Against Tolerance : Redefined

Metalcore / Brésil
(2013 - Auto-Production)
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I cannot take this
Is everyone blind?
Their silence hurt me
I will not take this!

The fat bitch has a metal heart (how dare you?)
They can't even se that she's dead inside!
How can you laugh so hard? (he must be high on something!)
It's their indiference that tear us apart

No more!

Their smiles just show that they're rotten to the core!

Why justice's only brought to those who can pay (you'll pay for it!)

It has gone to far but what should i do?
I will never forget this...I can never forget this!

They must be saved from their own selves!
How can I save their souls?

The gun, the gun is the solution, the gun is absolution, there will be no more pain!

They must be saved from their own selves

(Will I do this? am I so arrogant as to claim responsability over their lives like that?
But that, that would make me just like them...)



How can I conduct my existence when all I see convince me that the human gender is corrupted for good?
Your cars and your clothes and your high and your low and your greed, and your greed: it all leads to nothing!
Your kikes and your muslims, your whites, yellows and your coons, your lesbos and fags: it all leads to nothing!

How can I conduct my existence?

We stand on the edge (where do we stand?)
Of the downfall of men (where do we stand?)
Where will you run to now? (where do we stand?)
You who thought there'd be no consequences (where do we stand?)

"If you can't beat them, joy them" they say
But not this time... This time the decision is mine, mine, my own life!

Now I lay to rest, but it's tougher than expected to take the first step...
Over the ledge, is another world but who'll be there to catch me when I fall?
Will this make me feel better than I felt before?

I lost all, I lost all!

Your dreams and you hopes they are all but a joke because all is condemned: it all leads to nothing!
We´ll see no solution avoiding discussion, no future for men: it all leads to nothing!
We head for destruction there´s no revolution ´cause nothing can change: it all leads to nothing!
No end to corruption, no new resolutions, and all stays the same: it all leads to nothing)!


What is the problem we´re facing?
What can one really do?
No answers until we start asking the questions!

The problem is that people just don´t care!
They don´t want to see outside their safety zone!

And you know why? People are just afraid... They look out their windows just to be overwhelmed by the weight of the world.
This cold, corrupt, violent, greedy, deceiving, disgusting, vicious, hateful world.
So they just step aside!

´Cause the certainty of the size of the problem is too well defined in their heads...
Like written in stone!

Certainties? There are no certainties!
The smallest voice can make a difference!
So we must be redefined!

We must!

Let this stone be broken!
Don´t turn away from it!

Let´s break this fucking stone! With our own hands!

If not now, then when?


Revolution must come from inside our minds!
Redefine ourselves!

For no solution will be achieved before we can see that some changes must come from within!

To free one self, one must risk to see different things outside the shell.

For how long? For how long?

For how long will ignorance stand here as your only and undisputed alliby?
And there will be no changes untill we change ourselves and raise our voices to say so!

We must unify and stand as one!

Fight against the many forms of tirany!
And trust me, together we can resist!

The fight is just one!
We must stand together, or we´ll fall alone!

paroles ajoutées par LucasCubas - Modifier ces paroles