
Date de parution:

I Talk About My Pain Here for Purification of Memories...

Demo, 2007, Auto-Production

Within The Last Wish : I Talk About My Pain Here for Purification of Memories...


1. Repeated Pain
2. Silence Is Over
3. Drawing Feather
4. Honorable Memories

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A Trace of the Memories

Demo, 2008, Auto-Production

Within The Last Wish : A Trace of the Memories


1. A Promise of the Existence
2. Silence is Over
3. Repeated Pain
4. Drawing Feather
5. Honorable Memories

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The World is Painted Out

EP, 29 Avril 2009, Theory And Practice Records

Within The Last Wish : The World is Painted Out


1. The World is Painted Out
2. Between the Dark and Light
3. Wing of Sorrow
4. Desire That Keeps Being Believed
5. Autogenous Control
6. Hope to Entrust
7. Tori Nokosarete

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