
Date de parution:

Violence Begats Violence

Cassette, 1990, Auto-Production

Death And Taxes : Violence Begats Violence


1. Abortion
2. Violence Begats Violence
3. Kill Someone
4. The Rehabilitation Blues
5. The Evil
6. The Final Number

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Bent Mental

Cassette, 1991, Auto-Production

Death And Taxes : Bent Mental


1. Enemies
2. Belong
3. Death in the Family
4. A Modern Christianity
5. One Step Ahead
6. Pedestrian Pickoff

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Mind Mine

Cassette, 1992, Auto-Production

Death And Taxes : Mind Mine


1. Cerebellion (A Scene Setting)
2. Demi Gods (Shoulda-Could-Didn't)
3. Peerless Pt. II (One Step)
4. Rock (A Simple Comarison)
5. The Will (Freedom From Loss)
6. Peerless Pt. III (The Anger)
7. The Sum of All Our Parts (Introspective Surrender)
8. Peerless (The Epiphany)
9. Peerless P.t IV (Home)

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Death and Taxes

Cassette, 1994, Auto-Production

Death And Taxes : Death and Taxes


1. Maturity
2. Headstrong
3. Nipple
4. Short Attention Span
5. Pedestrian Pickoff Pt. 1 (Live)
6. The Will (Live)
7. Passive / Active (Live)

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Creative Differences

Album, 1996, Auto-Production

Death And Taxes : Creative Differences


1. Fruit of Knowledge
2. Volatile
3. White Flight
4. It
5. Demigods
6. Peerless Pt. 3 & 4
7. Suburban Undercurrent
8. Punt
9. Billy
10. Satellites
11. Moo Goo Gai Pan
12. Time Flows
13. Conversation with Paul
14. Cheboygan
15. Whip It
16. Parawizanoid

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