Aetherium (BEL) : Break Up to Rise Again

Black Death / Belgium
(1998 - Self-Released)
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Winterland, icewind
Hot like fire on pluto
White canyons, diamond mountains
Slippery like ice on the road

The most untouchable places on earth
Only human left scars behind
Civilisation trying for centuries
Never completed
The strong can survive, the weak suffer, suffer

A balanced cocoon, where we break through
Hunt for the future
Only need for the skin, the rest is blown to a red slimy Road
Mothers trying to find their children
Feel the pain flowing through their brains
Everytime again and again

That hawk, screams of pleasure and joy
Face, horrible, worser than war
Staring, yellow push, blood drained cells

Nerves, flowing around, smiles disappear
Eyes light up, and the victory vibrations, humanity’s real Face

Strikes again, disgusting, so be it
We rule, we rule
Fucking mother earth

Hopefully someday we will become civilised people
And could start again with a blank paper


People live their lives so different
Not being understood by others, never shall be
Trying to get known to each other

How did they get started
Think they have found a true one?
Do not believe in mistakes

We are humans, do not ?
We are searching for the equal
A never produced hologram
But some magic never modofied

Feelings and characters, we says is the soul
Something we shall find high in space
Where the heaven is below
Made in the past and destroy the future

We have tried it so much
And always found the cross road where the nature powers Rule
There starts the past
Love break up to rise again
Unchanged !

With some new equel, forgotten feelings made new Characters
Why do we do that
We will never find that person
We need to find love


A tear of grief runs down my face
As i watch how your coffin is brought to your grave
And wonder how my love, oh my beautiful love, had to die This unfair death

The pain of loneliness is tearing me apart, now that your Are gone
People keep on saying: life goes on
But i do not want it to go on, not without my love

Because she was my only reason to keep my life going
The birds on the trees will never sound again so beautiful To my ears

Why did this unfair death have take you away from me, why?
I can not go on living in this pain

There is no one to comfort me, or to keep me company
Why are people so cruel, why did not they believe in our Love, why?

I might as well end it all, so i can join her
Why did she die, why?
There is no one to share my grief with
That no could care about me

They keep on treating me as if i did a crime
When fell in love with you
But i known that someday they will understand it, and Wonder
Why did not we believe in them, why?

A songless heart, a doubtful mind
Is this the life, i have to live!
When everything is so uncertain
No girlfriend, no job, no future

I am a failure of society: so they say
I may give the impression, that i do not care about things Oh, if they only knew
But i am just lonely

Recently, i bought a gun, and it is lying next to me
Oh, God, it looks so…
Are people going to miss me
When i am no longer around?
I am going to end it now

My loveless life, no longer worth living
The pain since my love died
I can no longer bear a last look at the picture of my Family the question raises

Do they love me?


I sit here alone, not knowing what they are saying to me
But i do not care
They have their own life and so do i
They gather around, staring at me, trying to understand

What i am thinking of
Their so called problems makes me realise that my life is Not so bad after all
But i am afraid that is just an illusion
Please help to find my happiness

So that i do not have to stay any longer in the cold rain

Years and years, i have walked the path of life, trying to Find my happiness
Like fish trying to find his way to the ocean

Forsaken by the one they call god
In a time i needed someone to cling to

Suddenly i was surrounded by thousand golden stars
Flying me to a far-away place in a far-away world
A place where i had no need for things
A place where i was not alone
Finally i have found my

Which i had lost so long ago

But then i opened my eyes and still sitting here alone
I see the same faces still staring at me
Was all this a dream
Or have i really been to this far-away world, been?


Ik zoek het licht
Ik heb geen overzicht
Ik dool, ik zoek

Om de hoek?
Zwevend kom ik er wel
Weg is alles
Terug in die hel
De bollen van licht

Vind ik nooit meer
Want ik keek en vond me zelf
Staren, voor me uit
Wat ik zag?
Was leeg en dood

Geen waarde
Verdwenen in de moord van mijn volk
Steeds zag ik het weer, zo alleen
Elk was zo alleen
Alles verdwenen zo lusteloos, wachtend op de dood
Nergens vond ik wat mij toebehoord

Mijn ziel leeggezogen
Zij namen alles zonder een woord
Toen was alles leeg en dood!

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