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Biographie : Squall (PL)

SQUALL was formed in the year 2002 by Lukasz (used to play guitar). The first rehearsals where done only by him and the first drummer - Slawek. Some months later Mikolaj joins the band (vocals). They started to write songs. After some time Slawek left the band, but Maras and Krzychu joined :) Lukasz switched to play bass. After finding a good place to play and with a new drummer, Szymon, the band writes new songs. Onfortunately Mikolaj had to leave. Mike took his place on vocals.
Szymon did not fit into SQUALL... For over 2 months the band had no drummer.
While seraching for a new drummer Lukasz came upon Adam. With some fresh blood SQUALL finished the material. They played their first live show on War Tribe Tour 2006 and recorded their first demo "...anger of the sea god". During the recording Adam left... And now Maciej is the newest member.
SQUALL recorded their second demo "ADRENALINE" in CORVUS Studio. The recordings began summer 2008. It took a year to finish the material (problems, problems etc)! The CD is finished and will be officially released in the end of august 2009.

Source : MasterLux