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Bullshit Makes Flower Grow

Album, 10 Décembre 2009, Cock Rock Productions

The Toilet : Bullshit Makes Flower Grow


1. Euro Gulagland
2. Sacrebleu Ma Merde est Bleue!
3. Bullshit Makes Flowers Grow
4. Pooxel Piwer
5. Beauty in the Ass of the Beholder
6. Mr Brown
7. Raining Shit
8. Sinking in Shit
9. The World Is My Toilet Now
10. Mental Laxatives
11. All I Want for Christmas Is Shit
12. Im Dreaming of a Brown Christmas
13. Shit Poo Day
14. Shitlife + Revenge of the Shitdemons
15. (S)Think for Yourself
16. Mythoklash - Remix- the Measurement Problem (Why Quantum Physicists Have Tiny Penises)
17. Ljudit
18. Company Fuck

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