
Date de parution:

Destiny in Life

Album, 2004, D-Trash Records

Evestus : Destiny in Life


1. Triumph Over God
2. Monster
3. Fieldtrip
4. Divine Plan
5. Watch Out for the Monkey
6. Stitch's Playground
7. Synchronizer
8. Insomnia
9. Therapy
10. Faith
11. Believe
12. Halloween
13. Confession
14. The City
15. Destiny in Life

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Album, 2006, D-Trash Records

Evestus : Wastelands


1. Intro - Leaving the Vault
2. Reflection
3. Outdoorsman
4. Health Guide
5. Jetflight Part 1 - Good Trip
6. Thunderdome
7. Visions of Before
8. Navarro
9. Fallout
10. Vault Tec
11. Jetflight Part 2 - Bad Trip
12. What Have We Done
13. Cats Paw

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This Is Dramacore

Album, 2010, D-Trash Records

Evestus : This Is Dramacore


1. Dramacore
2. Pikachu Warriors
3. All the Kings Drugs
4. Conveniently Confused
5. Dramajunkie
6. Leftovers
7. Enemy
8. Sacrifice
9. Nothing
10. Gone
11. So in Love

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