A Pregnant Light : Neon White

Black Metal / Etats-Unis
(2015 - Colloquial Sound Recordings)
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I watched you fall asleep

Ran fingers though you hair
Down your shoulders
Onto your neck

Your eyes darting beneath their lids
Seeing wonderful and beautiful things

I stayed awake
For almost a hour
Just to see you sleep
Just to see if I could see you dream

You would purr when I touched you

West Side Industrial
Brass headboard adornments
One lamp, one light
Drugstore champagne

Light came in through the windows
Stale smoke in the room
Security camera feeds live on TV

Always our way
We slid down the hallway
Marched in black
5 chains
4 boots
1 prayer


So they symbols stand
Stamped forever
Into my skin

The black belt
The horse head
The black denim
And black t-shirt

Black boots
Waxed laces
Gas tanks
Coke zero breaks

Warm nights
When I had to go
You had my heart
And you still do

Night after night I broke you
We found the right place
We made the time

God in heaven.
Can you hear her cry?
I swear to you I can

I remember my words
I don't know who I am
without my work

Beautiful baby
Between my thighs

Being the best I've ever seen


Any place beside me
I wanted to take you
You wanted to ride

We went places
I remember nights
Where we said to each other
How we wanted to die

In that moment
On uncomfortable seats
We laugh and we drank
You'd kiss and I'd wink

We were our own gods
Made perfect and clean for each other
Follow me anywhere

You wore the gold and my heart

I called your name
You heard my song
It was to pretty to resist
You sang along

We made up every verse in love
You prayed over every candle burned


The sun is high up in the sky
And I'm in my car
Drifting down into the abattoir

Do you see what I see dear?
The air grows heavy
I listen to your breath
Entwined together in this culture of death

Do you see what I see dear?
Slide on over here and give me a squeeze
To avert this unholy evolutionary trajectory
Can you hear what I hear babe?
Does it make you feel afraid?

Everything's dissolving babe, according to plan
The sky's on fire the dead are heaped across the land
I went to bed last night and my moral code got jammed
I woke up this morning with an iPhone in my hand

I kissed you once
I kissed you again
My heart it tumbled like the stock exchange

Do you feel what I feel dear?
Mass extinction, darling, hypocrisy
These things are not good for me

Do you see what I see dear?
The line that God throws down to you and me
Makes a pleasing geometry
Shall we leave this place now dear?
Is there some way out of here?

I wake with the sparrows and I hurry off to work
The need for validation babe, gone completely berserk
I wanted to be your superman but I turned out such a jerk
I wanted to be your daddy, babe, but I turned out such a Jerk.

I've got the abattoir blues,
Right down to my boots

paroles ajoutées par tbc85 - Modifier ces paroles