Another Breath : Mill City

Hardcore / Etats-Unis
(2006 - Rivalry)
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Driving west. Burning daylight and gasoline. I know now What we're running from. I know why we scream. Feeling Fate, growing up, getting old. As if by running we won't Have to get on with our lives. Lives that we don't want. Tried and tested failures. Production line suicide. Just Like all the dead that came before us. We've been lied to. Things will never be ok. So I'm running away. I'm running Away from everything. You can have it all. It means Nothing to me. I'm running away from nothing. It's the Nothingness in life that scares me to death. I'm choking In this town. Dying. Getting closer ever day. We're Running away from stagnation and pain. We want more than Wasting time waiting for something that will never come. We want more than your dead end living. We want more than Your broken dreams. We want more than living because dying Is the only other choice


We're trying to fight this disease. It's a losing battle Against ads in magazines, one sided phonies on TV screens. Thank you for showing me that there is more to life than What we're looking at. There is so much more than altering The outside, hiding who we are. Smoke screen hiding lack Of substance. Sop long ago we threw rocks just to watch The glass fall. And now I've grown into a person I don't Recognize at all. We get so lost in social standards and Expectations. We find ourselves becoming things we never Wanted to be. We're looking straight ahead, ignoring what We have. I miss the fire that once inspired me. Fill my Fucking lungs with concrete. Force-feed me unforgiving Honesty. Prove to me that I would rather breathe through Broken teeth than suffocate behind a facade


What do you expect me to be? Some kind of Shepard for the Fucking sheep? You're looking in the wrong direction. I Never claimed to have all of the answers. I never claimed To be anything but what I am: looking for a meaning in This ink. So if you don't think I live up to the image You've created I won't apologize. I have made a habit of Wearing my scars on my sleeve. I should have known these Words would be used against me. I'm not your scapegoat. You take my words, twist them around. Create your own Illusion then tell me that I've let you down. Fuck you. You've let yourself down. You see what you want to see. Hear the words that I don't speak. Don't look to me for Guidance. I'm not a preacher. I'm a lost confessor trying To find my way just like you


There are so many problems that we come here to escape but Find you looking for a good fight. We've had enough of You. You cheap shots only separate you. You hide behind Your reputation but we see through. Yeah, you say you have Nothing to prove. Show's over coward. We'll expose you for what you are


Somehow your affection has found a way to cut me deeper Than scorn. Your heart is on your sleeve when the bottle's Off the shelf and the kind words flow like wine when the Wine is flowing. But it's not you I see behind those eyes. I don't want this chemical love. I don't want this lie. Another sentiment bellows from the bottom of your empty Glass and breaks my heart. I believed every fucking word You said to me. Now I feel so worthless. i feel so Ashamed. I will not do what you've done. I refuse to make Anyone feel like this. This is all you'll have when I'm Gone. I could never compete with the bottle so I'm giving Up. Thank you for your kindness. I hope you choke on your Words


On the front lines fighting moral wars. Your nobility is a Fucking shame. You've never felt the pain of broken lives And broken homes or seen the slums where children are Forced to grow. Never felt a love that falls outside the Lines of your self-righteous normality or mainstream Social acceptability. You've never needed a second chance. You've never been handed death instead. You hide behind Your black and white labels


Have you ever felt so alone that you wanted to just start Again? And you were sure if you could disappear then no One here would come find you? Have you ever felt worthless Because no matter how hard you tried you could never live Up to the standards that were set by people who could Never understand you? All they said were words designed to Manipulate you. Have you ever been so afraid that you Might not have the strength to hold on 'til you the Morning to face another day with eyes trained to see the Ugly because they've only been shown pain? I've spent so Many nights hopeless, lifeless, walking lost, looking to Pick fights with diesel trains. There has to be a better Answer. There has to be a better way than this. I've spent So many nights staring down the barrel of the most selfish Decision I ever could have made. There has to be a better Answer. There has to be a better way than this. When Things are at their worst try hard to remember: This Struggle we must all endure is a test of strength


"When the mode of the music changes, the walls of the city Shake." A single act of defiance is a crime. When we Continue our crimes we'll decide the laws. No longer will We stand alone shouting hearts out, hearing echoes, Solving nothing. Don't throw a brick, we'll build a wall And bring the old one crashing down. Don't a pick, we'll Start a way because together we're unstoppable. These Songs we sing the same with different words on different Days and find when we fight alone, we all fall just the Same. One plus one is three with our powers combined. And the foundation will shake when our hearts beat as one


What do your words mean when you can't say that you really Think because you're too afraid to fight to stand up for What you believe? You cover with apoliges because you Think you've crossed a line with assholes who you've let Control you, thinking it safe to stand aside. Show some Fucking spine or keep your mouth shut. Scream the words That you blieve and face the ones who disagree and if you Hit the ground then hit the ground swinging. Show some Fucking spine or keep your mouth shut. By now we should Know better than to enter battles of principle with any Less than all we have. If your values are based solely on A need to be accepted


Splinters buried to the bone. Headaches like aneurysms - One can only hope. Nightmares ever harder to control. Always in the back of my mind. Never letting go. No, I Can't explain this to you because it's different for Everyone but I feel like I'm drowning face down in the Bathtub. Too weak to pick my head up. This is the voice of Nothing. Nothing left to gain. And I'm standing here Screaming my lungs out just to ease the pain. The more I Fight, the more I fail. Exhaustion. Letting go. But I have Learned that healing is something that happens, not Something that you do. Pick a scar and tell a story. I'll Tell you one of my own about addiction and self-loathing And a lack of self-control and the cuts I couldn't leave Alone. So I pick my flesh straight down to the bone. A Compulsion. A failed attempt to regain control. Some Things are out of our hands. Dreamscapes in orange remind Me that the cure for pain. So in my head I just keep Repeating, "This too shall pass, This too shall pass, This Too shall pass, This too shall pass." Life. Love. Remorse. Regret. Lost hope. This too shall pass. As this began, so Shall it end


Everything is so empty. There's nothing here for me. This Town is just a collection of dead ends and bad memories. It permeates everything I do. I was so convinced I could Run away and just start again. I ran so far away but I Found that nothing changed. Everywhere - the emptiness That I tried to escape. I found the same longing and Desperation. I found the pain I thought that I could leave behind. See the town is not the problem. The problem lies Bn me and the failures and regrets that distort everything I see. I see it now so clearly in the sun that never left The home I left behind. The world is just a reflection of How I see. A projection of the ugliness and hat I live and Breathe. Some things I can't outrun. Memories like asphalt Never fucking change. Eyes turned blind to beauty. I Cannot escape


Detach yourself because it's just easier not to think About the things you see. Another gruesome image reminds You to be afraid. Don't question. How easily we forget the Path. How did we find today? Just read along then burn the Pages and look away. Then regurgitate the things that You've been told to think. With each fleeting moment the Past decays. And we will stand by idly until it's too late To save anything. What's done is done and it's gone. So we Remain sedated to the fucking teeth. Sedated. As colored Shadows dance across your face, half a world away events Unfold in ways that are limited by the twenty inches of Your screen


This ship was sailing wayward until I found direction and It scares me to think of where I would have ended up Alone. Age eighteen. So much to prove. No beliefs. Nothing To lose. I honestly believe I would be dead if not for You. Maybe you weren't trying to save me from myself. Maybe you were on your path to self-destruction too. But Whatever the case I just want to say thank you for being There for me when I was at my worst. I never had much of a Family but what I've found was worth so much more. A Light. A guiding force. Anchors to last the storm. Closure For open sores. I couldn't ask for anything more. Together Rise above. A bond that's built on trust. Something Thicker than blood. For the first time in my life I know what family is for


I'm at the threshold between chapters of my life deciding The price of turning the page. How much more? How much Time? Trying in figure out what I stand to leave behind. Trying to figure out what I hope to gain. I need to make It on my own. Sometimes I get thinking about moving on. Taking one last glance behind me then walking away. But How could I face myself if at twenty-three I just let go, Said good-bye to the best days of my life. i get so hung Up on the feeling of staring at the sunshine in the side-View just thinking how we have it all. We took it all. Yeah we take everything.This world is ours We could Embrace it or we could torch it just to watch it burn. We've raced the sun. We've fought the ocean. Outrun the Law on our drives toward tomorrows that were faced never With doubts, but with anticipation. "I closed my eyes. In That moment I tried to imprint on my brain what it feels Like to be young. To be young and have nothing else Matter." Nothing else matters. But I can feel this Slipping away and I want to hold on with all of my Strength. Youth his an opportunity. Take advantage before It's gone


The sun will rise again if missed today while dreaming. Missed chances only matter in memories. Sometimes the Blisters on my feet serve as reminders of the ground Below. That's enough to keep me moving. Some nights stars Will shine for you. Soak it in. If we could see - how Beautiful the world could be. Sunlight dim. Compass east. How beautiful this all could be

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