Animist (USA) : Animist

Melodic Death / USA
(2012 - Self-Released)
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Make us fear our own deaths
Own beliefs own our minds
This war of minds continues on
Your lies will breed your demise

Our highest good
It is our pleasure
Our world is real
Yours is a lie

Feed us pain and suffering
Your lies the sea in which we drown
You hide the truth with a fire
Your existence is a plague

Our highest good
It is our pleasure
Our world is real
Yours is a lie

Do you fear questions?
Or are you scared of the truth behind them?
Brainwashing is easy when you control minds
Do you fear questions?
Or are you scared of the truth behind them?
Brainwashing is easy when you control minds

We deny
All your lies
We control our own lives

Death is nothing
Death is nothing to us
Our Lives are ours
Fear not the end

"Is God willing to prevent evil but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent
Is he able but not willing?
Then he is malevolent
Is he both willing and able?
The whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?

Why call him God?"


Trapped inside my insignificance
By the Sun
I am threatened by his mighty light
His reign is done

His light is a poison
It burns my soul
For all that I though I was
Is cast in his shadow
I will not rest till he is gone

I look at him and I feel weak
A little Moon alone and cold

Cast in his light
I am blinded
At this moment
My hatred grows for him

For eons he’s gloated
Imposing his might
Suffocated by his righteousness
Smothered by my inadequacy
His existence proves me worthless
But no longer
I will see his reign end
And I shall claim his throne

The time has come
To wipe him from my existence
Deliverance from
The oppression of his might

My plan comes to fruition
I will eclipse his might
I shall erase his light
As I approach his power starts to dim
This lowly moon has won

I move to take my place
And block the power that he holds
My actions will crush him
And place me above his station

And now here I stand
With victory in hand
But wait his light appears

I can’t believe my plan has fallen into disarray
His light begins to shine out from behind me

And now his light returns with all the power it once had
He rises to confront me

Sun: What have you done now? Moon: Defending my own interest
They need my light Have I harmed others?
You should feel ashamed Why should I?
For what you have done What have I done?

But what is this that I see
Inferior beings beneath me
Worshipping the Sun and I
Seeing us as Deities
Their view is warped and wrong
They see not everything
They quarrel over minor things
They are petty and selfish
They kill for reasons that have no true meaning
Their causes mean nothing in this universe

I understand things better than before
Now I can see
My problems are insignificant
In reality

I have felt hatred for so long
And now I wish to be free
Of the pain of hate
I shall look down upon them
And see how I might help
For I will make my own role

I see them slaughter each other
I can not intervene
Bloodshed on a massive scale
Genocide, War

Various ways created to dispatch others
Cutting the mortal coil
Severing of limbs
Continuous bloodshed
That I can not stop
What am I to do
If I can not intervene

I will stay
By their side always
This is my choice
So I may see them stop
The bloodshed


Consuming fear and pain
Loathing oneself
Welcoming release from this emptiness
Here I stand contemplating my end
This bleak existence crushes me slowly
Breathing becomes my struggle
Life has become my burden

What have I done
To merit this life
Born into misery
What reason
Have I
To continue?
I’ve lived
All of my years
With facade
In place
Hiding the pain

The truth trapped within
The pain only grows, stronger through the lies
Full of contempt
I hate what I am
My life is pain

I do not take it lightly
Is there any reason that I should stay?
Some speak of consequences
I fear not these things

Why should I fear the end of my suffering
This is my decision
And mine alone
How could anyone understand this?
This pain is mine and mine alone

There is no reason to believe
This miserable existence
Has any shred of meaning

Why should I fear the end of my suffering
This is my decision
And mine alone
How could anyone understand this?
This pain is mine and mine alone

Without meaning how can it be of value?
In the end nothing is lost
Wiped from the page
Soon to fade into obscurity
My actions are mine
And I will face the consequences

Continuing on this path
leads only to more pain
If life means nothing
Then what is my crime?

My cause is just
And my decision seems clear
I will release myself
From the shackles
Of my living hell

I will do what I must
To fight this emptiness
In any way that I can
To end this pain I will do
Whatever I must

Cannot go on
I must end this
Resolute, in this decision
Will take
I will take control
It’s my life, to end
Welcome the end
With open arms
Welcome the end
With open arms

Can not
Go on
Must end this
The end
With open arms
I will
In death
I will
In death

Now the time has come
I will take action now
The time for words is gone
I seek to end my pain

I climb with rope in hand
Ready for the end
Overwhelming joy
Engulfs my heart now

The end so very near
Soon to embrace the end
Death has come to free me

Soon it will be done
My life will end by my hand
And I will be free

Now the time has come
I will take action now
The time for words is gone
I seek to end my pain

I climb with rope in hand
Ready for the end
Overwhelming joy
Engulfs my heart now

Tie the rope tight
I must ensure this works
For I can not endure
Another day of hell

Noose around my neck
Tightening ever so slowly
Burning in my throat
Breath escaping me

Drains from me
My last breath escapes me
Lost my
PossessionConsuming fear and pain
Loathing oneself
Welcoming release from this emptiness
Here I stand contemplating my end
This bleak existence crushes me slowly
Breathing becomes my struggle
Life has become my burden

What have I done
To merit this life
Born into misery
What reason
Have I
To continue?
I’ve lived
All of my years
With facade
In place
Hiding the pain

The truth trapped within
The pain only grows, stronger through the lies
Full of contempt
I hate what I am
My life is pain

I do not take it lightly
Is there any reason that I should stay?
Some speak of consequences
I fear not these things

Why should I fear the end of my suffering
This is my decision
And mine alone
How could anyone understand this?
This pain is mine and mine alone

There is no reason to believe
This miserable existence
Has any shred of meaning

Why should I fear the end of my suffering
This is my decision
And mine alone
How could anyone understand this?
This pain is mine and mine alone

Without meaning how can it be of value?
In the end nothing is lost
Wiped from the page
Soon to fade into obscurity
My actions are mine
And I will face the consequences

Continuing on this path
Leads only to more pain
If life means nothing
Then what is my crime?

My cause is just
And my decision seems clear
I will release myself
From the shackles
Of my living hell

I will do what I must
To fight this emptiness
In any way that I can
To end this pain I will do
Whatever I must

Cannot go on
I must end this
Resolute, in this decision
Will take
I will take control
It’s my life, to end
Welcome the end
With open arms
Welcome the end
With open arms

Can not
Go on
Must end this
The end
with open arms
I will
In death
I will
In death

Now the time has come
I will take action now
The time for words is gone
I seek to end my pain

I climb with rope in hand
Ready for the end
Overwhelming joy
Engulfs my heart now

The end so very near
Soon to embrace the end
Death has come to free me

Soon it will be done
My life will end by my hand
And I will be free

Now the time has come
I will take action now
The time for words is gone
I seek to end my pain

I climb with rope in hand
Ready for the end
Overwhelming joy
Engulfs my heart now

Tie the rope tight
I must ensure this works
For I can not endure
Another day of hell

Noose around my neck
Tightening ever so slowly
Burning in my throat
Breath escaping me

Drains from me
My last breath escapes me
Lost my

lyrics added by ericb4 - Modify this lyrics