Ancient Obliteration : Demolish

Thrash Death / Canada
(2008 - Wargoat Records)
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Incestuous outcasts gather together
Intoxicated, lust driven, frenzied
Hail the towering flame
Beast-God worship

Frolic among the kindred
Share the sounds of morbid
Free the god inside the beast
Burn the shell of material

Relentless consumption of offerings
Drawing the spirit from the vine
A festival of lustful worship
Beast-God Worship!

A sudden silence
The wind speaks:
"Ye of wild, apart from the worship of man,
Denouncers of moderation, I warn"
The collective questions
The wind speaks again:
"There comes a purification, of wild intent!
Behold your gluttonous and sordid ways!"

A terrible chill sweeps over the pagans
A horrific howling filters through the air
"Begin the ultimate lust war!
Satisfy the gods' wretched perversions!"
The burning fury of anticipation
Devouring the loins of abandon
The blood purity declaration
Antiquated perspectives mentally penetrated

Cacophonous confrontation bellows throughout the land
Barbed clubs pummel the craving masses
Pagan rape!
Fluids drizzle from fresh crevices
Eyes roll back in delirious ecstasy
Pagan rape!


Long ago, beyond the rule of saurians
At the dawn of astral formation
Spawned an incredible force, with pure fuckin' Power
Sparked by vile intent on existence
Imbedded in Earthen flesh, molten blood, and sulphur breath
This incredible force hungers for death

Aeons of terror strangles breath from life
Influx of hysteria sludges over consciousness
Rage and despair condemns all to strife
Rational thought incinerates, a tumour of life proliferates

Destruction from the past
A menacing reality

Ancient obliteration
Ancient obliteration


War and all its tortures
Feed my cultural devastation
Pain, grief and confusion
Gleeful mark of hopeless futures

Rise of Defiler
Bow to Defiler

No use praying to your gods
Idols defaced, pissed on by dogs
Temples desecrated, priests mounted
The enslavement has just begun


My twin horns gorge your society
All your morals dripping over soil
Lapped up by youth, fecal in taste
Now to fill you with greed


Your legacy, your vitality
Twisted, contorted, filthy and starved
A true reflection of your captors
None can stop the defiler!


(No lyrics available)

paroles ajoutées par jezacain - Modifier ces paroles