre vigiléis
y mis datos proceséis
no es tan fácil hacerme callar

Resistiré, resistiré hasta el fin
Resistiré, resistiré hasta el fin

paroles ajoutées par gorky - Modifier ces paroles