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Biographie : Unholy Wrath

One week at the beginning of January 2006, a 4 piece death metal band under the name "Embodiment" attempted a few practises, however all was not well. We had the addition of a singer, which was Alan Pritchard. We all decided that we should try something different that not a lot of Belfast bands have done before which was playing Black Metal. We then had the loss of our second guitarist due to musical differences and became a 4 piece Black Metal Band under the name "Unholy Wrath" constructed of a Drummer, a Bassist, 1 Guitarist and a Vocalist.
Further practises in the band room turned out very well and proved that we all worked extremely well together. We then proceded to write our music and recorded our fith session in the band room.
Two of our songs off that recording are available for download on the home page AND our myspace site. They are "Enslaved" and "Terror Hailing".
We are now determined to let our terror hail upon Northern Ireland.

Source : http://www.unholywrath.co.nr/