Ausserwelt : Our Lives Out of Balance

Atmospheric Black / Germany
(2014 - Self-Released)
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Once again out in the street
Neon lights hide every face
Leave nothing but silhouettes
Behold the march of the grey

And so we are in return to nothingness
The colours melted away

I smell the perfume of conformity
I see nothing but shared dreams
I taste the breath of thousands
I hear them scream with one voice

All books are open, nothing is hidden
The endless stream of information
Floods my mind, digital insanity
I know what you know, You know what I know
But who am I in a binary world?
Standartized to strings and number
I get lost in the void

Nothing but a grain of sand
Nobody cares, if the flood sucks me in
I will be replaced before any tears are shed
Forgotten like dust in wind

And so we are in return to nothingness
No grief for the insignificant

But I refuse this so called faith
I am who I am, my colours shine bright
I smash my fist through your walls of glass
Tear appart your wires, nothing but chains
Rebellion again the stream of time
A desperate fight for meaning


I am trapped
In the maelstrom of my mind

Past, present and future
Unite in fear
Each thought like a shive
Perforating my mind

I longing for morpheus haven
I want to dive into the sweet nothingness
But my thoughts capture me in reality
Another night of restless hours awaits

As the night passes by
I keep staring at all my failures
At the degrading truth hiding in the dark

I can´t take this anymore
I scream for a way out
How long do I have to suffer
This pathetic fools play

As the supressive mind cracks
The night is filled with weeps and screams
There is only one way left
Down down down (to the bottom)
Down down down


Allein zieht eine Gestalt durch die Straßen
Schwarze schwere Wolken sein Firmament
Kalter Regen läßt ihn frieren
Fast verschwindet er unter all denen, die lichtfremd geboren
Wäre da nicht dieses funkeln in seinen Augen
Fähig zu Träumen

Vom Traum getrieben beginnt er seine Reise
Soweit ihn die Beine tragen
Schneller und schneller wird sein Schritt,
Er wirt keinen Blick zurück
Er kämpft sich durch die Menge,
Bis das Grau sich teilt.

Schritt für Schritt verliert er seine Angst
Sieht er doch das Glimmen am Horizon
Von Wilder Hoffnungt getragen bewältigt er Stein um Stein
Überwindet die Schlangen aus Stahl,
Kein Gift raubt ihm den Atem

Doch die Nacht bricht herein, der Regen peitscht
Die Kläte kriecht ihm in alle Glieder
Das Licht ist verschunden, der Weg verloren
Schutzlos und allein, schwinden seine Kräfte
Ist er verdammt lichtfremd zu sein?

Allein, Kalt, am Boden
Die Glieder schwer
Vom Zweifel niedergedrückt
Rasselt sein Atem

Der Blick leer
Enttäuscht, verdunkelt
Er schließt die Augen
Entflieht in den Schlaf

Geweckt vom Lichtertanz
Gestärkt von sanfter Wärme
Schlägt er die Augen auf
Blickt in die Weite

Vom Schicksal befreit
Der graue Schleier geborsten
Eiserner Wille zu blauer Pracht
Ein befreiter Schrei


As the morning spits me out into a new day,
I give myself over to the everlasting shade of existence.
I am awaiting the pale routine, a quintessence of nothingness.
As I look into the achromatic sky,
I feel fucking sick.

See the mindless drones flowing through pipes of concrete
They are heading towards their empty purpose.
Their dreams, their individuality, crushes by routines.
Yet they smile and believe they are alive.
Their heart more than a metronome to walk in lockstep.

Let me out, give me a reason,
In insignificance I cease to exist.
I just want to fade into the bleak horizon
Dissolve into grey matter.

I am so tired of these cloned concentric days.
I just want to close my eyes, unable to find a reason to resist.
I do not need to see anything anymore,
The endless feedback of repetition is burned in my mind

I smell the stench of puke and piss from the nightly streets
What is left of desperate attempts to decompose the intellect?
The need to lose consciousness in intoxication.
The anesthetic need of survival, the need to sleep through another day
As we head to the end, we build our monuments of nothingness.

All these years lost in repetition,
All deeds the deeds of the masses.
So fade away
From and into grey matter.

Lyrics geaddet von kit36 - Bearbeite die Lyrics