Equilibrium (GER) : Nouvelle bassiste

Samedi 07 Juin 2014 - 20:15:27 par widomar

La formation allemande vient de dévoiler, via sa page Facebook, le nom de celle qui succèdera à Sandra Völkl.
Jen Majura vient ainsi compléter le line-up.

News tirée de la page Facebook du groupe

"-Dear Equi fans!
First of all, a big thank you to all those incredible reactions to our new album, we are really overwhelmed! We have another fantastic news for you: Since today Equilibrium are complete again! The position on the bass guitar will be filled with Jen Majura, perhaps some of you may know her from Knorkator. We are very proud to have found such an excellent musician and the rehearsal room is allready full of energie!
So, say hello to Jen and welcome her with us in the big Equi-family!
Welcome aboard Jen!"

Source : https://www.facebook.com/equilibrium?fref=nf


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