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Biographie : Unholy Matrimony

Unholy Matrimony is a musical entity lead by only one man, Vladimir `myself`, and performing so-called Black Metal in one of its most extreme form. As in my numerous other musical project `Weeping Birth, Accurst Journey, Mirrorthrone, Deafening Loneliness`, I compose everything and perform every instrument `vocals, guitars, bass` and program the drums and synthesizers.

I was originally accompanied by Sarah as second guitarist in November 2000, in the original form of Unholy Matrimony. Our whish was to share together a musical project that would illustrate our union, hence the name of the band. I composed four songs until January 2001 `Following the Black Star of Thoughts, The Feeling of not Belonging, War, Vomiting Bitter Tears of Disgust`, moment when the band fell into a total inactivity.

One year later, in March 2002, as all dreams were broken, I decided to carry on with Unholy Matrimony again but all alone this time, on new basis and developing an other concept. But I wanted first to achieve all that had been started before. As the tender relationship had been a total failure, I wanted the musical chapter to be closed so as to turn the page and finally explore new horizons. I composed new songs that I recorded with the older ones for the first and full-length release, "love & Death", a concept album dealing with the furious memories of the two previous years of destructive passion.

To be continued