Averse Sefira : Battle's Clarion

Black Metal / USA
(2001 - Lost Disciple Records)
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Unsure as we are
On where you stand
We cast upon you
The light of question

Though you walked our ranks
For all times recounted
We see that perhaps
It was not always so

Memories etched in stone
Whim and remembrance
As engines of war

Mercurial you are
To turn about
When in darkness past
You came to us
For aid

It matters not
Coveted sanctimony
Shall not aegis you
Seduced to indulge in fancy

It is you who must prepare
And are not prepared

The lines have been drawn
The clarion call has sounded
To battle!

Phantom transgressions
We shoulder upon you
No forgiveness
Counterfeit sins

Paranoia unfounded
You take arms against us
You cannot win


Our order mocked
And cast aside
This birthright realm,
To a son of clay
Reclamation of our
Lost prominence
Behold a vacant throne!

Wretched! Loved by our hate!
Weeping to a light finally failed
Fall upon our spears
And give praise
We reward faith with
Sanguine blessings
Consent to kneel
And find a winged king!

Bear witness to the
Triumph of the wing and blade!
A new reign of tyranny
In the absent lord's domain

Speak no more!
Of spoiled conquest
Ashen in your mouth!

Listen not!
To blind supplication's

To wield the faith
To conjure and kill
Mere tools with which to reign?

Insane and lost
The sovereign fell
And left us to decide

Let them drink of the cup
And taste the fire
Let them eat of the flesh
And be poisoned within

Injurious glory
Perilous acclaim
Lost prominence regained
A coronation of murdered souls
To this... are we condemned




For every battle fought and won
Someone must tell the tale
Lest we forget our warrior's vow
And leave our arms at rest

The countless times
We've raised our voices
Threatening to crack the sky
Now once again
They'll hear our turmoil
And brace their shields in fear

Abysmal voices herald our fury
The hiss of swords
Drawn forth in rage
This piercing hymnal
Is growing louder
Vibrating names of those reviled

Deafening verses steel our cause
A wicked crescendo signaling war
In final chorus we ascend
To craft a song anew

They'll wilt before us
Too late they hear the cry
Within their fear
Made deaf and then destroyed

A song of ancient terror


Like an iron yoke
Strapped across my back
Crushing my wings
Suffocating my flame

In an endless line
Awaiting command
Preparing for war
Our cause unknown

Into the swarming abyss!
Spears! Shields! Wings!
Entangled as one!

Reflections, on times
When we were whole
Now shattered
In the yawning void of war

This battle predestined to fail
Foreseeing the end
Before we can engage
Haunting divinations

In the age of geburah
With nothing tied to time
Longing for
Mortal lack of vision

To never predict
And fear our final march

Kept in out caste...
Conflict our birthright
Nascent are we... and forever still
In dreamless sleep...
We find no recourse
Collectively bound...
To duty's burden cruel

Our hair burning like tallow
Their screams
Tearing at us
Like howling wind
The stench of immortal death
In the choking heat of darkness
We fight on!


What are we fighting?
Where from springs conflict
With no enemy of concern?
What boon from
Constant strife?
All for naught this railing
Against folly

Dogmas of the quiet past
Can no longer charge our cause
It is what sets us against,
Forges strangers
Out of comrades

Once free with no limits
Existing for the sake
Now constricted in limpid fury
Blinded by songs already sung

Enmity lies not in the fixed
Stares of the ungathered dead,
Mined by feasting carrion

Those wretched tethered souls
Clutch tenuous threads
Of the past in rigored hands

Embers of lore
The promise of stars gone cold
Passages marked by burns
On the pages of meme's tomes

If your deaths
Be the price of resolution
Then it is a fee worth paying




Open heart, sacrament
You are lost to me
And it is of my making
Paradise had, though corrupt
Destroyed through my will

Longed for you
Tremulous, hectored
Loving me, hating you
Yet still enthralled
Trembling in fury
Yours and mine

I must make my own way

Equal... to you
Unrivaled... by others
Cannonized... by desire
Sent here... perdition
Conterminous... purgation
Uncoupled... from union

Cast out, released, consigned

My vallation, incunabulum

Fallen beneath the earth

9. ...ABAZE

Ring wretched bells
Choiring the fall

Adversary named
Mantle proudly worn
I stand against

As above, so below

There is a part of you in me
There is a part of me
That must be in you
Resist though you may
If indeed you do...

Wide is the way
Twelve are my wings

Libertae tute mae ex deus!

Now I'm free!

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