Ataraxy (ESP) : Where All Hope Fades

Death Metal / Spain
(2018 - Dark Descent Records)
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In the devastation that time causes in us
We discern about our end in a negation of all beliefs

Nothing scares us more than a not-being feeling
And the recurrent thought about the fragility of life

Since we're born we're doomed to oblivion,
Where memories are lost

Life is so brief, and Death's so eternal...
Its dark thickness is the place where we belong

In life, the world is displayed in all it's void
Beings thrown to existence, to pain, to mourn

Time keeps going forward, our battle is lost
A brief existence, and there is no more

Along our journey of natures absorbed
We can see how everything succumbs to fate,
A dark and cold lesson of grief through existence

In despair, humankind escapes from itself,
An evasion to not be aware
While we walk to our own demise

We are nothing but matter lost in time
A futile being that's born to die

Although we try to escape the truth,
Our destiny is written
From the nowhere, road to the void


In the weakness of a tortuous life
A hideous shadow brings doom
In its nature, a black judge

A whisper that shudders our thoughts
And throws us to the darker nooks of mind

Like a burning thirst never relieved
Which will remain with us till the fatal outcome

Every death in this world,
Be wished or not, it will come

But far from scaring us, it calms us down
In our reflexive journey throughout time

From a deep distance come the echoes of Death
In a mystic and eternal way, as a sweet shiver

In our poor knowledge of life
One last certainty in our Death always prevails

Every death in this world,
Be wished or not, it will come


An bell diya estió la vida
Hue solament i hai piedras
Como grisas tristuras
D'un tiempo que no tornará

Atra nueit s'amana
Eternament chelada
Boiras que ploran a muerte
De beluna d'ixas casas

Tristas piedras, grisas penas
Continarán cuan no i sigamos
Como totz aquers
Que bell diya estión

Cálibos d'os que ya no i son
Entre ixas paretz
Baixo aquers tellaus
Que o tiempo s'ha levau

Os fogarils aquardan vuedos
No i hai qui los prete fuego
As viellas flamas caminan
Sin trobar dengún consuelo

Arrocegadas ta mái tornar
Chunto a las remeranzas
D'os que no i continan
Vivindo en iste fosal

Fosal de lapizas y fustas
Pleno de barzals y fuellas
A imachen d'o mesmo puesto
An totz seremos ta cutio

Os ciels arrullan chelo
Y os diyas se tornan grisos
Cuan icos lugars s'amortan
En as uembras d'o hibierno


The cosmic tide that one day dragged us into life,
Today is throwing us
Against the stones of the solitary path,
Which we will go across towards our death,
A journey we will do in solitude and emptiness,
While we think of how brief our life was
And how trivial our acts were

The clouds that fed our dreams
Today are storms that feed nightmares
Turning into black everything we have around
Like a thick wall between us and the rest
In the shadows of the dusk where all hope will fade

And then, we will see with our own eyes
How the fatal moment approaches

We try to remember you,
But we can't hear your voices faded years ago

And about us, nothing will remain
But a bitter memory for the living,
And a release for ourselves.

Through a mourning path we will walk
Remembering them in another thought
But now they are forever lost
Until our death, when we all will belong to the void


How fast and quietly time leaves us
As a distant wraith that gets lost in a foggy day

In its lonely progression towards nowhere, it fades
Through the ages that no one already reminds

And then, only a deep deference stays
While we gaze how we get closer to the black well
The one which will gulp our bones, our beings
To return them into the primeval dust

Don't waste a pray for your soul,
A release that never will come
All those yearnings and hopes
Will follow us toward loss

A deadly feel will invade every sense
As a profound sleep
Then life will be defeated by an endless void

In our last breathe we will see all so clear...
But will be so late we won't be able to regret
In a deep slumber we live,
But when we realize time has gone
In a swoon, in death,
There is no deliverance

Surrounded by the void, our end will come
That's the blackness of eternal night

Then we'll belong to a lightless world
That's the blackness of eternal night

Palabras añadidas por Angel13666 - Modificar estas palabras