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Biographie : Thorns Of Sin

Thorns of Sin and its debut album Destroy the Light is the work of sole member Sergio Varela. After years spent trying to find the right fit in a traditional metal band setting, he discovered that he could only rely on himself to accurately bring to life the music he wanted to create. While he continued to develop as a musician, he also received an education in music production and recording. Following two years of writing, arranging and recording effort, the result is Destroy the Light.

Destroy the Light is a compelling blend of black, death, and thrash metal with a heavy emphasis on melody and guitar harmony, further elevated by scintillating lead guitar work. His musical goal has been to blend the songcraft and melody of prime Iron Maiden and the stabbing rhythm guitar of late 80s/early 90s Kreator into a melodic black metal style in the Dissection mold, with judicious keyboard use for added atmosphere. The lyrics deal with themes ranging from tales based in the lore of our witch-burning past to an old Italian monastery which became a place of horrific abuse, torture and unfathomable sin.

Following the June 6th release of Destroy the Light, Thorns of Sin will start putting together live appearances, having finally assembled a strong, permanent group of musicians :

Sergio Varela: Lead guitar and vocals
Jose Bičan: Rhythm guitar
Gene Migaki: Bass guitar
Dio Britto: Drums

With this lineup of exceptional musicians ready to go, Thorns of Sin will be anxious to build their already growing audience with concert performances that meet the high standard of Sergio’s work in creating the album. After all, building a sound and name synonymous the world over with heavy metal excellence has been the goal from the start.

Source : http://thornsofsin.bandcamp.com/