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Biographie : Storm Crow

...then around 2001 Anders (vocals) and Uffe (guitar) met in a rehearsal room with a couple of other guys who wanted to start a band. The project soon fell to pieces since everybody wanted to play different stiles. Uffe and Anders liked eachothers musicality and ideas though and decided to start a heavy metalband. They wandered around like lost souls in various constellations for what felt like an eternity without finding the right people to make magic with. Then they found Danne.

He was very impressive with his technical playingstyle and feeling for metal (not to mention his polyspectral flatulence =). A short time thereafter Lukas joined the band (after some nagging from Uffe). He immediately brought a new dynamic to the bands sound with his fast and technical fingerbending. So there we were. One singer, two guitarists and one drummer. The one thing missing was a bassplayer. The search was on.

Wanted signs were put up in music stores and on the internet. Everybody asked around if anyone knew an available bassplayer and so on and so on. We tried out a couple and even though there was nothing wrong technical wise we never felt they had enough time or/and showed enough engagement for the band. The search went on and on...and after a while we almost gave up.

Eventually Niklas (Sargatanas Reign) was approached with a desperate plea to at least jump in from time to time. He agreed to help us. He played with us for quite a while but in the end it became obvious for all of us that 2 bands with record-deals would only lead to split loyalties so he left the band. We wish him all the best!

Ok, there we were again without a bassplayer. It felt like we were doomed to never have a steady member playing bass in the band. Then we got a break! As we called around, asking people if they knew someone available Anders got a hold of Johan. He had helped Johan with vocals on demo for the band Johan was playing in at the time. The band had recently split-up and Johan was willing to give it a try. It soon became obvious that Johan was perfect for the band. He brought in a stable and technical backbone to the music.
Source : :http://www.StormCrow.se/